Chapter 581: Autopsy 2

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 Ji Ruyan is not a vegetarian, how could she be intimidated by just these few words?

Immediately he accepted the order and left the palace.

As long as she is not allowed to treat Wan Dehou, why not dissect the body overnight?

No, with a gold medal awarded to her by Emperor Xuan, she went directly to the prison of the Ministry of Punishment and demanded to see the eight corpses, so that the soldiers did not dare to stop her.

Ji Ruyan wanted to dissect the body. It was a serious matter, so someone hurried to Qinglong Temple and invited Song Hewen, the Minister of Punishment, back overnight.

As soon as Song Hewen, the Minister of Punishment, saw Ji Ruyan and heard that she was going to dissect her body, he rushed back overnight.

It was already dawn when we returned to the Prison Department Prison.

Ji Ruyan has already washed her hands and taken out all the dissection tools from the space.

In order to prove that what he said was not wrong, Ji Ruyan also asked the steward to bring over several violators of the autopsy.

As soon as the disobedient disciples heard that the Seventh Princess had invited them, who dared to be disobedient? They hurried over in the dark.

Ji Ruyan saw that everyone was here, so he asked everyone, "Who can copy for me what I said?"

"My slave is willing."

The person who spoke was actually Manager Wei.

This surprised Ji Ruyan, she thought no one would agree to the promise.

Now that someone has taken over, she will start her first dissection after traveling to another world directly under everyone's eyes.

First, the person she wanted to dissect was Aunt Zhong.

Ji Ruyan touched the corpse's bones expertly, checked the surface of the corpse, and said, "The deceased was a female, aged forty to forty-five years old, about 1.55 meters tall. There was no abnormal development and nutrition.

Good. Rigor mortis has been relieved, and bright purple-red corpse spots can be seen on the back of the neck. The rest of the skin is pale and has no yellow stain. The hair is black and the scalp is intact. The corneas are opaque, and the pupils are dilated on both sides. The lips are cyanotic, and there are abnormal secretions in the oral and nasal cavities and bilateral external auditory canals.

The trachea is in the middle, the thorax is symmetrical, and the abdominal wall is normal. There are no deformities in the limbs, and the finger and toenails are cyanotic."

After saying this, Ji Ruyan picked up the machete for disembowelment and started directly.

The bloody scene made everyone present close their eyes and dare not even take a look.

Steward Duduwei listened with great interest. Of course, he did not stop with the brush in his hand and continued to record what she said.

"There was poison in the deceased's stomach, and from the surface, it appeared that the deceased was strangled with a rope, with obvious strangulation marks and blood stasis, and the soft tissue was severely deformed. It cannot be ruled out that poison was forcibly poured into the deceased's body when he was strangled.

Ji Ruyan's words are very reasonable and convincing.

The rebels originally wanted to come and have a look and be witnesses, but Ji Ruyan was really terrifying at this time. She was holding a bloody knife in her left hand and the stomach of the deceased in her right hand. She looked like this.

He is Shura who has returned from the blood.

Shocked the whole audience!

Even the well-informed housekeepers couldn't help but feel timid, while some timid ones simply rolled their eyes.

Song Hewen stood there, feeling as if his feet were nailed on by nails, and he didn't even have the strength to move.

When the corpses were dissected, Ji Ruyan's speed became faster and faster. At noon, he finally dissected all the corpses, and finally said to the steward, "Steward Wei, have you written down everything I said?

"The message to reply to the Seventh Princess has been written."

Manager Wei looked at her with a strange expression.

This chapter has been completed!
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