Chapter 712: Banditry

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 Maybe you really found the wrong person.

When Liu Muqiao asked Li Liuyi for the third time, Li Liuyi made it very straightforward.

"Dr. Liu, thank you for thinking highly of me, but think about it, with my current conditions, do I have any reason to change jobs?"

Liu Muqiao answered more directly, saying: "Yes. If you want to be a mediocre Peking University professor or an ordinary doctor, then you don't need to go anywhere. If you want to enrich your life and do a vigorous career,

Then, I suggest you follow me. I will be in charge of the surgical system, and you will be in charge of the internal medicine system - part of it, of course. You will be very happy and have a sense of accomplishment."

Li Liuyi still rejected Liu Miqiao.

He did not fully understand the future value of Antai Hospital.

Being born wrong is original sin.

Children in the ravines are more likely to remain in the ravines in the future. Who do they blame if they cannot receive a good education?

It’s strange that I was born in the wrong place.

Antai Hospital is the same.

You were born in Qingjiang City, and people simply don’t believe that you can become a world-class hospital.


Liu Miqiao has performed 5 teaching surgeries at Peking University, and the results have been good. The group of attending doctors who have studied have reported that Liu Miqiao's teaching effects are very good. If he does 5 more surgeries, the shortcomings in the past can basically be completely overcome, and,

Surgical skills have also been improved to a new level.

Professor Long said: "Mu Qiao, the chief physician has been very effective. As the deputy chief physician, can you also perform a few teaching surgeries? There are still two goals. One is to correct irregular operations; the other is to

Improve their surgical skills."

Liu Muqiao did not refuse. He had recently completed the basic skills training for most of the surgeons at Antai Hospital. Now he is helping Professor Long train in the department, as he has just enough time.

"Okay, let's do 5 teaching surgeries."

"Five units are less, let's do 10 units. You, the attending doctor, all have 10 units. It will be more difficult for the deputy chief physician to correct some shortcomings, so you must do 10 units."

Liu Muqiao didn't object either.

Liu Muqiao was performing surgery at the First Hospital of Peking University. Some surgeries are not suitable for teaching surgeries. For those complex and difficult surgeries, you have to hurry up and set up a stage with the chief physician, so you cannot do teaching surgeries.

Teaching surgery must have several characteristics. First, it must be moderately difficult, and the time will not be delayed too long due to teaching. If the surgery takes a long time, the patient will not be able to bear it. Second, it must be a relatively typical surgery, otherwise Liu Miqiao will improvise a plan in the middle.

, this is not in line with the characteristics of teaching surgery. The third is that the patient's condition must be relatively good, even if the operation process lasts for half an hour, it will not affect the patient.

Every time Liu Muqiao comes to Peking University, it is a teaching surgery, a difficult surgery.

As for the group of chief physicians, they no longer need to perform teaching surgeries because they have benefited a lot from taking turns with Liu Maqiao.

Liu Muqiao came to the First Hospital of Beijing University for five consecutive weeks, and he also had tea with Li Liuyi five times in a row.

"I'm already embarrassed. Next time, if you call me, I won't come out." Li Liuyi still didn't consider Liu Muqiao's invitation.

What he told is the truth. Liu Bei visited Zhuge Liang three times, and it was already the fifth time that Liu Miqiao was a woodcutter. I'm sorry.

"It doesn't matter, it's a pleasure to communicate with you about department management." Liu Maqiao said.

After the last two times, Liu Muqiao no longer persuaded Li Liuyi to go to Antai Hospital, but instead talked with him about department management.

The system gave Liu Muqiao a copy of "Junior Hospital Management", which is a classic on department-level management. Liu Muqiao's knowledge has obviously exceeded Li Liuyi's level.

However, it must also be admitted that Li Liuyi is indeed a talent. He has great understanding of department management, has very new ideas, and very humane methods.

Li Liuyi is a talented person, he is a person who can accomplish things, but he is not willing to come to your Antai Hospital. What is the point of you always looking for him?


People are divided into groups, so let’s ask him about the situation in the hospital.

The people Liu Muqiao wants to recruit are not limited to Li Liuyi. He needs many talents! Especially in orthopedics.

It’s even harder to find people in the orthopedics department. People in the orthopedics department either specialize in surgeries and immerse themselves in earning platform fees, or they are floating on the water and cannot sink.

Peking University does not have a good candidate for the director of the Department of Orthopedics.

They have 8 orthopedics departments, 16 deputy directors, and 16 assistant department directors. Liu Maqiao inspected them one by one, but he didn't like any of them.

Li Liuyi also said: "Don't look at the orthopedics department, which has 8 departments and 18 wards. There are indeed a lot of patients. Their management level is almost indifferent. The department costs are huge and the meaningless expenditures are bottomless. This has nothing to do with them.

It has something to do with department management. Doctors treat patients privately without entering the cage at all. Costs are incurred and income is not coming in. If I were in charge of orthopedics, I could at least increase their income by 30 million yuan."

30 million?

Liu Muqiao's heart tightened. Damn it! Is there such a big loophole in Peking University Hospital?


Every hospital has loopholes.

There are really many ways for doctors to make money. They sell medicine privately, make homemade pills, and secretly sell them to patients. They also tell patients not to mention, I will sell it to you only if you are a patient I like. My supply is tight. This is a special medicine.
There are also partnerships with pharmacies around the hospital, specifying patients to go to a certain pharmacy to buy medicine. I have tried that medicine and it has the best effect.

The surgeon cooperates with the nearby hospital. Don’t you want me to treat you? If there is no bed, you can go to such-and-such hospital. I will work overtime and do the surgery for you tomorrow night.

If you charge privately in the hospital, there are all kinds of tricks.

I will work overtime to do a CT scan for you at half price.

If an acquaintance brings it, half price will be charged.

Some hospitals even have people who make a living doing this.

Okay, I won’t go into details, but 30 million, isn’t this too scary?

30 million for Beijing University Hospital is really not a lot of money, 30 million is their daily turnover.

Orthopedics' consumables and special materials are a huge source of income. If the special materials used by patients are not included in the hospital's charging cage, a lot of money will be lost.

For example, an operation costs 50,000 yuan, of which the artificial joint costs 45,000 yuan, and the remaining 5,000 yuan is the operation fee and anesthesia fee. If the artificial joint is not included in the hospital charging system, then the operation will only cost 5,000 yuan.

One tenth!

The 18 wards of Peking University Orthopedics generate 900 million yuan in revenue for the hospital every year. Although 30 million yuan is a bit exaggerated, it is indeed possible.

In orthopedics, Liu Muqiao did not find a good talent, which does not mean that they are mediocre.

Orthopedics is the most aggressive department in every hospital.

In this kind of department, there are people who specialize in academics and earn some platform fees and equipment fees. They spend most of their time studying technology.

In such a large hospital, only with good technology can you have the opportunity to perform major surgeries, and only with major surgeries can you get high platform fees.

Some orthopedic surgeons specifically want to do evil things and form joint ventures with lower hospitals to make money through acupoint manipulation.

Some blatantly charge private fees.

As for the department directors, deputy directors, and assistant department directors, there is no manager like Li Liuyi. Most of the time, they adopt a management style of inaction.

Orthopedics has a gangster spirit, which is why people don’t want to take too much control. We are all working in the same nest, what will others think if you take too much care?

What about other departments?

There are talents.

However, Liu Muqiao didn't like it very much.

Some are older, some have bad character, and some are too bookish.

This chapter has been completed!
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