Chapter 818 You can’t poach my people

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 The visitor’s name is Tian Liyu, an expert in burn surgery and plastic surgery at West China Hospital, chief scientist of 973, and Yangtze River Scholar.

He is so famous in West China Hospital. He is one of the founders of domestic plastic surgery. The "Tian" plastic surgery he created was officially named by the International Plastic Surgery Society and has become one of the three major plastic surgery methods in the world.<


The most famous plastic surgery hospital in the world is South Korea's Central Hospital, which generally uses Tian's surgery.

The Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery is a major department in West China Hospital, with an annual turnover of more than RMB 800 million.

There are really not many departments in the hospital with a turnover of more than 800 million in a single subject.

The annual turnover of West China Hospital has already exceeded 10 billion. Compared with the entire hospital, this department accounts for one-twelfth, which is very impressive.

As soon as he came in, he asked: "Who is Dr. Liu Miqiao?"

Liu Muqiao didn't recognize this bald middle-aged man and said: "Me."

"Oh, I've heard of you for a long time. Half a year ago, I met Professor Teng Ce at Kyoto University Waseda School of Medicine in Japan. He talked about you to me. He said that in the entire surgical community, he only admires one person, Dr. Liu Miqiao." Tian Li.

Professor Yu is a talkative person.

He was invited by Japan six months ago to give lectures and perform surgeries at Waseda University, where he happened to meet Mr. Teng Ce.

Teng Ce is a national treasure in his country, and he is still active in the world of pancreatic surgery.

When he saw Professor Tian Liyu, Teng Ce took the initiative to chat with him and talked about Liu Muqiao.

After returning, Tian Liyu noticed some introductions about Liu Miqiao in the materials. Especially in various countries in Southeast Asia, Liu Miqiao was very famous.

Tian Liyu also often goes to Nanyang to make flying knives.

I heard that Liu Muqiao was here today, so I quickly came to visit.

His visit has nothing to do with his profession. He wants to defect to Liu Muqiao.

You heard me right, he came to tell Liu Muqiao that he wanted to go to Antai Hospital to establish a "Burns and Plastic Surgery Department".

After a person works in a unit for a long time, he will become inert and bored.

To be honest, although Professor Tian Liyu is one of the pillars of West China Hospital and a candidate for future academician selection, the Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery is always only a secondary department in the hospital. Compared with the Department of Hepatobiliary, Pancreatic and Intestinal Surgery, the Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery is

The department will always be an inferior department.

This has nothing to do with making money.

Liu Muqiao was shocked when he heard this.

Professor Wang Yunnian, a cardiovascular interventional expert, was also shocked.

"Are you crazy?"

"Why do you say that?"

"You don't want a platform like West China Hospital, but you choose to go to a small hospital? Are you crazy?"

"You don't understand."

"I don't understand? You can't go to any hospital in China except Union Medical College!"

"Professor Wang, don't you understand? Entrepreneurship requires more passion. Besides, do you know Antai Hospital? Antai Hospital will be the most promising hospital in Central and South China."

"Antai Hospital? Sorry, I really haven't heard of it."

"This can only be blamed on your ignorance. Have you noticed the articles in "MBJ", "NEJM" and "JAMA"? There are several articles with editor's notes, all from Antai Hospital. There are many more,

You don’t know, I have to tell you! Liu Miqiao, whenever you go back, I will apply for transfer."

It was Liu Muqiao's turn to be confused.

This kind of poaching is generally not something that can be brought to light. The dean of the house just received you politely, but you are poaching someone else's backbone. This is very embarrassing.

However, he is the chief scientist of 973, and he takes the initiative to ask to go back with you. Can you disagree?

"Professor Tian, ​​this matter is too big. It is a big event for West China Hospital. You should calm down for a while. After you think it through, you may decide to go to our hospital at that time. I will charter a special plane to pick you up." Liu Miqiao said.


"Are you kidding me? I don't want a special plane. I'll do it myself. However, I will come as a team, at least ten people."

"The more people, the better. But, will West China Hospital let you go?" Liu Maqiao got to the point.

"Don't let me go? Isn't it true that we poach other people's talents every year? If you don't let me go, I'll leave. Those who can't be kept will be gone. Before you came, I had already thought about who to take with me. I already talked about it."
Liu Muqiao smiled.

I would never dare to dream of such a talent. Well, what else can I be polite about? Open the door to welcome you.

"I will contact you just after the earthquake relief work is over. On behalf of the hospital, I would like to extend a warm welcome to your arrival," Liu Muqiao said.

This incident quickly alarmed Dean Xu, who urgently summoned Liu Muqiao.

"No, brother, what should I do if you poach my people?" Dean Xu said eagerly.

"It's not me who took the initiative, but Professor Tian had this idea for a long time." Liu Muqiao told the truth.

"I have no objection to you poaching others. We also poach other people. However, Professor Tian is our 973 chief scientist and cannot leave." Dean Xu said.

"I understand, I understand, but only you can do this job. I can only welcome him. You don't want me to reject him, right?"

Dean Xu also felt that the refusal was a bit excessive. How could Antai Hospital refuse a high-level talent?

"Okay, I understand. Is this okay? Don't invite him. I will do Professor Tian's work." Dean Xu finally said.

Liu Muqiao returned to the reception room.

It was Professor Wang Yunnian who accompanied him.

Dean Xu urgently summoned Professor Tian Liyu. He would not let this person go.

Professor Tian Liyu has long been prepared. He is determined to leave West China Hospital.

It's not that he left Huaxi because he didn't like Huaxi or that he didn't love Huaxi, but because he wanted to find new momentum.

A person lives for hope.

A life without hope is bleak and lifeless.

After many years, Tian Liyu has lost his vitality and passion.

Fifteen years ago, he founded the "Tian" technique. At that time, he was so passionate that he walked with wind.

However, in the past two or three years, he has been feeling unwell all over. He has developed cervical spondylosis, frozen shoulder, diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney problems, and there is often a " " sign in the urine protein.<


That’s not all. Today we suspect intestinal cancer, tomorrow we suspect stomach cancer, and the day after tomorrow we suspect liver cancer. My fingers hurt, my back hurts, and even my scalp hurts.

He knows that this is not because of aging, but because of lack of motivation in life!

He is determined to find a new source of life!

He found it!

Jiangdong Antai Hospital is the source of his life.

Let's go!

Go to Antai!

Build another burn and plastic surgery hospital there!

He found eighteen like-minded people, ranging in age from 28 to 59, who shared a common dream.

Find a place to display your talents.

Professor Tian Liyu came to Dean Xu’s office.

"Please take a seat."

"Thank you, Dean."

"It can't be true, right? You told me it was a rumor."

"I'm sorry, it's true."


"Looking for the second spring of life."

"But, you are looking in the wrong direction!"

"No, it's very accurate. Within five years, Antai Hospital will have a brand department, with West China Hospital ranking first in the Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery, and Antai Hospital second."

This chapter has been completed!
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