Chapter 2146 Where is she going?

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 Xie Min’s words are indeed very puzzling.

Jiang Wei also felt that Xie Min was not talking about who Liu Miqiao would choose as his partner in the end. The other two, oh, by the way, there is also one, Peng Shan in the capital, would have hatred for Liu Miqiao.

I shouldn’t be talking about this, because, because, it doesn’t feel like we are talking about the three of us!

Just a feeling.

Oh, by the way, Jiang Wei contacted Peng Shan in Beijing a few days ago, and the secretariat said that she took leave and went home.

Where is Peng Shan’s hometown? Jiang Wei doesn’t know at all.

Jiang Wei didn't ask Liu Muqiao about this matter. She thought she was just asking for a few days' leave. She contacted her again yesterday, but she still hasn't received a reply. The key question is, why didn't Peng Shan turn on her mobile phone? Is there no mobile phone signal in her hometown?

Jiang Wei said: "Mu Qiao, Peng Shan asked for leave?"

Liu Muqiao said: "Yes, she took a year's leave."

Jiang Wei was very surprised, "Why?"

Liu Muqiao said: "She said that her parents are getting older and if they don't accompany them, they will be afraid that they will have no chance in the future. She came out relatively early, and after she went to college, she rarely had the opportunity to go home."

Jiang Wei said "Ah" and didn't say anything else, but she didn't think this was a good reason.

She wasn't going to ask further questions, especially since there were so many people here. The key was that there was someone like Xiyu here. If she had any questions, she would ask you to get to the bottom of it.

Xie Min pretended not to notice.

In the end, Su Yajuan and Xi Yu both said that they would never be resentful towards Liu Maqiao in their entire lives, although they knew where the resentment would come from.

The next day, Xie Min left, and she refused even when Liu Maqiao asked her to get on the plane.

Liu Muqiao was a little skeptical.

Jianyang City probably no longer exists. Xie Min must have told a lie to prevent Liu Maqiao and the others from finding her. Last time, Xiangya's dean Wu Anhua said that he met Qingyunzi, and Qingyunzi said that they were no longer in Jianyang City.

, but in Zhongnan Mountain.

At that time, Liu Muqiao suspected that the so-called Zhongnan Mountain might also be fake, because many people said that many people lived in seclusion in Zhongnan Mountain and there would be a lot of spiritual energy there?

If there was a lot of spiritual energy, it would no longer be a secret.

Zhongnan Mountain is different from Jianyang City. The particularity of Jianyang City is that there is no other similar place.

After Xie Min left, Liu Xu hired a woman in her 40s to take charge of the day-to-day management of the orphanage. She would stay there almost every day. On Mondays and Thursdays, she would stay one night in the orphanage. Because of this

For two days, Bu Wenbin was on duty in the company.

Liuxu is already living with Bu Wenbin. Liuxu’s villa is bigger than anyone else’s in Antai Hospital. She bought a 50 million house.

The 50 million villas in Qingjiang City are the highest-end ones, and new ones are now prohibited.

Liu Muqiao was a little disappointed.

His mother left suddenly. Although it was not a farewell, the feeling of separation was not pleasant. Fortunately, these women are very sensible. These days, as long as Liu Muqiao is free, they will come to accompany Liu Muqiao.

Even other people in Liu Muqiao's studio will try their best to find time to accompany Liu Muqiao.

Zhong Ling, Chen Taizhong, Chen Ying and Qiao Fengzhihun also eat in the cafeteria almost every day for lunch and dinner. Liu Muqiao will also go to the cafeteria to eat when he is free.

What's interesting is that both Chen Ying and Zhong Ling are pregnant.

Chen Ying hopes to give birth to a boy who is as handsome as her father. She must have forgotten that Qiao Feng's soul was made through plastic surgery, and the previous Qiao Feng's soul was the most ugly.

Zhong Lingze hopes to have a girl.

If according to genetics, girls have a higher chance of inheriting male intelligence, Zhong Ling hopes that her daughter will be as beautiful as Chen Taizhong. Of course, she does not want her daughter to be as ugly as Chen Taizhong. Zhong Ling was quite beautiful before she was injured, but she cannot compare with now.


Chen Ying's due date is April next year, and Zhong Ling's due date is May next year.

The two of them still insist on going to work. Liu Miqiao said that it is up to them.

Jiang Wei sometimes joked, Su Yajuan, Xi Yu, you two hurry up and give Liu Maqiao a baby. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a boy or a girl. Liu Hanmo wants a baby.

As soon as this joke was made, Su Yajuan and Xi Yu, who had been talking and laughing just now, suddenly became silent. No one would answer Jiang Wei's words.

There is no possibility for Jiang Wei to give birth to a child. Until her body recovers, her own oxygen supply will be a problem.

Her body is a mystery.

A heart rate of 36 beats per minute and a breathing rate of 8 times would be gone long ago if it were another person.

The reason why there was no accident should be the support of spiritual energy.

Last time, Liu Muqiao and Jiang Wei swam on the rooftop and miraculously stayed underwater for 15 minutes without having to come out for air. This shows that spiritual energy has a great effect.

The reason why Liu Muqiao accepted Xie Min to live in Jianyang City, or a place similar to Jianyang City, was because Xie Min also had a spiritual energy in him.

Xie Min is also Qingyunzi's apprentice. She is practicing internal skills and mental methods. The aura in her body is the size of a finger. According to Qingyunzi, Xie Min can also become an immortal.

Although Liu Muqiao does not believe that there is any theory of becoming an immortal, he still believes that spiritual energy is of great benefit, as it can prolong life and resist diseases.

Go to Jianyang City to increase your aura, Liu Muqiao supports you.

When people reach a certain age, they must prepare for the later stages of their lives.

Before the age of 60, people are engaged in career. After the age of 60, it is necessary to take good care of the body. At this time, career is not important. Reputation and money are really rubbish, especially for someone like Liu Hanmo.

For people who have spent all their money in their lives, there is no point in making more money.

Only the poor are meaningful if they are still making money after the age of 60. There is really no need for the rich to continue to work hard to make money.

After the age of 60, the body begins to age, especially the aging of the brain, which is very scary.

Nowadays, with the extension of average life span, it is no longer common for people to live to the age of 80 or 90. At this age, there are two main things that cannot be endured, one is blood vessels and the other is the brain.

If you do not pay attention to maintenance after the age of 50, these two important organs will accelerate aging, resulting in cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, myocardial infarction, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, etc.

These diseases are very harmful. Cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage can make patients paralyzed in bed and unable to take care of themselves;

Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease are equally scary. In the former, the course of the disease can be very long, even more than 10 years, and in the end, the ability to take care of oneself is completely lost, and even the movement of eating is forgotten.

Parkinson's disease is even more frightening. It has a long course. In the final stage, the ability to take care of oneself is completely lost and requires dedicated care.

These diseases should be avoided as much as possible throughout your life.

Therefore, when Xie Min left Qingjiang and went to the so-called Jianyang City, Liu Maqiao supported her from the bottom of his heart and hoped that she would live a quality life in her old age.

Besides, she finally returned to Liu Hanmo and her past grudges were wiped out. Isn’t it a good destination?

This chapter has been completed!
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