Chapter 820 Shadow Team

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 When Liu Muqiao appeared in the hotel lobby, he discovered that 12 people wanted to defect to Liu Muqiao.

These 12 people are respectively 4 deputy chief physicians of spine surgery, 2 deputy chief physicians of vascular intervention, 1 urology surgeon and chief physician, and 5 deputy chief physicians of liver and pancreas.

Liu Muqiao is very happy. These people are all young doctors with great achievements, most of them are in their early 30s, which is when they become the main force.

In a large hospital like West China Hospital, the main personnel on clinical duty are the attending physician and the deputy chief physician. If the hospital is low, the resident physician only writes medical records. If the hospital is high, the chief physician mainly takes care of graduate students, conducts scientific research, and conducts consultations.

The specific care of patients is the attending and deputy chief doctors. Moreover, doctors at this level can also perform surgeries and are also the main force on the operating table.

Of course, they are mainly surgeons for common and frequently-occurring diseases. When it comes to complex surgeries or major surgeries, they can only serve as assistants.

The structure of hospital doctors is generally in the shape of a pyramid. The chief physician is the top of the pyramid, the deputy director and attending physician are the body of the tower, and the resident doctors and training doctors are the base.

Taki is easy to handle, and there is no shortage of Antai Hospital. There are as many graduates as you want every year, and now they have raised the bar to Ph.D.s.

This part of the tower is in great demand. It would be a good thing to be able to recruit dozens of people from West China Hospital.

Recruiting people from West China Hospital has advantages over recruiting people from Shanghai and Beijing. Qingjiang City and the city where West China Hospital is located are on the same level, and Jiangdong Province is also the hinterland of the country, so it is more convenient to travel and so on.

Liu Muqiao was very happy to let them add WeChat so that they could make the trip after the earthquake relief work was over.

A few people also discussed the work matters of their spouses. It was easy to work in the medical industry. Antai Hospital was on the rise, so they made arrangements casually.

The key is that there are several people who are not in the medical industry. Liu Muqiao pondered for a while and came up with a general idea. The arrangement is not very difficult. He at least has a pharmaceutical factory that can arrange people.

After handling these matters, Liu Maqiao came to the spinal surgery department to visit Ding Jiuyi. His condition was very optimistic.

Ding Jiuyi can move his limbs. It will be no problem to take care of himself in the future. He speaks fluently. When he saw Liu Maqiao coming to see him, he burst into tears and was so grateful.

Liu Muqiao did a simple physical examination and came to a relatively good conclusion: the motor nerve problem is not serious. From now on, it will not only be a matter of self-care, but also basic physical labor.

The only thing is that the sensory nerves are not sensitive and the positioning is inaccurate.

Just in time, I received a notice that a plane would take off from here in an hour, and Liu Muqiao was going to go with the plane.

The Earthquake Command Center also designated Liu Maqiao as a person, hoping that he would use his special abilities to discover signs of life from the ruins.

He didn't dare to take on this task because there was only ten minutes of super power in a day at most, and the hope of saving people was very slim.

What's more, he can't just go into sub-hibernation.

"Brother, you will be lucky if you survive this time. From now on, you will definitely not be able to fly a plane. Remember, if you change your job, come to our Antai Hospital. Of course, the country will not ignore you and will probably give it to you.

When a disabled soldier is placed, the country will support you, but from my medical understanding, you can work and come to our hospital, and I will also control the helicopter for you."

Ding Jiuyi burst into tears upon hearing this.

What he is most worried about is the rest of his life. If he could be like a normal person, he would not be surprised at all about the pension given to him by the country.

With Liu Muqiao's words, his confidence suddenly gained.

"Okay, I'll still take care of the plane."

Liu Muqiao said goodbye to Ding Jiuyi, and finally said goodbye to Chen Wei. Just as he was boarding the plane and preparing to leave, Dean Xu chased him.

He said: "It's a pity that you are in a hurry to leave. The dean of our school will give you a letter of appointment and would like to ask you to be a visiting professor. We will contact you after your earthquake relief is completed."

This is very good.

Liu Muqiao is very interested in the recruitment of Sichuan University. Sichuan University and West China University are famous universities.

West China University used to be an independent medical university. Later, it merged with Sichuan University and became the West China Medical College of Sichuan University. West China Hospital belongs to Sichuan University and is a teaching hospital of the medical school alongside the School of Medicine.

Liu Muqiao got on the plane. It was the new model plane from yesterday. It had a long range, was fast, and could also transport large tonnage of materials.

This kind of aircraft has not been exposed in the news media, and even the most powerful foreign intelligence agencies have not noticed the existence of this kind of helicopter.

If not for this earthquake relief effort, it would have been hidden for several more years.

This kind of high-lift aircraft is said to be able to hoist a medium tank and is extremely valuable in the army.

Within an hour and a half, Liu Muqiao arrived at the Fucheng earthquake relief frontline headquarters and met several extremely important people.

The headquarters is located on a lawn outside Fucheng. It is built with tents and is very large. There are 200 people inside, and various telephones and reports are constantly being sent.

Disaster relief is not just for Fucheng.

Tens of thousands of square kilometers near Fucheng are under disaster relief. Soldiers and rescue workers have been stationed in many towns and villages. Some towns have been cut off from news for many days, and finally helicopters were sent to transport people.

The worst thing is that several villages were buried in the mud of landslides, and no one survived.

There is a combat map in the headquarters.

The person who met Liu Muqiao was a soldier.

"We need some people with special abilities. I heard that you can hear the cries under the ruins. You have been recruited." The officer was very direct.

"I would like to explain that my special talent is mainly in medicine. The super hearing ability you mentioned, I can only have ten minutes a day. Within these ten minutes, I can hear sounds very far away."
Liu Muqiao's introduction was very vague, but it was still clear. The key issue was time, and he said it was only ten minutes.

In the military world, a group of talents with special abilities have been discovered.

Regarding supernatural powers, there have been many scammers, so many people still have a negative attitude towards supernatural powers.

However, in the military circles, they only do things but don’t say anything. They never prove anything in public. If there are people with special powers, it’s enough for them to know in their hearts.

There are people with special powers, but they are very few. They are all monopolized by the military.

They don't even want this function to be recognized by society.

After listening to Liu Miqiao's words, the officer nodded and said, "Well, I'm very happy that you can admit that you have supernatural powers. You can use this power for ten minutes a day, which is very consistent with the general law of supernatural powers. Okay, let's

Just use these ten minutes of your time."

Liu Muqiao couldn't object, so he said, "Let's start tomorrow. I've already used it once today."

The officer was slightly disappointed, but the time was short. He smiled and said: "Okay, we will see you tomorrow. Oh, by the way, we are recruiting you not only for earthquake relief, but from now on, you will also be a special combatant in the Western Theater Command."

.I hope you agree."

"If the country needs it, I will be happy to do so." Liu Maqiao's words came out as soon as his forehead became hot.

Just because of these words, he has already stepped into the military world.

It's just that he hasn't realized it yet.

In the hands of this chief, there are more than a dozen people with special abilities, and they often have to complete tasks that ordinary people cannot complete.

This kind of person is called "King of Soldiers" or "Shadow Player".

This chapter has been completed!
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