Chapter 703 The situation is not good

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 Liu Muqiao decided to go to the court in person to respond.

Going with him were Jiang Wei and the hospital's legal advisor.

The first court hearing heard the testimonies and basic arguments from all parties, but did not pronounce a verdict.

Originally there was a procedure in which the plaintiff would be asked whether the defendant and the defendant had any intention of out-of-court mediation.

Judge Zhou seemed to have forgotten, he didn’t ask at all.

However, it is better not to ask. Lawyer Lu will not agree to mediation. When he is proud, he has won 8 lawsuits in a row. He is too arrogant.

He will become a famous lawyer.

He has won 8 lawsuits in a row, and the defendants are all state institutions, and he is actually invincible!

He was very proud.

He suddenly realized that he was born to be material for medical lawsuits.

He has studied medicine for three years and attended a technical secondary school in a health school, so he is considered an expert in medicine.

He later studied law on his own and found it more interesting. In addition, he liked debating the most, so studying law just brought into play one of his strengths.

People, everyone must be good at discovering their own specialties, among which the specialties of organs are the most primitive and the most useful.

The mouth of the announcer, the mouth of the comedian, the throat of the singer, the limbs of athletes, and the brain of scientists all make full use of their organ specialties.

Lawyers also rely on their mouths to make a living.

Lawyer Lu has been fond of debating since he was a child, and it has become a hobby. He can even argue for a long time with someone who has the same views as him, and finally make the other party give up.

He abandoned medicine to pursue law and struggled in the legal field for many years.

He is very dedicated and particularly enjoys providing legal aid to others.

In past lawsuits, he has won half the battles and lost half. He is not a famous lawyer, but he has a famous bad mouth.

It can be said to be notorious.

A smart lawyer, a lawyer with a bottom line of character, will weigh and weigh when accepting a lawsuit. Which lawsuits can be accepted and which ones cannot be accepted?

When defending a person with extremely bad character, many lawyers will adopt an evasive attitude.

Lawyer Lu is different. He takes on all kinds of lawsuits.

He argued for robbers.

He said that the robbery was not his fault, but society's fault. It was society that forced him to do bad things. Society should not punish him, but should sympathize with him, forgive him, and care about him. He is a weak person and the one who should be protected the most.

He argued for murderers.

He said that killing people is a kind of courage, a kind of helplessness, and an explosion of human nature. Not only should he not be punished, but he should be rewarded.

He once defended those who abused their parents, saying that the reason for abusing the elderly was because the son did not teach his father. Whatever the cause, there are consequences. It was not him who was wrong, but his parents.

Wait, there are many more shameful debates.

When people asked him why he had no bottom line, he answered confidently. As a lawyer, serving my employer is a reflection of professional ethics.

Although he was eloquent, he lost a lot of lawsuits. He lost 5 out of 10 lawsuits. Later, he focused on fighting medical lawsuits.

Who would have thought that after a fight, he discovered that he had chosen the wrong direction.

You should file a medical lawsuit.

Won 8 out of 8 medical lawsuits, that’s great!

He will soon become a famous lawyer.

This time, he believed that it was impossible for him to lose, because he had the biggest trump card, and this card should not be revealed yet.

Liu Muqiao does not have a medical qualification certificate!

He will not agree to out-of-court mediation.

What he wants is the number of wins. His small goal is to fight 20 medical lawsuits within this year and win 20 of them.

Three years of studying medicine were not in vain. This is the biggest difference between him and other lawyers, and it is also the biggest advantage he has.

He wants to monopolize all medical lawsuits in Qingjiang City.

By then, he will be the ghost of every hospital.

As long as he wins 20 lawsuits in a row, he can achieve this goal.

In the future, the hospital will take the initiative to build relationships with him or hire him as a legal consultant. He will ask for a very high price. If someone pays 20,000 yuan a year, he will ask for 80,000 or 100,000 yuan.

If you think the price is too high, you don’t have to ask for it. At that time, the price you pay will not be 80,000 or 100,000, but 800,000 or 1 million!

This time Liu Muqiao was dealt with, and he didn't even need to fight 20 lawsuits, and he immediately became famous.


In the past few days, he was so excited that he laughed fiercely alone.

Inadvertently, I found a shortcut to the sky.

Knocking Liu Muqiao out will have the same effect as winning 100 medical lawsuits.


Judge Zhou had to frown.

He didn't expect that Lawyer Lu had this trick up his sleeve. He fought in a roundabout way, mainly focusing on the issue of Liu Maqiao's lack of certificate.

It stands to reason that practicing medicine without a license does not require a medical appraisal. It is wrong to practice medicine without a license. The so-called medical malpractice should be based on the practice license.

You don’t even have the qualifications, so it’s illegal to practice medicine!

You’re going to lose! You’re going to lose!

Liu Muqiao, Liu Muqiao, I don’t want Lawyer Lu to win either!

Jiang Wei felt very bad. When she came back from court, she no longer even had the interest to ask legal counsel.

The legal consultant hired by the hospital was relieved.

The most difficult time for lawyers is not when they are about to lose the case, but when they are likely to win but are afraid of not being able to win.

It’s a lawsuit he’s going to lose anyway, so don’t think too much about it. If he loses, no one will blame him.

Liu Muqiao feels fine and has no worries. He has one belief: Is it wrong for me to treat illnesses and save people? You don’t have to ask me to see a doctor, but many people are rushing to ask me to see a doctor.

Jiang Wei thought about it for a long time, and she had a feeling that there must be a way to solve it.

She is not a law student, so the key is not in her hand.

After coming back, she chatted with her consultant for a while, made a phone call, and made an appointment with two well-known lawyers to meet tonight.

One is named Liao and the other is named Luo.

Liu Muqiao did not attend the meeting. He was on the operating table. A liver operation was difficult and he performed it himself. The operation had been performed for 4 hours.

Jiang Wei discussed with two famous lawyers for a long time.

Not optimistic.

However, both lawyers expressed their willingness to help Liu Miqiao fight this lawsuit.

"Now, the truth is in the hands of Lawyer Lu. This guy is unreasonable. Now that he has caught the so-called truth, he will definitely pursue it fiercely. Don't mention mediation to him at all."

When Lawyer Liao brought up a matter of mediation, Lawyer Luo stopped him immediately.

"He wants to take this opportunity to become famous."

"Yes, this guy doesn't win many ordinary lawsuits, but he wins every medical lawsuit. He wants to monopolize the medical lawsuit market in Qingjiang City in the future."

"Are you familiar with this person?"

"I had two head-to-head confrontations with him."

"How is the battle going?"

"I'm temporarily ahead, 2-0, but every time I win, it's thrilling."

"It's hard to deal with, isn't it?"

"Yes, it's difficult to deal with. His mouth can talk to a spider all day long. And his mouth is very smelly!"

"Well, just teach him a lesson in this lawsuit."

Lawyer Liao shook his head and said: "It's difficult!"


Several people chatted for a while, and one of them’s phone rang.

"Hey, why is it him?"

"Who is it?"

"That's the presiding judge of this lawsuit, Judge Zhou."

Lawyer Liao went out to answer the phone.

This chapter has been completed!
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