Chapter 554 Listening to you talk about parallel universes

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 When Liu Muqiao heard this, he lost his temper.

"What? Say it again."

Wu Yi Jing chuckled, "You dare to accept the challenge? I'm afraid you won't accept the challenge. If you don't accept the challenge, it would be too boring. Come on, tell me, what are you best at?"

Liu Muqiao doesn't want to compete with others. He knows his own level, so why bother competing with a student?

So he said: "What I am best at is cooking."

"Stir-fried vegetables? I'm telling you about medicine, and you say stir-fried vegetables, what do you mean?"

"Didn't you say what I'm best at?"

"Talk about medicine!"

Liu Muqiao thought that he would not give up unless he was given a chance, so he said, "I drove Teng Ce away last time."

"Well, I heard that, is it true?"

"Do you think it's fake?"

"Well, there are too many fake things, and I still can't believe it. So, your surgery is very powerful, right?"

Liu Muqiao nodded and said: "Yes, I am indeed okay with some surgeries."

Wu Yi Jing shook his head and said: "As a surgeon, you have no pride."

Liu Muqiao couldn't believe his ears and said, "You, look down on surgeons?"

Wu Yi Jing didn't seem to think there was anything wrong, saying: "Surgeons are just a skill at best, no different from carpenters and blacksmiths. Unlike physicians, who need a lot of evidence to diagnose, then carefully select drugs, and finally cure the patient."

The diagnosis process is just like a senior detective, it is very interesting. During the medication process, the dosage is carefully controlled every minute, and it is such a joy to see the patient getting better day by day!"

Liu Muqiao could only roll his eyes.

Such an argument is really not flattering.

This guy's point of view is definitely not what is taught in school, but this guy has got into the head of the field.

It is very possible that he has delved very deeply into a certain aspect of internal medicine. Otherwise, he would not despise surgery so much.

It is very common for internal medicine to despise surgery, or for surgery to despise internal medicine.

Physicians say that surgery can treat diseases with just one move: open an operation and cut off the diseased part.

The liver is broken, cut it out and replace it with someone else's.

The foot is useless, cut it off and leave one leg.

There is a tumor growing on the intestines. Cut it off and you will lose a piece of intestine.

This is what you surgeons do, simple and crude.

The surgeon said that your physician cannot cure almost any disease and requires long-term medication.

Hypertension, life-long medication.

Diabetes, lifelong medication.

Heart disease is getting worse and worse, and you just delay the progression of the disease.

Many times, the medicines you use are just placebos.


This is why physicians and surgeons only see each other's shortcomings and look down on each other.

But real medical workers will objectively and impartially believe that doctors in every branch of medicine are integral parts of medicine, and no one can do without the other. Everyone is a screw or a cog in this machine.

Other components.

Is the engine necessarily more important than the wheels?

Is the steering wheel necessarily more valuable than the brake pad?

"Classmate Wu Yi Jing, I really cannot praise your fallacy. Surgery, internal medicine, and other departments make up the system of modern medicine. There is no distinction between high and low, no distinction between high and low. I am really surprised that you can

There is such an argument."

Wu Yi Jing didn't seem to be angry at all. He smiled and said: "Yes, no one can be without the other, but you should realize that the value of each component is different. In society, although everyone is equal,

However, it is obvious that this is just talk. For some people, it is just a bowl of chicken soup for the soul. Of course, people are divided into high and low. In society, being an official can benefit one party, and being a scientist can create inventions.

, its value cannot be measured. If you compare an ordinary citizen with them, isn't it clear at a glance who has greater value and who has less value?"

Liu Muqiao never expected to meet someone with such a hobby.

Debating this kind of topic is very boring.

If you want to put it this way, if farmers don’t farm, your officials and scientists won’t starve to death? Without cleaning staff, you won’t be suffocated to death by stench? If there are no workers to make clothes, you won’t die of cold?

That’s not how it works.

Liu Muqiao didn't want to argue with him.

Unexpectedly, Wu Yi Jing couldn't stop the car and continued: "Just use the analogy of a car. An engine costs tens of thousands of yuan, and screws may cost a few yuan. Can it be compared? Besides, in the hospital, the electrocardiogram doctor can compare with the clinician.

?It takes 5 to 10 years to train a physician, but after 3 years of training as an electrocardiogram doctor, you are a good electrocardiogram doctor. Can you say that their value is the same?"

Liu Muqiao wants to cry.

Did I argue with you?

You can start a debate by yourself. Isn’t it too much? I, Liu Maqiao, am so bored just listening to your debate?

Liu Muqiao's consistent habit is that he doesn't like to argue with others. He can disagree with other people's opinions, but he rarely corrects them.

Therefore, Liu Muqiao gives people the impression of a relatively silent boy.

The Wuyi Jing is still debating.

Obviously, Su Yajuan was used to this classmate. She smiled and said, "Liu Maqiao, I'm sorry, Wu Yijing likes to debate. However, he has real talent and practical knowledge. During this year's internship, there was a big case discussion, and he

He often overturned the conclusions of professors, especially in cardiology, respiratory medicine, and gastroenterology. He studied deeply and was recruited by the school to stay in school before he graduated."

It seems that he is capable of overturning the conclusions of the professors.

"I admire you." Liu Maqiao's compliment came from the bottom of his heart.

"You're welcome." Wu Yijing accepted Liu Maqiao's compliment without politeness.

He continued: "I am currently studying neurology. I found that neurology is a vast world and very interesting."

"Tell me, what's the fun of neurology?" Liu Miqiao smiled, neurology, isn't this coming into my bowl?

"Neurology, I mean neurology. You are not interested in internal medicine. I'm afraid you won't understand."

Wu Yi Jing's straightforward words are really cute.

Liu Muqiao grinned and said, "It's okay, I can understand you talking about neurology diseases."

"Do you understand?"

Liu Muqiao nodded and said "Yeah".

Unexpectedly, Wu Yi Jing added, "I am talking about profound issues in neurology."

Liu Muqiao still nodded, "I'm all ears."

"Well, it seems that you somewhat want to discuss this issue. OK, let me talk about it. I want to talk about dreams. This is an unknown area of ​​neurology. In the future, I will study for a doctorate and want to research in this direction.

Wu Yi Jing paused for a moment, he wanted to confirm whether Liu Miqiao was listening.

"In dreams, we often see some strange places, which are worthy of study. As the saying goes, we think about things every day and dream about them at night. It stands to reason that the places we should dream about are familiar and should not be strange. I am doubting

, is this a scene from another world? I don’t doubt the existence of parallel universes."

Liu Muqiao almost exclaimed.

Are you talking to me about parallel universes?

This chapter has been completed!
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