Chapter 599 Princess Yaling

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 Ji Ruyan will definitely not let Wu Han learn from such a traitor and rebel!

There is a kind of person who is a born white-eyed wolf. One moment you are nice to him, but the next moment he will forget the kindness you gave him and directly stab you in the heart.

Ji Ruyan asked Feng Tianyou to prepare some gifts first, and tomorrow she will accompany her uncle to Hua Mansion in person, and then see how the negotiations between the two families go.

Feng Tianyou nodded repeatedly and hurried out of the house to pick out gifts.

Of course, he didn't forget to drag Xiang Yining along.

The old man and the young man, because Ji Ruyan is not at home very much these days, have become close friends.

Seeing her uncle's rare joy, Ji Ruyan couldn't help but smile.

Suddenly thinking of the scene he saw when he went out today, Ji Ruyan felt that it was necessary to find someone to find out whose daughter that girl was.

So, he headed towards Xi Xiaomeng's study. Xi Xiaomeng was reading some memorials. When he looked up, he saw Ji Ruyan. Without any nonsense, he asked directly, "What's the matter with you?"

"Give me paper to draw, and I will draw someone. Please help me find out who this is."

"There are paper paintings on that table."

Xi Xiaomeng gestured to the table next to him and continued to immerse himself in reviewing the memorial.

When Ji Ruyan saw the thick stack of memorials, she suddenly felt that Xi Xiaomeng was really relied upon by Emperor Xuan, as he had thrown so many memorials to Xi Xiaomeng.

She curled her lips with a helpless smile, then grabbed the brush and started drawing on the table seriously. After half an hour, she put down the brush.

I called Xi Xiaomeng to come over and take a look.

Xi Xiaomeng just finished processing the memorial, holding a cup of cold tea in his hand, taking a sip, and walked to the portrait painted by Ji Ruyan, a little surprised, "Isn't this Prince Su's daughter, Princess Luo Yaling?

Ji Ruyan was shocked, "Princess?"


Xi Xiaomeng glanced at her, "How did you meet this princess? She goes out to meet people no more than ten times a year, and she is indifferent, because Princess Su is extremely weak and often bedridden.

Prince Su has invited many doctors for this purpose, but to no avail."

Ji Ruyan suppressed the turmoil in her heart and said no more.

I hope Cousin Ci En will not have an affair with that princess, otherwise it will really give her a headache.

It's not that she doesn't think highly of them, but she feels that given the royal family's low opinion of merchants' status, they will never be allowed to be together. If Prince Su becomes angry and wants to take action on Cousin Ci'en, she will have no choice but to throw this away.

No matter how shameless I am, I still want to save my cousin Ci En.

Cousin Ci En is the only son of his uncle Feng Tianyou.

Sometimes, when people are worried that something like that will happen, that kind of thing will happen.

No, a servant from the Imperial Prefect's Mansion came in and said to Ji Ruyan, "Seventh Princess, there is a man outside the mansion. His name is Sui Xing. He said he has something urgent to ask you. Can you see that?"

Ji Ruyan was stunned, Sui Xing is still here in Dunlezhou?

So, he nodded and said, "I'll go out and meet you."

As soon as he walked outside the door, when Sui Xing saw Ji Ruyan, his face showed an eager look, "Miss, Master Biao has been detained in Prince Su's Mansion, and now Prince Su threatens to kill Master Biao!"


Ji Ruyan was shocked and quickly told Sui Xing, "Where is Prince Su's palace? Take me there quickly!"

The two masters and servants rushed towards Prince Su's Mansion impatiently. Ji Ruyan came to the gate of Prince Su's Mansion and reported her identity to the guard of the Prince's Mansion.

This chapter has been completed!
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