Chapter 473 The nurse wearing the three stripes

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 That’s indeed the case.

Du Xiaoping has made a lot of money in recent years, and he is better at exploiting policy loopholes.

In the early years, he received red envelopes during surgeries, but he later did not dare to accept them. Firstly, due to strict inspections by the superiors, and secondly, for fear of disputes, he did not dare to accept the red envelopes, so he used his brains on drug commissions.

Of course, the more important thing is that he likes to go out for surgery, 3,000, 5,000, sometimes 2,000 is enough.

In Antai Hospital, Du Xiaoping is one of the more financially minded people.

In addition to making money in the hospital, he also invests and speculates in stocks.

To invest, he owns a third porcelain factory in Jiangcheng County, mainly producing artistic porcelain and selling vases. A vase can be sold for 45,000 to 45,000.

Every year, he can get 35,000 yuan from the porcelain factory.

He still has half a lime kiln, but in the past 15 years, it has only been distributed three times, with a total of 4,000 yuan. There is no hope of getting back the money.

He also has a pig farm.

Sometimes I make a profit, sometimes I lose, but overall I still lose money. However, the price of meat is high now, and as long as African swine fever does not occur, there is no suspense about making a profit.

Then there is stock trading.

He is a big boss in Antai Hospital.

I invested a total of 1 million in the stock market. Sometimes I am happy and say how much I have made, but sometimes I am very upset and lose everything.

Now no one knows how much money he still has in the stock market.

It is estimated to be around 500,000.

This can be seen from the fact that Du Xiaoping switched from riding a BMW to a BYD. This guy's financial fortune seems to be not very good.

Logically, he should have a better house, but, a little embarrassed, he still lives in the old hospital house, the house during the housing reform.

However, he bought two houses, two 70-square-meter houses facing each other, adding up to 140 square meters, which was barely embarrassing.

As the saying goes, the more you think about money, the less money will come.

He blames the stock market.

He doesn't think his stock trading skills are bad, he blames the stock market for being too damn unreasonable. Therefore, he almost went to the rooftop every time during several stock market crashes.

Sitting in the Bentley, he planned to buy one one day.

When he arrived at the hospital gate, he was still immersed in the dream of making money.

Liu Muqiao has been here before.

His first impression of a big hospital was here, where he saved Sima Lin Yi, and where he first became famous.

He still remembered that Dr. Zou’s eyes were straight when he saw the nurse here.

Today's greasy uncle is similar. He is also a shameless guy who can chat with women for hours.

After entering the elevator, Du Xiaoping's eyes widened as expected.

Two nurses, one with one stripe and one with three stripes on the nurse's cap.

Liu Muqiao also had to marvel.

This chief nurse is actually less than 40 years old. And she is as beautiful as a flower.

The other head nurse is only a little over 30 years old.

"Chief Nurse, hello." Sure enough, the talkative Du Xiaoping saw someone familiar and started chatting with the Chief Nurse.


The head nurse thought this person was unfamiliar, but since Wuxuan Hospital is such a big hospital with tens of thousands of doctors, nurses, and auxiliary staff, it is only natural that she would not recognize him.

"Are you going to check your work?" Chatterbox saw someone answered, and the words that followed came pouring in.

"Well, go to Ward 37."

"The chief nurse is very talented. He has become the chief nurse at such a young age. The day when he becomes the deputy director is just around the corner."

Du Xiaoping stared closely at such a beautiful face, it would be a shame not to take a few more glances.

"Vice Dean, I have to ask you to vote."

He regards Du Xiaoping as an employee of the hospital. Wuxuan Hospital is currently planning to reorganize its team members, and the chief nurse is one of the candidates.

"When the time comes, you must vote for the president!" the head nurse next to me said quickly.

Du Xiaoping had no choice but to say: "Okay, that's for sure."


"Hey, are you also going to the Pancreatic Surgery Department?" Du Xiaoping asked the head nurse in surprise.

