Chapter 598 Traitor

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 "When this noble man arrived, he did not deliberately conceal his voice, so I could hear it. Fang'er, since this noble man has secured a match for you, you must treat your wife well in the future and don't let her down.

She, the status of a businessman is low, but you also know that if there had not been a businessman who received your father's life-saving grace and learned that your father had passed away, he came to repay his kindness and gave his grandmother five thousand taels of silver notes. This huge Huafu

, has long since declined!"

Mrs. Hua said this to her grandson with sincerity. At that time, Hua Mansion lost the support of men. If it weren't for the generosity of the businessman who gave him money, how would she, an old woman, have the money to raise these two grandchildren?


Hua Hongfang nodded and hugged Mrs. Hua lightly, "Grandma, don't worry. Fang'er knows that what he wants to do is talent, and that he is Fang'er's nobleman. As long as Fang'er is loyal to her, the Seventh Princess

I won’t treat Fang’er badly.”

Mrs. Hua smiled knowingly, "If you think so, that's the best thing."

The grandfather and grandson chatted for a few words, because there were not many valuable things in the house, and Mrs. Hua was already worried about the betrothal gift for each other.

Hua Hongfang asked Mrs. Hua not to think so much. The matter has not yet been settled. The most important thing is to see whether the Seventh Princess can ask the father of the girl's family to come to discuss it.

In this way, it will not be too late for Huafu to prepare the betrothal gift.

Mrs. Hua thought about it for a while and realized that her grandson was right, so she stopped thinking about it for the time being.


Ji Ruyan returned to the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion, went directly to his uncle Feng Tianyou, told him everything he had done today, and asked him to make up his own mind.

"Ruyan, you mean that there are only two generations of people in this Hua Mansion?"

"Yes, Hua Hongfang's father and mother are gone. If cousin Ying Ni gets married, she will be the only mistress of the Hua Mansion. As long as cousin Ying Ni respects Mrs. Hua, she will not marry her because she likes to wield swords and guns.

But others don’t like it.”


Feng Tianyou was surprised and happy.

What was surprising was that Ji Ruyan actually cared about that crazy girl's marriage.

Fortunately, she has already consulted the other party's opinion, and the other party is interested in getting married.

Feng Tianyou is a businessman and has only one son and daughter in his life. Now his daughter finally has a partner.

He knew that Ruyan would never do anything unreliable, and he must have investigated this young man who was so charming.

Ji Ruyan saw Feng Tianyou looking weird and didn't know what he was thinking, so he had to say from the side, "Uncle, if you don't like it, don't worry. Wait for Ruyan to pay more attention to his charming cousin.

It’s also possible.”

"No! Tomorrow you take my uncle to Hua Mansion and let him take a good look at this Hua Hongfang."

When Feng Tianyou heard this, he quickly said to Ji Ruyan, if he misses such a good flower house, where will he find a good place for his daughter without the pressure of his parents-in-law?

Moreover, Hua Hongfang is still a seventh-grade Yihui captain. With this official general, Fengtian Mansion can gain a foothold in the Tiandu Kingdom no matter what.

Ji Ruyan is not very clear about Feng Tianyou's plan, but since she can arrange this marriage, she also intends to promote Hua Hongfang.

Just because of those three people, only Hua Hongfang and Nie Yangwen did not betray them.

On the contrary, Wu Hanxue had already agreed to Bai Wuhou's proposal of marriage, and Bai Wuhou also obtained the source of the Five Poison Fruit from his mouth, which came from Ji Ruyan's hands.

This chapter has been completed!
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