Chapter 972 The tactics are extended to the lighthouse country

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 Old Tom was driving a truck of Coke on the road.

At this time, he was extremely excited.

Originally, the Lighthouse Country relied on various hegemonies to dump Coke on them and cut off their water sources, leaving them to rely on Coke for moisture. As a result, about 90% of the residents of Straw City suffered from diabetes.

Now, they can finally reverse-dump these Cokes to people in lighthouse countries.

As for whether those who drink Coke are ordinary people, and what is the difference between them and the big capitalists who produce Coke, who is responsible for their suffering and how to solve it is no longer within his consideration.

His somewhat poor brain and knowledge did not allow him to think about such complex issues. He only had simple thoughts of revenge in his mind.

That's right, it's revenge.

He wants to dump the Coke back.

Zhang Tuohai has already communicated the specific matters, he just needs to transport the Coke.

The long motorcade was speeding along the road, and the checkpoints along the way saw the license plate and let them go.

In order to import refugees, the foundation controlled by Zhang Tuohai bribed all the inspectors on this road, and all vehicles belonging to Zhang Tuohai were allowed to pass.

This is how Zhang Tuohai sent millions of refugees to various major cities in the lighthouse country, forming a huge refugee group.

It laid the foundation for the next crisis.

Therefore, the riots in the Lighthouse Country are inextricably linked to Zhang Tuohai.

Old Tom galloped all the way and arrived at the suburbs of Rose City. A team of people had been waiting here for a long time.

The leader was a middle-aged man with blond hair, wearing full police riot gear and holding an M16 in his hand. If it weren't for the pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his nose, he would have been mistaken for a battle-hardened soldier.<


However, he is Pedro, the leader of ordinary people in Rose City.

After seeing the motorcade approaching, he took two steps to the car, opened the car door for Old Tom himself, held Old Tom's hand and said, "Finally, I've been waiting for you. Thank you for supporting our great cause of freedom."

"Who cares about your freedom cause? I just want to sell you Coke." Old Tom thought to himself, but with a smile on his face, he said according to Zhang Tuohai's instructions, "You're welcome, we are all free people, of course.

We must support each other, smash the shackles on our bodies, and hang from the street lamps those capitalists who want to control us, implant chips and viruses in our bodies.”

"That's great to say, but don't forget, there are those damn politicians. They actually want to kill us with the thugs. They actually want to kill us, the sacred electors and taxpayers. They should not have done it in the first place.

Get these damn politicians elected."

Pedro also said from the side.

"You're all thirsty. I brought a cart of Coke here, so you can drink whatever you want. If you're hungry, there's fried chicken in the car behind, so you can eat whatever you want. These are all for you."

Old Tom said as he pulled off the canvas on the pickup truck, revealing boxes of Coke inside.

Take it, Old Tom grabbed a bottle of Coke and threw it towards Pedro.

Pedro grabbed it and unscrewed the bottle cap, and the Coke inside spewed out.

However, Pedro didn't care. He drank most of the bottle, and finally wiped his mouth and shouted: "It's cool, I haven't drank Coke in a long time. I remember the last time I drank Coke was when I was in school."

Pedro showed a look of reminiscence.

"You just have too many choices. When all your choices are taken away and only Coke is left, try it and see if you can still feel better."

Old Tom thought disdainfully to himself.

Then, he began to distribute Coke to everyone.

His purpose is simply revenge - to make the people of Lighthouse Country drink more Coke.

The convoy behind also stopped and began to hand out Coke and fried chicken to the people present.

These are all factories built by capitalists from the Lighthouse Country in the Chicken Roll Country. However, they are all supervised by Zhang Tuohai and are working hard to produce fried chicken and Coke and then transport them here.

Many people have been hungry all day. After a day of fighting, they are already exhausted and their stomachs are almost full of acid reflux.

Now that they can smell the aroma of fried chicken, they can't bear it anymore. Many people even jump directly to the car and open their mouths to eat the fried chicken.

Some didn't even have time to open the packaging and even ate the wrapping paper.

Many people didn't even want to spit out the bones, and chewed them up together with the chicken and swallowed it.

Hungry people are like this, they want to eat everything around them.

A group of people devoured themselves. Each person ate two fried chickens and drank two bottles of Coke before they were barely full.

Many people still touch the oil on their lips and want more.

"Thank you, brothers of freedom. Please pay my highest respect to your leader. It was you who extended your hand when we were in the most critical moment. We will always remember your kindness."

Pedro said.

"We don't dare ask for your kindness. The last person who was kind to you was an Indian. What about now?" Old Tom was full of disdain.

However, he still didn't show it, just nodded and listened.

"However, I have one more request, that is, please give us some heavy equipment. The guards on the opposite side are too powerful. We are fighting very hard. Every time we attack the tanks, we will lose a lot of men."

Pedro said.

"No, I'm sorry, we can't provide you with heavy weapons. It's too difficult to transport those things. Moreover, even if they are shipped to you, no one of you will use them. After all, they are very professional equipment."<


Old Tom said.

"Then what should we do? Are we just going to watch us lose the battle like this?" Pedro's face didn't look good, but he also knew that what Old Tom said was true.

They were also lucky enough to capture a tank.

However, there were so many buttons and instruments inside that I was confused when I entered and couldn’t figure out what was going on.

"Don't worry, my dear friend, how could we stand by and watch you fall into a bitter battle? Our great leader has already thought of a solution for you."

"Bring it here."

Old Tom waved to the side, and immediately twenty young people came over with remote controls in their hands.

Not far from them, there were dozens of small drones placed.

"What is this?" Pedro asked.

"Drones are easy to learn, low cost and quick to produce results. We relied on these to defeat the warlords and corrupt politicians, drive away the greedy congressmen, and build our new homeland."

Old Tom said.

"Really? Can you let us take a look?"

Hearing what Old Tom said, Pedro became more energetic and wanted to ask Old Tom to demonstrate it to him.

This chapter has been completed!
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