Chapter 988 Refusing to Sign

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 I understand, this is one of the reasons why Tian Liyu went abroad.

The next day, Tian Liyu's children also came.

He was admitted to the ward.

Liu Muqiao has never met Tian Liyu's lover. He probably had a conflict with Tian Liyu and broke up.

This couldn't help but make Liu Muqiao sympathize with Tian Liyu even more. It turned out that this guy was unhappy.

"Divorce! I have made up my mind this time, I must divorce!" When Liu Maqiao came to visit Tian Liyu, Tian Liyu confided to Liu Miqiao, "I have been enduring it for decades and I can't bear it anymore!"

"Where is your lover?" Liu Maqiao asked.





"She shouldn't have let me talk to her when I came back."


Liu Muqiao fell silent.

"She wishes I would die in Han Country so that she could inherit the money."

"No? I think you must have misunderstood her. She shouldn't be such a person."

"Did I misunderstand her? You don't know that over the years, she has spent millions buying bags. She has hundreds of pairs of shoes. How can she wear so many?"

Liu Muqiao didn't want to discuss this issue further. Now, Tian Liyu needs someone to take care of him the most. His lover should not leave her no matter what.

However, in fact, she has left. Such a woman will leave if she leaves, and Liu Maqiao does not want to help Tian Liyu keep her.

He said: "We will have a pre-operative discussion later. I am the surgeon, Du Xiaoping is the first assistant, and Meng Feiyun is the second assistant. The technique we have prepared is the most advanced Vilishi technique. I want to ask you if you have any other requirements."<


"Thank you, this is the strongest lineup in the world. I don't have any other requests, just a small request, catheterization. Can you wait until I'm numb?" Tian Liyu said.

"No problem." Liu Muqiao thought, this is not a requirement. There is no difference between intubation before anesthesia and intubation after anesthesia. "Okay, I will join the discussion right now."

After leaving the ward, Liu Muqiao felt sad for Tian Liyu and didn't know how he managed the household. At this time, he was alone in the ward.

Logically speaking, his children should be in the ward no matter what.

He didn't know that his son and daughter were discussing outside the issue of who would take care of their father.

One said that he couldn't get leave and would have to go back tomorrow.

Another said that she still had to take care of her daughter.

A man and a woman were discussing, and the more they talked, the more excited they became, and finally they started to quarrel.

"No one can leave! If the old man dies, his inheritance will be half for each person." It was Tian Liyu's daughter who came to the conclusion, forcing Ga Ke into a corner with one sentence.

"How much inheritance do you think he can have? If he dies quickly, he will have an inheritance of several million. If he dies for a few years, he takes medicines, gets injections, and doesn't come to borrow from you or me, that would be great," the man said.
"Well, you and mother have the same idea. You blame the old man for not staying in Han Country. The 140 million was wasted. You are mentally unbalanced." The woman said.

"Aren't you the same? That day, my father asked us whether we should go to the Cold Country, and you were the first to agree. Now that the old man has cancer, everyone knows that this is an incurable disease. From now on, this disease will be a

Burden, money is a bottomless pit. Let me tell you, when I got married, the old man gave me 1 million. When you got married, it was also 1 million. He didn’t say who would carry on the family line for him, so as his daughter, you have to make more contributions.

.I won’t discuss it with you anymore. I have to go back tomorrow night.”

"Tian Jianlong! Hello, if you go, I will go too! Let's see who is more ruthless!"


Of course, they thought that others could not hear their conversation, but in fact, there is no airtight wall?

Liu Muqiao and their case discussion has officially begun.

The scope of the pre-operative discussion this time was not large, and it involved privacy issues. Only 10 people participated, including Hu Bolong, Section Chief Qin, Liu Miqiao, Du Xiaoping, Meng Feiyun, and Jiang Weiwei.

The discussion starts directly with Jiang Weiwei.

The speaker is Du Xiaoping.

Although it is said that Liu Miqiao was the surgeon, this operation is really not good enough for Liu Miqiao. This is the smallest operation for pancreatic head cancer. There is no adhesion or metastasis. Even Jiang Weiwei can easily perform it.

Both Du Xiaoping and Meng Feiyun felt that the operation was too small and they were not interested.

Liu Muqiao still decided that he would be the surgeon throughout the whole process.

There were no problems in the surgical discussion, and Hu Bolong made a concluding speech.

Then, it’s time to talk to the family members.

Meng Feiyun is responsible for this matter.

Meng Feiyun found a pair of Tian Liyu's children and told them about the risks of the operation, one, two, three, four, five, nearly 10 in total.

Anesthesia accident, life-threatening.

Blood vessel rupture, life-threatening.

Surgery damages nearby organs and is life-threatening.

Pancreatic leakage may occur, endangering life, or causing serious consequences.

Stress-induced gastrointestinal bleeding.

Postoperative cancer metastasis.

Postoperative infection.


"I won't sign!" Tian Liyu's son refused to sign.

Meng Feiyun was stunned and said: "What, you don't want to sign?"

"Yes, so many risks are borne by us, don't you doctors bear some?" Tian Jianlong said.

Meng Feiyun said: "Brother, we are informing you, not shirking responsibility. We are telling you that there will be these possibilities during and after the operation, and we are not shirking responsibility."

"Then why do you want us to sign?"

"Signing is to inform you that you have heard and understood."

"I don't understand! If something happens, and you say I understand, something will happen. That's not fair!"

"Brother, your father is also a doctor. He did the same thing before the operation. This is really not to shirk responsibility, but to inform. Do you understand?"

"Let me ask you, if something goes wrong, who is responsible?"

"If something happens, whoever is responsible will be responsible."

"I don't understand what you are saying. If something goes wrong during the operation, of course it is your doctor's responsibility!"

"You can't say that. Some are accidents and some are complications. They are inevitable."

"It's inevitable? Why can't it be avoided? If you are serious and responsible, why is it unavoidable? If it is unavoidable, then you still do the surgery?"

Meng Feiyun choked on the air and said: "Tell me, do you want to sign or not? If you don't sign, you will be thrown out!"

Meng Feiyun was angry.

Are there still such unreasonable people in the world?

What's more, he is the son of a doctor.

Meng Feiyun closed the medical record and said, "Forget it, you can discuss it again and decide whether you agree to the operation and whether to sign or not."

Liu Muqiao soon learned about this.

He could only shake his head secretly.

Poor people must be hateful.

There must be cause and effect for Tian Liyu's current situation.

He decided to talk to Tian Liyu's children.

If the family members do not sign the consent form for surgery, the operation generally cannot be performed, unless in an emergency the hospital entrusts the medical department to sign on their behalf. In other cases, family members are required to sign.

Obviously, there is no such thing as emergency surgery for Tian Liyu.

This chapter has been completed!
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