Chapter 812 Two big-name experts

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 The helicopter landed slowly at West China Hospital.

The ambulance was already waiting there. As soon as the plane landed, four people pushed the ambulance up and quickly lifted Ding Jiuyi into the car.

You can tell from the first glance that he is well-trained.

Every movement is just right, nothing is redundant, and nothing is not in place. It is really smooth and smooth, and it is a pleasure to watch.

Big hospitals and established hospitals are different.

This is a spirit and culture that has been passed down for hundreds of years.

Liu Muqiao was the last one to jump down.

He followed the rescue vehicle and entered the elevator.

Went directly to the MRI room.

After the MRI was completed and sent to the ward, several professors quickly gathered around the computer to watch the MRI films sent over.

No one introduced Liu Muqiao.

No one paid attention to Liu Muqiao.

He just mingled among the doctors.

Liu Muqiao noticed that the chief surgeon, Chen Wei, was nearly 60 years old. He had a full head of hair, but he was full of energy and had piercing eyes.

He is a nationally renowned cervical spine surgery expert, and his "Chen's" anterior approach surgery is also very famous internationally. In China, he is the current chairman of the Society of Cervical Spine Surgery.

He stared closely at the MRI film on the computer and changed his position for a long time.

This is a very particular person. As the saying goes, he is an academic mysophobia.

The so-called academic mysophobia is the kind of person who is very meticulous in scientific research and cannot tolerate any mistakes.

He also has this characteristic when doing surgery, he is meticulous.

His surgery is not fast, but he is very particular about the precision. His suturing of the nerve sheath is a specialty of his surgery. The suturing is very neat and can be said to be seamless.

Behind him are experts in cervical spine, many of whom are students of Chen Wei.

Chen Wei did not become an academician, but was actually related to another doctor from West China Hospital.

During the selection of academicians the year before last, another professor of orthopedics at West China Hospital was selected, but he was rejected because he was "balanced".

It's just bad luck.

In one year, it is still unlikely that two of you from West China will become academicians.

Fortunately, Chen Wei is not a person who cares too much about gains and losses. Whether it is a review or not, his strength lies here. Anyway, I, Chen Wei, say I am second, but others dare not say I am first.

There is no joy or sorrow on Chen Wei's face. He is very calm. Maybe he has seen too much.

"Teacher, Colonel Shen is here." A middle-aged man said.

Chen Wei immediately stood up and said: "Colonel Shen is here? Welcome!"

Liu Muqiao became happy.

Such an awesome person actually pays so much attention to Colonel Shen?

As the saying goes, literati look down upon each other.

Does he, Chen Wei, have anyone worthy of respect?

Liu Miqiao originally didn't know much about cervical spondylosis, but this book, "Spine Surgery Encyclopedia", not only contains professional knowledge, but also introductions from relevant academic circles, including "Chen's


Colonel Shen came in.


Liu Muqiao secretly cheered.

He must be less than 50 years old!

Wearing a military uniform, he is particularly energetic, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, giving him a military look.

"Teacher Chen, you personally greeted me. I am ashamed of my students." Colonel Shen said.

"Colonel Shen personally came to our college to give guidance, how dare you not welcome him?" Chen Wei said as he walked.

"How is it?" Colonel Shen asked about his condition.

"It's difficult." Chen Wei said.

"Teacher Chen, you said it was difficult, but I'm afraid it is really difficult." Colonel Shen said.

"I don't dare to say for sure yet, just take a look at the MRI scan." Chen Wei said.

Colonel Shen pulled up a stool and sat down side by side with Chen Wei to watch the MRI film.

Dr. Shen is the chief physician and department director of the Cervical Spine Surgery Department of Kong General Hospital. He is only 48 years old and has done very well in surgeries.

Kong General Hospital is one of the earliest hospitals in China to carry out cervical spine surgery. One discipline has produced two academicians. Although they are no longer alive, as the flagship department of Kong General Hospital, it has always attracted the attention of the world.<


Whenever I encounter cervical spine problems, I immediately think of Kong General Hospital.

The local hospital has Chen Wei from West China, and the military hospital has Shen Wei from General Hospital.

He is 48 years old and has already held the rank of senior colonel for five years. Promotion is a high probability event.

This time, Ding Jiuyi was injured, which naturally alarmed the big bosses in the military and local circles. So, after discussion, the local government asked Chen Wei to come out, and the army asked Shen Wei to come out.

This should be taken very seriously.

Colonel Shen watched the film for a while, took a breath and said, "What a big problem! Teacher Chen, it all depends on your ability."

Chen Wei said: "How come it depends on my ability? It depends on you! Colonel Shen, you are the top cervical spine surgeon in the army. Your superiors have sent you to give guidance. I am about to listen!"

The two were polite for a while.

These two people, one is a local boss and the other is an expert in the army, it is difficult to say whether they cherish each other or are jealous of each other.

After being polite for a while, the serious discussion began.

Colonel Shen is younger and should respect Chen Wei.

He spoke first.

"Ding Jiuyi's injury may have severed the nerve fibers of the cervical spinal cord, and the probability of recovery is very small. However, our surgery is still meaningful. It can decompress and fix the cervical spine to avoid further damage. As for how many nerves are left

If the fiber retains its normal function, only the gods will know."

After Colonel Shen spoke, he noticed a man sitting aside without a white coat.

He asked, "Aren't you a family member?"

Liu Muqiao quickly said: "I am the doctor who escorted Ding Jiuyi here, Liu Muqiao."

Colonel Shen no longer pays attention to him.

A little doctor is just a speck of dust in front of his eyes.

Chen Wei said: "I completely agree with Colonel Shen's opinion. Surgery is necessary and must be done as soon as possible. However, we cannot hold out too much hope. The probability of high-level paraplegia is very high, as high as 99%. I heard that Qingjiang City, Jiangdong Province

The neurology department of Antai Hospital is very good. Their 'Huatuo Regeneration Pill' has an activating and regenerative effect on nerves. I have used it in cervical spine nerve injury cases, and the effect is not bad. However, Ding Jiuyi's serious injury is probably not likely to happen.

Great effect."

All the doctors here agree.

Liu Muqiao raised his hand.

Chen Wei noticed it and said to Liu Miqiao: "What? You said."

Liu Muqiao said: "I want to make a speech."

Chen Wei frowned. There are many famous experts here, but they are not qualified to speak. Do you want to speak?

However, as a famous figure, Chen Wei does not have the habit of scolding young people.

"You said."

Liu Muqiao said: "Ding Jiuyi is now in the stage of spinal shock, and his muscles are paralyzed. This is not controversial. What is controversial is that I noticed that most of Ding Jiuyi's spinal nerves are coherent, and only a small number of sensory nerves are damaged.

He was cut off, so I came to a conclusion that is different from yours, that he has hope of getting back on his feet."

This chapter has been completed!
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