Chapter 2212 Obsessed

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 Liu Muqiao decided to go to the Alps. However, it was a bit difficult. This two-thousand-kilometer mountain range was really too big. It was definitely not easy to interview a person named Xie Min. What’s more, Xie Min was not necessarily

Just call her Xie Min, maybe another name, such as Venus, Xie Lisi, or Hermione.

We had already planned to leave, but an unexpected incident had to be put aside for the time being. Sun Yigu suddenly became insane.

Liu Muqiao rushed to the ward immediately. Sun Yigu was in a state of delirium. It was obvious that he was possessed.

Psychiatrist Tom also came to see us.

"First rule out organic diseases." For most mental diseases, organic diseases must be ruled out first. Many intracranial diseases or systemic toxic diseases will have mental symptoms.

Mental illness will not kill people, but organic diseases will.

Liu Muqiao thought a lot in his mind. He is a master of neurology. Based on his feeling, there should be no organic disease. However, medicine cannot be based on feeling.

Sun Yigu was sedated and quickly sent to the MRI room.

With this examination, we can basically find out whether Sun Yigu has any organic disease.

Soon, the MRI results came back, ruling out organic disease.

Liu Muqiao knew that Sun Yigu must have gone crazy after impacting the fifth-level Tian Lai Needle.

How to treat this is a question.

It is best not to use antipsychotics. Once he takes antipsychotics, Sun Yigu will basically become a useless person and become demented. Let alone using Tianlai needle, he will not be able to perform surgery for liver and gallbladder diseases that he was good at in the past.<


He also thought of traditional Chinese medicine.

Among ancient prescriptions, there is no ideal Chinese medicine prescription.

Liu Muqiao thought for a long time, and finally made up his mind to use the seven-layer Tianlai needle to treat him.

Now, Sun Yigu is stuck between the fourth level peak and the fifth level Heavenly Sound Needle. Theoretically speaking, you can either pull him back or help him and let him enter the fifth level.

Liu Muqiao was not sure.

He is going to give it a try first.

The first time, it was not ideal. When Liu Miqiao was doing Tianlai Acupuncture, he obviously encountered resistance, and even the music he played continued to be blocked.

However, it was not without some gains. Sun Yigu's restless mood improved slightly.

Liu Muqiao thought about it and decided not to rush, once every 3 days or once every 7 days, definitely not too many times.

On the fourth day, Liu Miqiao performed the seven-layer Tianlai Needle again, but this time the harvest was not great, and Sun Yigu was still mentally disturbed.

The reward this time was that Sun Yigu's confused mind calmed down a little, and he could occasionally remember who he was.

Liu Miqiao had some experience with the Tianlai Acupuncture twice, so he helped Sun Yigu attack several closed acupuncture points, allowing him to enter the fifth level.

Now that he had this idea, he concentrated on helping Sun Yigu break through to the fifth level.

This is a bit risky.

Logically speaking, Sun Yigu's attempt to rush to the fifth floor is indeed quite radical. If only he had played steadily on the third floor, even if he reached the fourth floor, he could still be safe if he held steady and stopped trying to rush up.

Originally, he took a risk by rushing to the fourth floor.

It would be possible if Liu Muqiao brought Sun Yigu back to the fourth floor. But Liu Muqiao was worried that Sun Yigu would not be able to help himself and take risks. If he went too far, he would go insane, which could lead to insanity in the least, or death in the worst case.

In order to get rid of it once and for all, Liu Miqiao decided to help him.

It stands to reason that the highest level of talent Sun Yigu has is the fourth level. It is impossible to reach the fifth level by practicing on his own.

Reaching the fourth floor is his ceiling. The reason why he can reach the fourth floor is related to his diligence and studiousness. He is almost obsessed with practicing Tianlai Acupuncture, day and night.

Of course, his ability to reach Level 4 is also related to his talent. Sun Yigu is talented in medicine. It stands to reason that the one vote short of being selected as an academician was a complete accident.

Liu Muqiao prepares to help Sun Yigu break through the fifth floor once every seven days.

He only told Jiang Wei and no one else.

Sun Yigu still uses some antipsychotic drugs between treatments, otherwise his irritability will make him exhausted.

Tom helped him use chlorpromazine.

The plan to go to the Alps can only be postponed. It is difficult to say how many weeks Sun Yigu will need treatment.

Xiaolong’s score came out. 663 points.

Not bad, I took 23 less test papers and still got 663 points, which is very good.

There is no problem in applying for Zhongnan. Just say hello and don’t recruit into the eight-year system.

Others want to squeeze into the 8-year program and get all the diplomas at once.

However, Xiaolong quit. He will study for an undergraduate degree at Zhongnan Xiangya, a master's degree at Xiehe University, and a doctoral degree from Liu Muqiao at Qingjiang University.

Originally, Liu Muqiao was a part-time professor at several schools, including Peking University, Peking University, Xiangya University, etc., and he could apply to be a PhD student at any of them.

Xiaolong thinks this is not pure, and he wants to study as a graduate student at Liu Maqiao's school.

Thanks to Liu Muqiao's fame, the reputation of Qingjiang University School of Medicine has increased a lot, especially the School of Nursing. Since it is integrated with the Nursing School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the graduates of this School of Nursing are assigned a path, it is likely to be Antai Hospital. People who signed up are very enthusiastic

, the scores of the School of Nursing are close to those of clinical medicine.

Both the School of Medicine and the School of Nursing of Qingjiang University are among the first-tier colleges in the country. The score of the School of Medicine is about 630, which is a full 50 points higher than the previous score of 580.

The student internship base of Qingjiang University School of Medicine is mainly the four affiliated hospitals of Qingjiang University, plus Dexin Hospital. The teaching quality is very high, especially Antai Hospital, where the famous professors all have teaching tasks.

Another important aspect of student internship is knowledge. Different hospitals have different types of diseases. Those diseases that cannot be seen in county-level hospitals and prefecture-level hospitals can be seen in large hospitals. The higher the level of the hospital, the more diseases they can see.

The more diseases there are. Antai Hospital treats patients from all over the world. Naturally, students can see many more diseases. Naturally, the quality of such students will be high.

In the past two years, students who graduated from Qingjiang University have been very popular. Other hospitals are rushing to get those masters and Ph.D. students who have studied at Qingjiang University.

However, for students who graduated from Qingjiang University, their dream place of employment is Antai Hospital or Dexin Hospital.

Antai Hospital cannot only recruit PhDs from Qingjiang University. They will give a large proportion of their employment to PhDs from prestigious universities such as Peking University, Beijing University, Southwest, Xiangya, Tongji, Zhongshan, and Shanghai Medical University.

Antai Hospital does not engage in consanguineous marriages. They want to include all factions in the country, and academics need to be debated.

In addition to domestic students, Antai Hospital has begun to recruit foreign graduates.

Since two years ago, Antai Hospital has not only recruited famous foreign professors, but also graduates from famous schools. Medical students who graduated from Harvard, Hopkins, Yale, etc. are very useful. With so many foreign patients in the hospital, we also need

Medical care will be more convenient if students who understand the languages ​​of various countries join.


This chapter has been completed!
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