Chapter 2209 Turtle

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 Chapter 2208 Turtle

Sun Tao is a relatively honest cadre. Be careful about the present and cherish the future.

He knew very well that today's status and wealth were a bit unexpected and were not created by his own hard work, so he was more cautious and cherished them.

Especially when you become a deputy director, you can’t even dream of it. If you don’t cherish it, you will fall down that day and it will be too late to regret it.

To be honest, Sun Tao's power is greater than that of many officials. He has tens of billions in revenue and expenditure every year. If he just trembles, he will have endless money.

He didn't, he didn't dare.

Except for some cigarettes, alcoholic drinks and local specialties, he would never accept any slightly larger red envelopes.

In fact, he is not short of money. Every year, Sun Tao's formal income is more than 1 million, which is not comparable to that of key professors. But with this kind of legal and compliant income, he is more than 1 million after tax, so he should be satisfied.<


Especially with this status, he was really surprised that a young doctor was promoted to the deputy department.

He can't do it if he doesn't strictly demand himself. He has too much power. Liu Muqiao gave him all the power. He is actually the director of Antai Hospital. If he is not careful, he will be hit by sugar-coated bullets and fall into a state of eternal destruction.<


This time, his cousin came to do business, and he really didn't want to, but rejecting it outright would definitely not work.

He had to give them some soup to eat.

Antai Hospital invests hundreds of millions every year in addition to formal infrastructure, small repairs and maintenance, and it is a job that is full of praise for everyone.

His cousin has come to see him many times, but there is nothing he can do. The elders in his hometown have also spoken out, and it is impossible not to give him some business.

Sun Tao is the vice president of the Sun Family Ancestral Hall.

This is an honor given by the Sun family. Being the vice president is the highest honorary position, because the president must be the elder and the person in charge.

It is impossible for Sun Tao to take charge of affairs. He can only be constantly disturbed by those in charge. He discusses major decisions of the ancestral hall and reports on the difficulties encountered by the ancestral hall. Of course, these difficulties are financial difficulties. Other difficulties will be handled by the people at home.<


Sun Tao is the biggest contributor to the Sun Family Ancestral Hall, and it has basically formed a pattern. Every year, Sun Tao donates tens of thousands of yuan.

Sun Tao is the most proud person of the Sun Family Ancestral Hall. The total cost of rebuilding the Sun Family Ancestral Hall the year before last was 1.6 million, and Sun Tao alone donated 500,000. There is no way around this. It is not that Sun Tao wants to be in the limelight, but that Sun's elders come to visit repeatedly.

How much is the difference today and how much is the difference tomorrow? How many pillars need to be named? Whose family should be listed on them? The rules are for the top two pillars and must donate 200,000. If Sun Tao doesn't name them, who will be named?

In this way, Sun Tao donated 500,000 yuan, which was five times that of the second place.

In the countryside, clan power is not small. Among the more than 1,000 villagers in Sunjiawan, 90% are named Sun. Therefore, the village chief has always been someone named Sun.

The village chief is the clan leader and the president of the ancestral hall.

This time my cousin came to do business, and the village chief sent a message, saying that he was doing something on behalf of Sun Jiawan, and you must support Sun Tao.

I had no choice but to speak to Liu Maqiao.

Liu Muqiao agreed.

Sun Tao told Zeng Xuefei again, and Zeng Xuefei fully agreed.

Now, there are not many people doing sporadic business in the hospital. There are only three people, with hundreds of millions of funds every year. She doesn't want to be monopolized by some people. If there are more people doing it, there will be competition, and the quality will be better and worse.

Dare to sit down and raise the price.

"No problem, let your cousin know as soon as possible. It just so happens that the project behind the internal medicine building needs to be hired. The budget is 2.3 million. Although it is relatively small, I just came in and started small." Zeng Xuefei said.

"2.3 million? My original intention is to make him less than 1 million a year. If it's too big, I'm afraid the impact will be bad." Sun Tao said.

"Oh, 1 million, just don't let him in. It's too little. Even if it's 10% of the profit, it's 100,000 yuan. Besides, I'm very tight on the profit and can't reach 10%.

A quota of 1 million will definitely not work. At least, it must be limited to 20 million so that I can operate it easily."

"20 million? This is too big." Sun Tao was a little surprised.

Zeng Xuefei smiled and said, "In Antai Hospital, what is ten million? In your writing, tens of billions are counted after the decimal point in a year. In your eyes, it is really not money."

Sun Tao said: "This analogy is wrong. Well, I won't rule it out. You try to give him as little share as possible. I think it is more appropriate to control it to 7 figures. More, really, Xuefei, for me

Prestige is damaged."

Zeng Xuefei smiled and said, "I understand and I won't embarrass you."

The matter was settled like that.

In the evening, Sun Zhiyun came, carrying two soft-shell turtles, two pheasants, and two bottles of good wine.

"What are you doing... There is no fire in my house. Except on weekends, we usually eat in the hospital cafeteria."

Sun Tao really didn't want other people's things. This soft-shelled turtle is called wild, but in fact it is definitely not wild. This pheasant is actually domesticated. He didn't dare to taste these two bottles of wine, and Sun Zhiyun had no way, so where could he go?

Buy authentic Maotai liquor?

However, if you are too familiar with someone, you are still a relative, so don’t accept him, because they will gossip.

Sun Tao pretended to be happy to accept it, but when he left later, he would have to pay for two bottles of Wuliangye and two pieces of King Furong.

"Sun Tao, thank you so much this time. When I make money, the first thing I want to do is thank you." Sun Zhiyun said, with a face full of excitement that he was about to make a fortune.

"Don't say this. If you make a small amount of money, I won't expect you to thank you, and you don't want to thank me. We are relatives. From now on, you must pay attention to the rules and don't say that we are brothers easily. It is best to

Don't mention me in front of others." Sun Tao had to say something first.

"Sun Tao, you are too cautious. I am your cousin. I don't break the law, and I don't steal or rob. I just want to take advantage of you. I mention you because I feel proud to have you as a relative. Don't worry,

I will only be someone who protects you, and I will never be someone who harms your honor." Sun Zhiyun said.

"It's not caution, it's necessity. I know you won't break the law, but people's words can be scary. Just remember one thing, don't say that we are brothers." Sun Tao knew that he couldn't tell this person clearly.

"Okay, I understand." Sun Zhiyun said.

After sitting for a while, Sun Tao didn't want to chat with him for a long time. After reminding him several times, he got up. Sun Tao gave him two bottles of wine and two cigarettes. He refused to accept them for a long time and said, "How can this be done? I

Isn’t this profitable?”

After a long time, I finally picked up my things and left.

However, on the third day, Sun Tao regretted it. Sun Zhiyun caused trouble for Zeng Xuefei.

Zeng Xuefei had three projects to do and chose three in Baotou, among which Sun Zhiyun was shortlisted for the first time.

These three projects range from large to small, with the largest one costing 12 million yuan. It involves digging trenches and rebuilding sewers. The construction is difficult and the construction period is tight, but it cannot affect the normal work of the hospital.

Sun Zhiyun was assigned the smallest one, with a budget of 3.2 million.

This chapter has been completed!
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