Chapter 706 Expanded

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 What a lawyer fears most is having his or her qualification certificate revoked.

That's his job.

Judge Zhou really reported this to the leadership of the Justice Bureau.

The leader of the Justice Bureau said: "Just defending the patient, you can't blame him! If it is really a malicious medical lawsuit, then we can't sit idly by. However, it is difficult to distinguish."

"I'll show you the case file, and you'll know what kind of person this guy is."

Logically speaking, there is nothing wrong with lawyers taking on medical lawsuits.

It’s not that the hospital can’t sue. In many cases, the hospital prefers to go through judicial procedures, but the patient’s family members don’t like to go through judicial procedures, which is very troublesome.

However, for people like Lawyer Lu, when a patient enters the hospital, he pays close attention to every detail of the hospital. Whether it is a normal complication or a medical malpractice, he will file a lawsuit. This is wrong.

Hospitals have hospital procedures and internal laws and regulations that are incomprehensible to outsiders. Besides, medicine is a profession, a very deep profession, and it is very difficult to use medical knowledge to communicate with ordinary people.

You, Lawyer Lu, keep an eye on the doctor at all times, and misunderstandings can easily occur. You require the doctor's behavior to conform to your ordinary people's standards, which is really not possible.

For example, if a patient complains of pain and you ask the doctor for an injection or an analgesic injection, the doctor really cannot listen to the patient and their family members.

The doctor will never give you an analgesic injection before you fully understand the cause of the pain. Giving analgesic injections violates medical regulations because giving analgesic injections conceals the condition and development of the disease.

Well, if the patient dies at this time, the doctor is not responsible. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is a medical malpractice.

It would be understandable if Lawyer Lu only accepted the appointment of the patient's family. Now, Lawyer Lu intervenes in advance, just like this patient. Before treatment, you make all kinds of preparations to file a lawsuit. How can a doctor endure it?

Isn't this malicious?

When the leader of the Justice Bureau heard this, he nodded secretly, "Well, this is a black sheep.

At this moment, Lawyer Lu arrived at the Intermediate Court again.

His dream of being a famous lawyer has not awakened at all. He feels that this lawsuit should not be lost at all. The reason why he lost this time is entirely because the judge Zhou was not good enough or was bribed by the hospital.

He arrived at the middle courtyard.

It was a coincidence that the judge I met was also named Zhou.

After reading the information, Lawyer Zhou sent him away without saying anything else.

He started investigating the next day, read the files of the first instance, and found that the case was quite difficult.

Liu Muqiao does practice medicine without a license, but he is a good doctor and the best doctor in Jiangdong Province.

If you don’t let such a doctor treat you, isn’t that a mistake?

Of course, the law is sacred and long live the provisions.

The judgment of the first instance is also justified. Intern doctors and probationary doctors can perform diagnosis and treatment operations under the guidance of superior doctors. This is no problem.

The law also does not define how much surgery a probationary doctor can perform.

The problem is that Liu Muqiao performed a craniotomy, which is top-notch surgery!

However, the chief physicians are all his apprentices, who will do it if he doesn’t do it?

The verdict of the first instance was good.

He carries out medical operations under the guidance of superior doctors, who have the right to respect science, respect technology, and accept excellent suggestions.

Lawyer Lu is not good.

Judge Zhou has very poisonous eyes. He has seen too many bad people and has been dealing with bad people all his life. At one glance, he found out that Lawyer Lu is a very dark person.

You must teach him a lesson.

Judge Zhou called Judge Zhou of the first instance and learned about Lawyer Lu’s situation. The two of them had the same view.

Half a month later, Liu Muqiao attended the court session.

"Do you accept out-of-court mediation?"

As soon as Judge Zhou opened his mouth, Lawyer Lu refused: "I don't accept it!"

Judge Zhou almost choked to death on the air.

I couldn't help but say: "You think you can definitely win, right? Humph, I see, you may not win. In this world, it's not time to reverse right and wrong, let bad people run rampant, hey, take us as


Lawyer Lu's expression changed when he heard this.

He asked Judge Zhou to recuse himself.


"Your surname is Zhou, which is the same as the first instance. I can't be sure that you are not related."

"You are right, we are relatives. We are a family!"

"I ask you to avoid it."

"I'm sorry, you don't have this power. I'm warning you, if you make unreasonable demands again, I can expel you from the court!"

"You don't have this right!"


This guy is really inflated!

He actually yelled at the judge!

People, if there is a problem with their IQ, then this person’s future is basically guaranteed not to go very far.

If Lawyer Lu was not so eager to become a lawyer and was not so eager to win 9 lawsuits in a row, and if he worked steadily and steadily, maybe he would still be able to make a living in medical lawsuits.

He is eager to become famous.

He must win this lawsuit.

To win this case, we must change a judge. Both of them are named Zhou. Although they are not a family now, they must have been a family five hundred years ago.

Besides, people also need to pay attention to the mutual restraint of the five elements. My surname is Lu, and I may not be able to beat someone surnamed Zhou, so I have to change the judge.

Lawyer Lu does have an IQ problem. Although he is eloquent, analyzes problems clearly, and has good logic, you are really overreaching when you ask to change the presiding judge in someone else's territory!

The person's surname is Zhou, which is not a relative. If they are relatives, they are relatives from five hundred years ago. If you want to change, will they listen to you?

Naturally, changing the judge is not feasible.

Judge Zhou was also very generous and allowed Lawyer Lu to give a long speech, which lasted for an hour.

After he finished speaking, Judge Zhou did not turn off the microphone and muttered to himself: "Nonsense!"

This sentence naturally reached Lawyer Lu's ears, and he spat out a mouthful of "blood" - a mouthful of saliva, spitting on the ground.

"Not hygienic!"

No verdict was announced at the first court session.

Judge Zhou asked again whether to use out-of-court mediation.

Although Lawyer Lu felt a little guilty, he still insisted on not mediating.

If you didn't encounter difficulties, would you propose mediation?

As a general rule, mediation is done before the court session, but now that the court session has already started, it’s still hard to mediate!

There is hope.

Lawyer Lu feels that there is great hope.

The information he received from inside further confirmed his judgment, and he had a high hope of winning the case.

According to internal news, Judge Zhou went directly to the president to discuss the case. When he came back, he kept frowning and said that this case was responsible for the people.

Who are the common people?

Of course the common people are the majority of patients!

What a great dean!

The law is the law! We are a country ruled by law, and a country ruled by law serves the people.

Lawyer Lu sent a message of victory to the patient in advance.

At this time, Liu Miqiao and Zhu Yaguang were checking the patient at the bedside.

After receiving the message, the patient's family members looked at Liu Miqiao and Zhu Yaguang maliciously.

This chapter has been completed!
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