Chapter 2137 The troubles of poverty

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 Yuan Changjin knew that there would be no more breakthroughs in his official career. He was already 60 years old. In two or three years, it would be a high probability that he would retire from the position of deputy minister.

In other words, he already knew his destiny.

Therefore, there is no need to continue to work hard, and professionally, he seems to have a good future.

He gradually realized that after the prescription was leaked, it did not have much impact on his business. The number of patients in the hospital did not decrease. Every time he released the prescription, they would all be taken within 5 minutes.

He applied for an extra half-day of outpatient service, and on Wednesday morning, he went to the Affiliated Hospital of the University of Chinese Medicine for outpatient treatment.

Of course the principal agrees.

The principal is at the same level as Yuan Changjin, both are deputy ministers. However, in terms of jurisdiction, the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine is under the direct control of the Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine. How could the principal disagree with the request of his immediate superior?

Yuan Changjin added a half-day outpatient clinic purely to expand the patient base.

The patient group is something that every doctor cares about. Accumulating a large enough patient group in a lifetime is what doctors do throughout their lives.

Although Liu Muqiao's ancient prescription is very effective, it does not mean that taking the medicine once will cure the disease once and for all, and you will be completely cured from now on.

In fact, the disease can reoccur, and you may have to continue taking medicine for a period of time in the future, or the patient may develop other problems.

Yuan Changjin knows this basic rule. The patient base is large enough, and he will not have to worry about patients coming to see him in the future.

At the same time, expanding the patient base is also the most valuable way to expand influence. Although advertising is effective, it is impossible to advertise all the time. The truly valuable advertising is the reputation of patients.

The more patients he cures, the more word-of-mouth he gets, and like a snowball, Yuan Changjin's fame will grow.

Yuan Changjin values ​​not only ordinary patients, but also the group of high-end customers. The so-called high-end customers are the people who come to see doctors through the back door.

The back door is very fragrant. This road is the favorite door of the rich and powerful. This kind of door can lead to many places, even to places that the front door can never reach.

Yuan Changjin kept the back door well, and he almost never closed it. The front door was only open on Wednesday and Friday mornings, and the back door was open all the time.

People who use the back door have two benefits. One is a loss-making business on the surface, but they can increase brand awareness, just like Chang Lao and his group. The other benefit is that they can send money.

People who use the back door are very generous, because using the back door gives the patient the greatest personality value. Being able to get through such a back door means that one's own value has been recognized unprecedentedly. This kind of value recognition cannot be measured by money.

Although it cannot be measured in money, it is ultimately reflected in money.

Therefore, they are very generous.

A calligraphy and painting, a piece of art, an antique, a rare item, and cash...

Not long after, Yuan Changjin’s collection ran out of room.

The house is not big enough!

It is really not easy to buy a house in Beijing.

Now, Yuan Changjin has two houses. One is allocated by his work unit. As a deputy minister or above, he should have a public house. The house is not big and has no permanent property rights. Lao Yuan also has one house and one house.

Commercial housing. Like others, he also bought a house that will belong to him forever.

The house is not small, 140 square meters.

In the capital, 140 square meters is not too small for three bedrooms. However, for Yuan Changjin, three bedrooms is not enough!

He and his wife share a bedroom. His son and daughter-in-law come back occasionally and need another bedroom. The old mother also wants one. The three bedrooms are divided like this.

The grandson’s house has not been settled yet.

Lao Yuan’s clinic is temporarily borrowing the room of his son and daughter-in-law.

The most urgent thing now is the lack of a place to collect fine wine, fine cigarettes, local products, calligraphy and paintings, antiques, and other valuables.

Very distressed!

Yuan Changjin suddenly realized the pain of poverty.

Too poor! He sighed.

No matter what, I have to buy a 300-square-meter house!

Yuan Changjin is eager to buy a larger house.

How big is enough?

He has been thinking about it for a long time. At least the following requirements must be met: First, he and his wife each have a bedroom. Now that they are old, there is no need to live in one. It is best to sleep separately and not disturb each other. In this way, two people are needed.

There are two master bedrooms, one for the son and daughter-in-law, one for the grandchildren, and one for the old mother.

In this way, there need to be 6 bedrooms.

Oh, by the way, there is also a nanny’s room. As we get older and older, how can we not hire a younger nanny?

In addition to these, there must be a study room. I am a high-level intellectual, how can I be decent without a study room?

Then there must be a reception room. As it becomes more and more famous, there is no reception room. How can people come to visit and have any dignity?

A consulting room is also required for medical treatment.

A clinic is a must. If you go through the back door to see a doctor, there is not even a clinic. How dare you charge other people’s medical fees? Not only should there be one, but it should also be relatively large, 30 to 40 square meters to be decent.

In this way, do the math and add up to 4 rooms again.

Then comes the important point.

Yuan Changjin needs two storage rooms, one for collecting tobacco, wine and local specialties, and the other for collecting calligraphy and painting, antiques and works of art.

This requires two large houses. According to the current purchase speed, these two houses cannot be smaller, and solid wood shelves or stainless steel shelves must be made with several layers to stack things.

In this way, at least 12 rooms are needed in total - not counting the living room and dining room.

How big should this house be?

Yuan Changjin suddenly almost fainted again. He sighed, "I'm so poor!"

A house of at least 300 square meters is required.

In Beijing, it’s a bit daunting to buy a 300-square-meter house.

A better location, more than 300 square meters of luxury commercial housing, costs almost 20 million.

Yuan Changjin is a good official who is not corrupt or corrupt. He bought a house for his son a few years ago, but now he is running out of money. 20 million is not easy!

Yuan Changjin did some calculations and collected the down payment first. Since it was his second home, the down payment was not enough.

He added up all his savings and cash, and there was still a shortfall of 2 million, so he set his sights on these calligraphy, paintings, and antiques.

These things need to be identified.

It just so happened that a patient came one day and he was an expert in this field.

Liu Muqiao waived his medical fees and took out two cultural relics for him to identify. One was an ancient painting, a picture of Tang Bohu's maid, and the other was a vase, said to be an underglaze multicolored painting from the Song Dynasty.

The pictures of ladies are real!

Appraisal, digging! 4 million yuan!

Yuan Changjin's mind was buzzing, is this true? I just helped someone treat a disease, and I accepted his 4 million real paintings?

My back feels cold.

This is no ordinary transaction.

He remembered clearly that the person who gave the painting was a vice president of the electric power company.

Could it be stolen goods?

This chapter has been completed!
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