Chapter 355 Wedding Day

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 Reunion is very happy.

The Department of Neurology held a party, and all department staff, except those on duty, attended.

However, not long after it started, unexpectedly Dean Pi and Sun Tao also came to participate, and then a series of people came in.

Department directors, head nurses, and old comrades from other departments, especially those who have worked with Zhao Yilin in the past 20 or 30 years, all came.

We originally prepared 10 tables of meals, but ended up eating 60 tables.

In other words, there were 600 participants in the end.

Yuan Shan is a must, and she brings with her the entire department’s medical staff.

Near the end, Shen Yun also rushed over.

Zhao Yilin made a toast at every table.

He is sincerely grateful.

Everyone came to congratulate me sincerely.

Especially when they found out that Zhao Yilin's arm had not been removed, many people were so excited that they cried.

In the end, Zhao Yilin got drunk and was in a mess.

Xiang Lifang, Yuan Shan takes care of him.

Shen Yun did not join.

She is with Liu Muqiao.

She wanted to hear the process of rescuing Zhao Yilin.

Liu Muqiao didn't know many details and only gave a general outline, but Shen Yun was shocked to hear it.

Finally, Shen Yun asked Liu Muqiao to be a matchmaker. She wanted to marry Zhao Yilin as soon as possible.

"Do you mind the age difference between you?"

Liu Muqiao raised the main issue. It must be reminded that the two of them are 38 and 56 years old, which is 18 years apart.

"It doesn't matter, Zhao Yilin's heart and body are almost the same as those of a 40-year-old person." Shen Yun said.

"Your work is irregular, and Zhao Yilin is also very busy. You have to face more separation and less time together. This is what you need to face." Liu Muqiao reminded.

"I try my best to spend time with him. For work matters, Yaofang also has a helper, Situ Yao, whom you know, she can help her."

"One more question, do you mind if you have a daughter and he has a son? The reason why Zhao Yilin has not gotten married these years is related to his son. His son is not very obedient."

"It doesn't matter, I already understand, he told me."

"Okay, I'll be the matchmaker."

After chatting for a while, Shen Yun returned to the hotel.

At this time, Zhao Yilin was so drunk that Xiang Lifang and Yuan Shan were covered in vomit and were unable to help him...

The next day, Liu Muqiao found some free time and said to Zhao Yilin: "I have something to discuss with you."

"What about Shen Yun?"


"Do you think we are a good fit?"

"You know whether it's suitable or not, how can you ask me?"

"As a bystander, what do you think?"

"I don't think there's anything wrong with it. You guys have been doing this for a long time, so you should know best whether it's suitable or not."

"That's not what I mean. I need a home, a safe and stable home, not just a night of fun. Also, when I get old, two people will not love, but take care of me. So, I need to seriously consider it. Tell Shen Yun "She needs to calm down, and I need to calm down too. It will last forever, not just for a moment. Impulse is the devil, you know." Zhao Yilin said very seriously.

Liu Muqiao is also very serious.

"Director, when you say that, I really can't tell Shen Yun that she is sincere and passionate. It is precisely because of this ordeal that she made up her mind."

"Yes, it is precisely because of this ordeal that I have learned a lot of things. Many things cannot be based on emotion. For example, Liu Zhongquan, I regret reporting him."

Liu Muqiao chuckled bitterly, "My perception is different from yours. Not only do I want to report him, I also want to kill him."

Zhao Yilin looked at Liu Muqiao.

"Your stay in the Audio-Technica is too short. If you stay for ten days and a half, or for a year or two, your outlook on life will have a big change. Life is really not easy for people. We must be very satisfied now. We I’m so happy.”

Liu Muqiao blinked, right?

Zhao Yilin went on to say: "The people there are very miserable. Their average income is only more than one yuan a day. They eat corn cobs, drink mountain spring water, and sleep in grass huts. However, they are very satisfied. What they lack is Doctor, you have never seen them. They are deficient in iodine, and many people have big neck disease; deficient in selenium, their hearts are not working; they are deficient in iron, and many people are anemic. But they are already very satisfied."

Liu Muqiao shook his head, "I don't understand, I really don't understand! Does what you said have anything to do with Shen Yun's marriage?"

"Don't understand? Her and I have very different outlooks on life! I now feel that people can have no money, but they must have a satisfied heart. In a few years, Shen Yun and I will both be old and have no love. She Will she still be so passionate? I am almost 20 years older than her. At that time, my health failed, and she took care of me, okay? Liu Miqiao, I don’t want to get married, I don’t want to drag others down, I am very satisfied with my current life.”

"Bullshit!" Liu Maqiao cursed lightly.

"Really, I am very satisfied now."

"Not at all, but you are afraid! You are afraid of losing what you have now! When you are in danger, you are trembling and afraid of losing!"

"..." Zhao Yilin looked at Liu Miqiao blankly.

"Think about it, is there a deep worry deep in your heart? You are afraid, you are afraid of losing everything. First, you are afraid of death, then, you are afraid of losing an arm, and then, you are afraid of losing you here. Everything you have, reputation, status, money and freedom. Wake up, you are safe, you are back at Antai Hospital, this is your territory."

Zhao Yilin fell into deep thought.

Liu Miqiao continued: "You are afraid of losing love, family, and friendship. You would rather not have it than lose it. Losing it is too terrible. However, you cannot be in danger forever. You are already safe."

Zhao Yilin has not recovered yet.

Liu Muqiao found Shen Yun again and told Zhao Yilin's situation.

"He was very frightened. You should understand that I only stayed there for a few days, and the impact on his soul was too great. You wait a few days for him to come to his senses."

Shen Yun thought for a while and said: "I understand him. At this age, what he fears most is losing what he had in the past, because life is no longer long and there is no chance for a comeback. Well, thank you, Liu Miqiao, I Talk to him in person."

That night, Shen Yun and Zhao Yilin met.

The next day, Zhao Yilin said to Liu Muqiao, "The problem has been solved. I have decided to marry Shen Yun today. However, you must keep it a secret for me first. I plan to hold the wedding on May Day."

"Why so far?"

"It's less than half a year, so it's not too far away. I want my wedding to be more grand. I plan to hold the wedding together when the neuropsychiatric center building is put into use."

"Okay. Double happiness."

"Perhaps, at that time, it will be the third time of happiness!"

"Why is it the third happiness?"

"My cute little Gongju is about to be born!"

"Ah! You still said you won't get married?"


Zhao Yilin laughed so hard that his mouth almost burst.

This chapter has been completed!
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