Chapter 581 I just like to feed him water

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 I didn’t arrive at the hospital until almost 12 o’clock.

Liu Muqiao saw the patient.

Typical decerebrate ankylosis.

I looked at the CT film again and found that the brainstem bleeding was about 8 ml. It was a massive brainstem hemorrhage. If I didn’t perform puncture and blood draw, I would definitely die.

Liu Muqiao said a few words to his family, nothing more than risks.

Today, there is no Zhao Yilin or Zou Qingxiang. He is a typical illegal medical practice.

This issue will be fine if the family does not pursue it, but it will still cause some trouble once they do.

Nowadays, family members are so anxious, so naturally they don’t think about the issue of practicing certificate, so don’t worry too much.

The family members have been told several times and learned from the side that brainstem puncture is the only chance of survival.

"You can rest assured to do it. If it succeeds, everyone will be happy. If it doesn't succeed, we are mentally prepared." The patient's family members vowed.

You must sign even if you swear.

All the main family members signed.

The attending doctors at Peking University First Hospital have done a solid job. If they don’t do a solid job, disputes are so annoying. Who doesn’t worry about hurting the doctor?

Liu Muqiao and Su Yajuan came to the operating room under the leadership of Professor Tang from the First Hospital of Peking University.

In fact, Su Yajuan didn't have much to offer, she mainly helped Liu Muqiao get the equipment.

Liu Muqiao drilled the hole himself, then returned to the reading light, looked at the CT film for a while, and then started puncture.

It was very successful. In less than 3 minutes, the accumulated blood in the brain stem was extracted. Liu Miqiao injected norepinephrine, dexamethasone, and normal saline into the hematoma, and after a while, extracted it again.

This process is very short.

Su Yajuan looked at her watch and saw that it was only 16 minutes.

They got off the operating table, and the patient was then returned to the intensive care unit.

Liu Muqiao looked at the time, dialed the phone and called Meng Feiyun of the Pancreatic Surgery Department, saying, "It's time to start. I'll be here in 20 minutes."

Meng Yunfei has been waiting tonight. All the doctors in her group are here. There is a patient who is very suitable for Vilishi surgery tonight, and Liu Miqiao will teach them the whole process of Vilishi surgery.

This is a good opportunity to learn, and Meng Feiyun, Qin Mu, and Lu Liang don't want to lose it.

After this operation, the next operation will be a colorectal cancer operation. Professor Long will perform it himself, and he is going to set up the operation with Liu Miqiao.

It is a pleasure to set up the stage with Liu Muqiao.

Liu Muqiao must first settle Su Yajuan.

It is unrealistic to ask her to undergo two surgeries with him, and no one can afford it.

"I'll take you to the hotel to rest."

"No, if you can stay awake, so can I."

"Don't be stupid, I can stay up for three days and three nights, what can you do?"

"Three days and three nights, you can't do it either."

"I can do it. I've experienced it several times. Stop making trouble. I'll take you to the hotel. It's nearby, only 10 minutes away."

"Dr. Liu, let us be responsible for her rest," Director Huang Mian said.

Liu Muqiao said: "That's okay. I can borrow your car to take him there. After I have the surgery, I will come back just in time to see your boss's post-operative changes."

Su Yajuan did not insist anymore and followed Director Huang Mian to the hotel.

Liu Muqiao arrived at the operating room.

Meng Feiyun and others are already ready.

Liu Maqiao washed his hands and dressed, and by the time he came on stage, his abdominal cavity had already opened.

Tonight, Professor Long did not come on stage. They were too old to disturb him. Besides, they were here to learn the Vilishi technique, so there was no need for Professor Long to come on stage.

Liu Muqiao is the surgeon.

Meng Feiyun helps.

Liu Muqiao will explain in detail every step he takes, and he breaks down some key steps.

Every step is concise, clean and clear.

Sometimes, he would wait for Meng Feiyun to catch up.

He will also help Meng Feiyun clean up the field.

The surgical field is very clean.

If the surgical field is clean, the teaching effect will be much better, you can see clearly, and you can also develop good habits.

Different doctors have different styles of surgery. Some people like to do it step by step.

Some people like to do several steps at the same time, that is, after completing two-thirds of the first step, they start to do the second step. When the second step is halfway done, they will do the first step without completing it.


Each has its own advantages.

It's hard to say who is better.

Liu Muqiao is the former. Because he wants to teach others how to do it, he is more accustomed to doing it step by step, so that the learning effect is better.

Teng Ce’s surgical habit is the latter.

Teng Ce can reach the top by himself, but his students cannot keep up with him. In the world, he is more often a lone ranger, traveling around alone.

Bonta is different. He often brings an assistant, and Bing is his most common partner.

Liu Muqiao was operating while talking.

The circulating nurse has given him water for the third time.

Generally speaking, surgeons do not drink water before or during the operation. Urinating is a problem, especially during a 7-hour operation like today.

Some doctors wear diapers to solve the problem of hand relief during surgery.

Meng Feiyun secretly wore one.

As a female doctor, it is more troublesome than a male doctor to get off the stage to urinate during an operation.

Besides, since I am an assistant, the assistant has much less autonomy.

Liu Muqiao couldn't do it without drinking water. He explained in detail, just like giving a lecture on the podium, with almost no pauses.

The 7-hour operation is very physically demanding, and I need to drink milk at least once during the operation.

Liu Muqiao likes the milk from the operating room of Peking University First Hospital very much. It is very fragrant and has just the right amount of sucrose.

The last time he had surgery here, he drank two glasses of wine at one time.

The circulating nurse gave Liu Muchiao another half a glass of water.

Even Meng Feiyun has an opinion.

"Can you wait until he says he's thirsty before you feed him?"

The circulating nurse was a little embarrassed, but she didn't show weakness and said, "He didn't stop. His mouth was dry. Do you think I couldn't tell? Do you need him to say it himself?"

"I think you just like to help him feed him water."

"Even if it is, I'm happy."

"You...are not shy?"

"What am I ashamed of? I am aboveboard!"


The two women quarreled.

The operating room is certainly not a place for quarrels.

Liu Muqiao said "cough" twice, and the battle between the traveling nurse and Meng Feiyun stopped.

Liu Muqiao continued to explain until it was 4 hours, and they needed to take a short break.

Rest for 5 minutes.

Each person drinks a cup of thick milk.

"What brand of milk powder?" Liu Maqiao asked.

"It's Jun Lebao," said the traveling nurse.

"This milk powder is good. I want our operating room to have this brand when we get back." Liu Maqiao finished a glass and motioned for another glass.

After drinking, Liu Muqiao was the first to return to the operating table, and the others quickly came on stage.

Surgeons need to have strong endurance. Sometimes, three or four operations a day and not leaving the stage for more than ten hours are a great test for physical strength.

Liu Muqiao is an exception.

He has endless supplies of Huiqi pills, as well as a lot of liver-protecting, heart-protecting, kidney-protecting medicinal liquids, which can quickly restore physical strength.

Tonight, he secretly took two Huiqi Pills.

Now my spirit is just like when I woke up, full of energy and clear-headed.

This chapter has been completed!
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