Chapter 471 Another flying knife

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 When I returned to Qingjiang City, I didn’t expect that it was Zhao Yilin who came to pick me up.

"I heard Du Xiaoping come back and tell me that you are an incredible doctor. He beat Teng Ce all over the place and said that you are actually a miracle doctor." Zhao Yilin said in the car.

"Who dares to accept this title of miracle doctor? In fact, we are just a little ahead in technology in this specialty."

"However, objectively speaking, you are not far from a miracle doctor."

"Not far? Modern medicine is still very backward, and there is no good treatment for many, or most, diseases. One day, if you conquer cancer or some difficult-to-treat disease, then you will dare to accept the title of miracle doctor.

How could Zhao Yilin not know?

Regardless of traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, there is no good solution for many diseases.

It can be said that doctors often do not treat patients, but comfort and help.

Zhao Yilin himself is the chief doctor. In addition to the "three basics", except for puncture and surgery, his neurology department is mostly incapable of treating neurological diseases.

Let’s not talk about this topic.

"Tell me, your pancreatic surgery god, how did you defeat him?"

"Actually, it's not that he was beaten. It should be said that he has become stronger and his surgical skills have improved."

"Have you helped him improve?"

Liu Muqiao smiled slightly.

"Why are you here to pick me up? Didn't I ask Du Xiaoping to send someone?"

"Yes, I was sent here by him. He had two surgeries today, both major surgeries, so he asked me if I had time. When did I not have time?"

The two chatted all the way.

"Did you gain anything from your visit to the capital this time?"

"Yes, I have an idea for the opening of our neuropsychiatric center. We will invite big names from all over the world to hold academic activities for at least a week. This activity must have lectures, results presentations, and on-site

Teaching surgery, etc."

"That must be supported by the International Stroke Society, the Neuropsychiatric Society and other units. I am a little worried. Although we have several articles about the results of Huatuo Regeneration Pill, I still feel that the reputation is not big enough and it is difficult to promote this

It’s more difficult for a few people to handle it, but it’s more difficult for all the big guys to come over.”

The two discussed it for a while, and Liu Muqiao discovered that there was only one reason for the problem: it was growing too fast and not well-known enough.

Another reason is that there are too few flying knives.

Build visibility.

It is the key to the next stage.

To increase visibility, we need to start from several aspects. First, go out on your own, do more flying knives, and directly influence the experts and professors in big hospitals.

Second, Dr. Zou needs to write more high-quality papers and publish them in important journals.

The third is to expand influence through learning.

Thinking of this, my heart is still shrouded in a thick haze.

It’s still the “World Doctors Alliance”.

The power of this organization is really not that powerful.

If Professor Long hadn't stepped forward to help him this time, he doesn't know when he would have had the opportunity to go out for surgery.

There should be some gains this time. So many experts at home and abroad have seen my surgery with their own eyes, and I can’t believe that no one invited me.

Just as I was thinking about it, my phone rang.

Beijing’s phone number.

Liu Muqiao answered the phone. It turned out to be the number from the Pancreatic Surgery Department of Wuxuan Hospital.

Flying knife.

It’s so easy, I finally have a flying knife.

"Okay, you can send the information to my email. I'll have surgery tomorrow night. Okay, that's it."

Liu Muqiao is in a good mood.

Finally found a breakthrough.

A hole will do.

After the first time, the hole will get bigger and bigger, then it will be a big hole, and finally the breakthrough will be successful.

When he thought of this, Liu Maqiao couldn't help but laugh.

"Old Zhao, we need to do more advertising for neurology. If there are any annual meetings or academic conferences, please arrange for Dr. Zou to pay more attention. Finding breakthroughs from academic conferences is a good way."

Zhao Yilin said: "I have noticed that there will be an annual meeting of the Neurological Epilepsy Society in Shanghai next month. You can register."

"The key is to have suitable patients and do a teaching surgery."

"I'll give it a try. I also say hello to Professor Hao. He is a member of the Standing Committee. There will be an annual Alzheimer's disease conference next month in Spring City."

"Alzheimer's disease, please arrange for others to go there and see if there is any new progress. I guess it won't be of much significance."

After chatting for a while, we arrived at Antai Hospital.

Liu Muqiao first inspected the neurology department with Zhao Yilin, solved some problems, corrected two diagnoses, and then went to the general surgery department.

"Lao Du, are you free tomorrow afternoon?"

After finding Du Xiaoping, Liu Muqiao asked happily.


Du Xiaoping came back last night and had an operation today, and there will be another operation later.

"I'll go to the capital for surgery tomorrow night and come back the day after tomorrow."


Du Xiaoping was looking forward to this day, but unexpectedly, his dream came true.

Liu Muqiao asked again: "You have two surgeries today. I remember, bed 56 is more complicated. Have you done it?"

Du Xiaoping said: "How dare I do it quietly? When you come back, the patient has already entered the operating room."

Liu Muqiao smiled and said, "I looked at the patient that day and it was a bit difficult. Let's go. You will be the surgeon. I will watch from the side."

Arrive at the operating room.

Liu Muqiao washed his hands, put on surgical gown and gloves.

He is ready for surgery at any time.

In fact, after watching the film, he had already estimated that Du Xiaoping would not be able to handle this operation. The adhesions were too severe, there were multiple swollen lymph nodes, and many organs were involved.

Colon, omentum, lymphatic metastasis, jejunum.

This patient cannot cut off the knot with a quick knife. He must be separated step by step. At least, you must separate the small intestine.

This requires better technology.

Sure enough, after reaching one-third of the way, Du Xiaoping raised his hands and surrendered.

Next, Liu Muqiao served as the chief surgeon, Du Xiaoping served as the first assistant, and Dr. Xie, the original first assistant, became the second assistant.

Liu Muqiao taught and taught at the same time, and the difficult separation was quickly separated in his hands.

For separation, he always has curved pliers and finger separation.

Easy and fast.

It doesn’t look difficult.

This is the master.

"Lao Du, you will be the one to do the surgery later."

Liu Muqiao completed the two most difficult steps and exited the surgeon's position. It was estimated that there would be no more problems, so he left the operating room early.

Liu Muqiao was about to go to the pediatric department and took a look at the two clinics when passing by the clinic.

Outside the clinic door of Qian Hao and Qian Jiafu, there were people waiting.

There are more women on one side, and more old people on the other. The differences are clear.

Liu Miqiao did not disturb them and went to the pediatrician.

In pediatrics, he usually does ward rounds twice a week, and can consult at any time if there are special circumstances.

Yesterday, Yuan Shan said that a child had a swollen abdomen and the diagnosis was uncertain.

When Liu Muqiao arrived at the pediatric department, he first met head nurse Liu Ya.

"Liu Muqiao, does the coat for Xie Min's mother fit?" Liu Ya asked.

"I don't know. It should be OK. I haven't asked about it." Liu Maqiao didn't stay at home for long before coming to the hospital on New Year's Eve.

Just as Liu Ya was about to say something, Yuan Shan came over, pushed Liu Miqiao on his shoulders, and went to the doctor's office.

She handed the film to Liu Miqiao.

Liu Muqiao looked at it for a while and said, "The diagnosis is very clear."

Yuan Shan was a little surprised, "Ah, you saw the problem at a glance?"

A Ling and Xiao Liu are here.

Liu Miqiao pointed to the high-density shadow on the CT film and said: "This is not a stone, but a tooth. Therefore, it can be judged that it is a teratoma."


To see a doctor is to grasp the key among the keys.

There are teeth in the abdominal mass, what is it if it’s not a teratoma?

This chapter has been completed!
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