"Yes, didn't I mention Ward 37? Which department are you from?" the chief nurse asked.

"We are here for consultation and surgery," Du Xiaoping said.

"Ah? Are you Dr. Liu Maqiao Liu?" The chief nurse and head nurse stopped.

They looked at Du Xiaoping with a hint of admiration.

They did not expect that the unattractive person in front of them was Liu Maqiao.

The chief nurse is here for this patient.

The patient's name is Fu Jun, a famous entrepreneur.

The chief nurse is Fu Jun's niece. She studied in the United States with money from her uncle Fu Jun. After graduating with a doctorate, she returned to China and applied for a job at Wuxuan Hospital. She worked there for 10 years and was promoted to chief nurse.

She is a very talented person in the nursing team. During the college entrance examination, she could have obtained the clinical major of Peking University School of Medicine, but she chose the nursing major, which shows the uniqueness and ambition of her thinking.

This time, President Fu's uncle had pancreatic head cancer, which was discovered relatively late. The hospital discussed it twice and concluded that the operation was not of great significance and that the operation would be relatively difficult, so the family was informed and the decision was made by the family.

In the end, the opinion of Chief Nurse Fu and his family members was that they should work hard even if there is a glimmer of hope. Finally, Chief Nurse Fu discussed with the department director, Director Xie, and decided to choose the best doctor in the country to perform the surgery.

Their eyes fell on Liu Maqiao who beat Teng Ce down.

Now, Mr. Fu fixed his eyes on Du Xiaoping, "Please, Dr. Liu, my uncle, even if there is a glimmer of hope, we must do our best."

Liu Muqiao had carefully watched the CT films and MRI films last night.

He said: "I saw the film, and it's not that bad. With my Chinese medicine, the 3-year survival rate is relatively high, and the 5-year survival rate is not bad either."

Mr. Fu turned around and glanced at Liu Miqiao.

She thought Liu Muqiao was Du Xiaoping's student.

She said to Du Xiaoping: "Okay, okay, Chinese medicine. My uncle also believes in Chinese medicine. He knows several old Chinese medicine doctors who are very good at tumors."

Du Xiaoping is about to explain.

It is too sinful to pretend to be Liu Miqiao in front of Liu Miqiao.

However, we have already arrived at the door of the doctor's office.

Director Xie of the Pancreatic Surgery Department saw Liu Muqiao coming. He knew Liu Muqiao.

He hurried over, held Liu Miqiao's hand, and said some words of welcome.

The day before yesterday, Liu Muqiao killed Teng Ce. It was so fierce and exciting that as domestic colleagues, we were all excited.

Teng Ce, in the past, was very tall in the eyes of Director Xie and other famous professors.

Now that Liu Muqiao has killed him, naturally, Liu Muqiao's image has become taller.

"Dr. Liu, you did a wonderful job the day before yesterday. It has inspired us. In the past, except for Professor Long and a few others, I usually had to ask Teng Ce for difficult surgeries. Now, okay, from now on

, having you is a blessing for patients and a blessing for the medical system."

"Director, you are too polite. Please take care of me in the future." Liu Muqiao said with a smile.

At this time, Mr. Fu looked at Liu Muqiao in surprise and then at Du Xiaoping. He was not sure who Liu Muqiao was.

Logically speaking, Director Xie should know Liu Muqiao.

But, isn’t the person in front of him too young?

"You, who among you is Liu Miqiao?"

Du Xiaoping quickly pointed at Liu Muqiao and said: "He, he is Liu Muqiao, and I am the first assistant he brought, Du Xiaoping, the chief physician."

He particularly emphasized that he was the chief doctor at Wuxuan Hospital. If he did not make a statement, he would really have no confidence.

Director Xie had also seen Du Xiaoping's surgery. He turned around and shook hands with Du Xiaoping again, "I've seen your surgery and your first assistant did a great job. Please sit down, please sit down."

This chapter has been completed!
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