Chapter 550 Sweeping Monk

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 The battle was over soon.

Li Fan’s heartache.

Fatty’s bone headache.

Fatty is a contestant from Shanghai Medical University.

The fall he received from Liu Muqiao was very serious. Coupled with Li Fan's subsequent kicks, the fat man suffered a loss.

The organizing committee intervened again.

50 boards each.

The Qingjiang University team was deducted 10 points.

The Shanghai Medical University group also deducted 10 points.

In addition, Fatty personally deducted 10 points, Li Fan deducted 10 points, and Liu Muqiao also deducted 10 points.

This is not a good deal.

It doesn't matter if Li Fan personally deducts 10 points, and he can't get the name of personal all-around. But Liu Miqiao is different. 10 points deducted is not a small number. In this kind of high-level competition, sometimes 0.1 points are also very important.

Liu Muqiao deducted 10 points.

He regretted it. Was he a bit stupid to stand up for Li Fan?

However, the thing has been done, there is no use regretting it.

The team leader, Teacher Qi, shook his head violently in pain. What’s the matter? Before the official competition, the Qingjiang team was deducted 20 points. Liu Miqiao’s all-around will also be in trouble, deducting 10 points, the impact is very big.

Back in the dormitory, Liu Muqiao said to Teacher Qi: "I will give you tutoring one more time."

20 points are deducted, which is not a small number. It means that each person loses 2 points on average, which is enough to lower the competition score by more than 5 places.

A point is a point.

Liu Muqiao once again explained the key points of writing medical records.

This is the most difficult project to get full marks on, and it is also one of the projects where the scores are high.

Then, he tutored for half an hour on imaging and electrocardiography. As for the other projects, there was no way to tutor them. They were all practical operations.

Soon, two hours passed.

Look at the time, it’s 10 o’clock and go back to the dormitory to rest.

Liu Muqiao returned to the room and just finished taking a shower when someone knocked on the door.

The person coming in is a coach from Xihua Medical College.

His surname is Chen.

This man has very sharp eyes, a high nose, thick brows, a big mouth, a very full forehead, and a little sparse hair on the top of his head.

You can tell at a glance that this is a very powerful person.

He introduced himself when he came in, and then went straight to the point and said: "Classmate Liu Miqiao, according to our information, you are a very powerful person in the participating team this time."

Liu Muqiao said: "Please sit down."

Then make tea.

"There is no need to make tea, I brought mineral water." Professor Chen said.

"Okay, what's your reason for coming?" Liu Miqiao also sat down.

"Don't worry, it has nothing to do with this competition."

"That's good."

"Before I came, I was entrusted by the principal of the school to invite you to join our Xihua team. You should have heard about our Xihua. In history, we are called Northern Concorde, Nanyaxiang, Dongluqi, and Xixihua. We

I sincerely want you to join us."

"Thank you for your love. Before I came, I had been officially hired by the school."

"Oh! I didn't expect that we were still late." Professor Chen looked very disappointed.

Liu Muqiao grinned.

Professor Chen thought for a while and then said: "However, talents can change jobs, and we can pay a lot of money. Really, we are very sincere. Besides, let me say something that you may find objectionable. It is a pity for you to be in Qingjiang University.

Qingjiang University School of Medicine is a bit too low-level. I’m sorry, I’m not looking down on Qingjiang University School of Medicine. After all, it was a medical college in its previous life, and it only took 20 years for it to become an undergraduate.”

Liu Muqiao was not angry, he was telling the truth.

Not to mention Xihua, there are many second-rate medical schools that look down upon it.

"Professor Chen, you are telling the truth. Qingjiang University School of Medicine is indeed not a first-class college, but we are working hard."

"Oh, creating a first-class school requires the efforts of many generations. When you come to Xihua, you will soon have a higher platform, and you will fly higher and farther."

Liu Muqiao took a sip of tea and said, "Because it requires the efforts of several generations, starting from me, I will work hard to build the Qingjiang University School of Medicine."

"No room for negotiation?"


"Okay, I'll give you enough time. If you want to come to Xihua in the future, just give us a call and we will open the door to welcome you."

"That's very welcome."

Seeing that this goal had not been achieved, Professor Chen could not leave immediately, so he asked Liu Miqiao: "What goals do you have this time?"

"Try to get good results in the exam. Are you here to win the championship?"

"Win the championship? Hahaha, it's easier said than done. Yaxiang is bound to win!"

Although Professor Chen is very humble, it can be seen that he is unconvinced, and his laughter clearly has the desire to swallow up mountains and rivers.

Yes, these medical schools, including Shanghai Medical University and Huashi Medical University, as well as Shanzhong and Jitong, are all rushing forward desperately, and their eyes are fixed on Union Medical College.

Xiehe's situation of being outstanding will not change for a while, but the top 10 teams behind it have already caused chaos. If you develop a certain new technology, I will develop another new technology, and you chase after me.

In fact, this is a very good situation. The competition between them has driven great progress in our country's medical care.

20 years ago, cervical spine surgery was available in the General Hospital, and several hospitals in Lu General Hospital did relatively well. Soon, all the first-line hospitals performed cervical spine surgery, and now even secondary hospitals at the county level can perform cervical spine surgery.
This is development, this is the result of competition.

20 years ago, you stared at me and I stared at you.

Nowadays, front-line hospitals are all focusing on the top hospitals in the world. These hospitals will send people to learn whatever they carry out.

Therefore, there is no essential difference between my country's current Western medicine and the advanced technology in the world. This is the result of competition.

Xihua is the most powerful hospital in the southwest. Its medical school recruits top-notch students every year. Although they are in a corner, they have long coveted the Central Plains.

They are definitely not willing to be the king of the southwest.

They have long wanted to visit Shanghai Market, Flower Market, Beijing and other famous institutions.

A century-old hospital is not just doing nothing.

This time, they sent a strong team, 10 students, all of whom have unique skills, and everyone is a top person.

Their teaching staff has selected 3 chief professors and 7 teaching assistants, and Professor Chen is only one of the 7 teaching assistants.

Professor Chen is already very powerful. He is a second-level professor, a Changjiang Scholar, and only one step away from being an academician. However, he is not yet the main force in training this group of students.

The three chief instructors are all well-known medical experts and educators in Xihua. They have taught for more than 50 years.

Normally, they have courses every year, and they take all undergraduate, master's and doctoral courses, but in recent years they have taken them less frequently.

At the same time, they are also medical experts.

They have an outpatient clinic once a week, and the registration fee and treatment fee are 800 yuan.

They are brought out to train students with a very clear goal, which is to strive for first place.

It can be said that none of the top 10 medical schools are here to compete for second place.

Xihua naturally has the same mentality, and they also have this confidence.

The "sweeping monks" mentioned by Zhou Ming exist in Xihua, and there are more than one. These three chief instructors belong to the "sweeping monks" level.

This chapter has been completed!
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