Chapter 810 Liu Miqiao’s special abilities

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 The plane took off at dawn the next day.

The crashed plane must be found today, otherwise, even if people are still alive, it will be difficult to survive.

Liu Muqiao opened his eyes wide and looked at the speeding mountains and deep ravines.

He didn't dare to blink for fear of missing something.

However, the plane searched the nearby ravines and ridges again and again, but found nothing.

Accompanying Liu Muqiao on the plane search was Su Yajuan.

Originally, Su Yajuan was going to stay in the camp to treat the people nearby, but how could she be in the mood?

She lost her temper for the first time and rudely left the patient behind, chasing the plane and climbing aboard.

Zhao Yilin had no choice but to stay and clean up the mess, freeing himself up to treat the large number of people who came.

"Su Yajuan, protect me. I want to sleep for five minutes. Before I wake up, you can't let anyone disturb me."

Liu Muqiao remembered that after he woke up from sub-hibernation, there was a ten-minute period when his organs functioned abnormally.

This has a huge effect on search.

Su Yajuan said: "Go to sleep."

Liu Muqiao knew that Su Yajuan didn't understand and couldn't explain it too clearly, so he had to add, "You have to take this matter seriously. I cannot be woken up by others when I am sleeping. Something will happen and I will become blind or deaf."

, or even paralysis."

How could Su Yajuan believe it? However, she was still prepared to take it seriously.

Liu Muqiao set the time, sub-hibernation for 5 minutes.

Then he fell asleep.

Su Yajuan looked at Liu Muqiao who was sleeping soundly. She looked at him with a kind of love at first. Suddenly, she felt something was wrong!

Liu Miqiao's face was pale and his body temperature was very low. She gently felt for his pulse.

Too bad!

The pulse is gone - no, there is one, but only 8 beats/minute.

Look at breathing again.


No breathing!

Su Yajuan will perform artificial cardiopulmonary resuscitation immediately.

She stopped.

Didn't Liu Muqiao specifically give her instructions just now? There must be some special circumstances, otherwise he wouldn't give such careful instructions.

Su Yajuan did not perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but looked at Liu Miqiao calmly. Fortunately, there was still a heartbeat, although it was very small, and it did not stop completely.

Breathing, too.

Just about once a minute.

Su Yajuan checked the time. She was going to take action in five minutes. She still had two bottles of life-saving medicine in her hand.

Time passed so slowly that she didn't even hear Captain Liao's conversation.

At this time, Captain Liao received an order from his superiors and quickly rushed to a building on the south side of Fucheng, where a very serious patient needed to be transported.

Other aircraft continued their mission to find Ding Jiuyi.

The plane flew towards Fucheng.

Su Yajuan looked at Liu Maqiao anxiously.

Seconds pass by.

Very slow!

Surprisingly slow.

Time seems to have frozen.

It was the first time that Su Yajuan felt that time could be so slow. She even wondered if her watch was broken.

The plane is landing?

Only then did Su Yajuan realize that the plane was about to land.

Well, we can do cardiopulmonary resuscitation once we land. There is also a defibrillator on the plane.

The plane has landed.

Company Commander Liao and others are getting off the plane.

Five minutes are up.

Su Yajuan was about to start artificial cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but suddenly, Liu Muchiao woke up.

"Are you awake?!" Su Yajuan exclaimed. This excitement came from deep within her heart, and she couldn't help but kiss Liu Muqiao on the mouth.

Liu Mu's woodcutter's hand wavered, and then he stared and listened carefully.

In front of you is a collapsed building that has been excavated, and rescuers are digging in another area.

He pointed to the house where excavation had been completed and said, "Here, there are still three people alive. A boy, a man, and a woman, and they are shouting."

No one paid attention except Su Yajuan.

Liu Muqiao pointed to another place, this house again, "There are no less than ten people here alive."

Others didn't care, but Su Yajuan completely believed in Liu Miqiao. She said to Company Commander Liao, "There are more than a dozen people alive under this building!"

"How do you know?" Captain Liao asked.

"What Liu Muqiao said, he is never wrong." Su Yajuan said loudly.

Liu Miqiao was still staring and listening carefully, and said: "Oh no, the aftershocks are coming again! Everyone, please pay attention, there will be another earthquake in 10 seconds! But, fortunately, it will not be too big, level 4? Level 5? It should be

Level 4."

Su Yajuan and Captain Liao looked at each other.

Where is the earthquake?


But soon, they were surprised. Sure enough, 10 seconds later, there was an earthquake! And it was a relatively strong earthquake.

"Can you predict earthquakes?" Captain Liao asked Liu Muqiao in surprise.

"Captain Liao, tell them, dig this house, there are more than a dozen people inside, and they are alive. Three here, and a group there. That's right, believe me!" Liu Muqiao was still listening carefully.

Company Commander Liao looked at Liu Muqiao in surprise.

He had heard about Dr. Liu's name before he came here yesterday, and there were rumors that he was a miracle doctor and that one person was worth a hospital.

Now, he said that there are many living people downstairs. Is it true or false?

Ignore him, tell the rescue team first.

The captain of the rescue team came over and listened carefully to Liu Miqiao's story.

"No, this is impossible. We have tried it with a life detector and there are no traces of life." said the captain of the rescue team.

"You can detect again. There are people down here, here, and in these two places. And I can still hear what they are talking about? They are begging, begging us to listen to their shouts." Liu Muqiao did hear the people below.

Pleading, crying, and beating in despair.

The captain of the rescue team still didn't believe it was possible to hear the sounds inside with such a noisy background.

"If you don't believe it, you can speak softly 50 meters away, I can hear you!" Liu Maqiao was anxious. He had to prove himself and added, "Just now, I successfully predicted the aftershocks because I heard infrasound waves!

The captain of the rescue team was a little tempted. There were some people in his rescue team who had strange powers. Some people had very sensitive hearing, some had good vision, and some could understand the language of animals.

It doesn’t mean understanding the language of animals, but understanding their emotions.

Does this young man also have special powers?

Try it.

Sure enough, Liu Muqiao could hear people whispering 50 meters away.

"Come here, everyone! Dig here, and here!"

The injured person who was to be rescued by the helicopter still had one leg that had not been dug out.

They can only wait.

There were already medical staff around the wounded person infusing him with fluids. Liu Maqiao and Su Yajuan were unable to intervene, so they returned to the excavation site.

Su Yajuan believed in Liu Miqiao, but she still wanted to verify it.

Liu Muqiao hoped that they would dig it out quickly so that they could be transported away together with the injured person from before.

The wounded man from before only had one leg stuck, and it would be dug out soon.

While waiting anxiously, the excavation team members shouted: "Hey guys, there is a group of people here! They are not suppressed!"

It turned out that they were hiding under a space, none of them were injured, and they still had water to drink!

News of Liu Mu’s special abilities spread.

This chapter has been completed!
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