Chapter 350 Can’t go back

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 Liu Muqiao’s efforts are in vain.

Neither Amei nor Ah Shui has the ability to obtain maps, nor the ability to draw route maps. They have only been out of the mountains twice, both times by jeep, and bought some clothes.

The Mixi people spin, dye, sew, and buy most of their own clothes. Even their shoes and socks are made by themselves.

Liu Muqiao didn't want to deceive other people's feelings, so he quickly gave up his efforts and stopped Dr. Zou's plan to go any further.

The next day, Liu Miqiao went to Hashimoto's house again and checked the wound. It was good, there was no redness, swelling, and no exudate.

Liu Muqiao knew in his heart that this challenge had been successful, otherwise, the system would not have rewarded him with the "master-level debridement and suturing" technology.

Hashimoto was very happy and left Liu Miqiao and Dr. Zou to have lunch. Liu Miqiao also showed off his cooking skills and made Hashimoto and his four wives scream.

I have never eaten such wonderful food in my life.

"Outside, we eat this kind of dishes every day." Liu Maqiao seemed to be talking to himself.

"The outside world is so nice?" Among them, the youngest wife asked, "What else is interesting in the outside world?"

Liu Muqiao opened his chat box and talked with great joy, describing the outside world as colorful, beautiful, fun and happy.

Not to mention Hashimoto’s wife who was fascinated by it, even Hashimoto was fascinated by it.

Dr. Zou is asking himself, is it so wonderful? Why didn’t I notice it?

Hashimoto has been to Jingcheng, and that was ten years ago.

"Ten years ago? Haha, everything is changing with each passing day. It's the same every day, and it's getting better and better every day. You don't know that mainlanders don't even ride in your jeeps. It's so backward and so embarrassing. Even the poorest people are

Driving a car. Unlike what you are doing here, the few motorcycles are still broken motorcycles from more than ten years ago, and they can’t start even after riding for a long time.

We mainlanders all drive Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and many of us drive Bentley and Rolls-Royce. There are highways, high-speed trains, planes, and cruise ships everywhere. Hey, what do you think about the outside world?

Unexpectedly, in your eyes, Jingcheng is a big city and the most high-end place, but in our eyes, Jingcheng is only a fourth- and fifth-tier city..."

Liu Muqiao talked non-stop for another half an hour.

"I also want to go and see it. I especially want to take the high-speed train for a while." Hashimoto's youngest wife said.

"I want it too." Even the eldest wife said.

Finally, Hashimoto said: "It's a pity, I am a person with meritorious service."

People with meritorious deeds are not allowed to leave the mountain.

This time, Wang went to Jingcheng for treatment as a last resort. Originally, Wang was not allowed to go out.

"From now on, when you arrive in Jingcheng, I will fly over from Qingjiang City to pick you up to have some fun in Qingjiang City. Our Qingjiang City has many snacks, many beautiful scenery, as well as video games, cinemas, and amusement parks.

You can ride a roller coaster, a rapid ride, a merry-go-round..."

"How will we find you then?" said the youngest wife.

"Let's make a call." Liu Miqiao took out a Huawei P30 mobile phone from his pocket, "Unfortunately, there is no signal here. This mobile phone can do a lot of things. Come, I will take pictures for you."

Liu Muqiao adjusted the camera function to "beauty" mode and took many photos of them.

Looking at the photos of themselves who had been beautified, the wives were so surprised that they were speechless for a long time.

I turned out to be so beautiful!

"We can also record, who can dance?"

The wives were all good at singing and dancing, so Liu Maqiao recorded it for them and showed it to them.


In this way, Liu Miqiao and the Hashimoto family had a lot of fun, and gradually became good friends.

When it was time for dinner, Hashimoto and his wives all persuaded them to stay, and Liu Maqiao was not polite and stayed for dinner.

All the dishes in the evening were stir-fried by Liu Miqiao. Dr. Zou was very disappointed and looked at the papayas outside the window in a daze.

"Aren't you staying to be our miracle doctor?" A wife came back to her senses and asked.

Hashimoto came back to his senses and said: "It is impossible for you to leave here. The king has made up his mind to keep you here. He will give you the most wealth, the highest status, and the most beautiful woman. You

, don’t even think about leaving.”

Liu Muqiao raised his head and said, "Are you going to keep me by force?"

"Yes, but we will help you send Zhao Yilin out."

"What if I insist on leaving?"

"That won't work. The king's guards will kill you. You have to know that the king's guards are highly skilled in martial arts. One of them can beat 10 ordinary people."

"But, I don't want to stay here all my life. Your king is not as rich as me. The women outside are more beautiful and charming. I must leave."

Hashimoto was silent for a moment and said: "It's impossible for you to leave. Don't say this outside. The more you say this, the less chance you will have to leave."

"I won't tell you. I'm just telling you that I will find a way to leave. It's not good here. I hope you will leave too. Once outside, I will be responsible for your lives."

Hashimoto shook his head.

"It is impossible for us to leave here. This is our home. Mixi people take root here. If we leave here, we will have no home. I don't object to you leaving, but I advise you not to take risks and leave.

There is no way to get out. This place is more than 200 kilometers away from the border. There are virgin forests everywhere. Once you enter the forest, you will get lost. Besides, there are many checkpoints along the way out."

As soon as these words came out, Dr. Zou's expression changed, and he shouted in his heart, "Oh no."

Liu Muqiao was not too surprised. This was expected.

In Liu Muqiao's heart, there is still hope that the comrades on the national hidden front will definitely find a way.

The woman wearing sunglasses who received Liu Miqiao twice must be a comrade on the hidden front.

"We have to go to the market tomorrow, so you should go back and rest early." After finishing the meal, Hashimoto said to Liu Miqiao, and then gave another instruction, "Don't say what you just said to others, it is very dangerous.

When he got home, Dr. Zou was in a particularly bad mood.

He was thinking about his wife and children. What happened? He couldn't go back.

The next day, Liu Muqiao and Zou Qingxiang followed a group of people towards Nitsa.

There were not many people, only about 50, all carrying machetes and long-handled scimitars.

Wang did not go, but Wang's younger brother went in his place. Liu Maqiao and Dr. Zou both rode horses.

Fortunately, I had the experience of riding a horse with Brother Shi in Shanhe Village last time, otherwise, today would have been miserable.

The road is winding, sometimes going uphill and sometimes downhill, and it has to pass by a small river road. The bridges are all single-plank bridges, and the horses have to wade across them.

We set off at around 5 o'clock in the morning and have been walking for 4 hours, still wandering around the mountains.

Only then did Liu Miqiao completely believe what Hashimoto said. After entering the mountains, you would soon get lost.

Without local people to guide you, you can’t get out of the mountain.

It wasn't until 11 o'clock that the group of people came out of the ravine and came to a valley.

Many people.

The square is filled with all kinds of things.

This chapter has been completed!
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