Chapter 976 Sparks everywhere

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 Soon, a large number of people gathered around Rose City with various purposes.

They brought various tents and cabins, and some people even slept in the cars.

The gathering of a large number of people naturally brought various demands. Smart traders came from all over the place, bringing various goods and services. Even some wandering orioles also had the idea of ​​​​this area and drove over to look for business.

Attract customers.

Of course, the largest number of vendors here are from the chicken taco country. Zhang Tuohai, who had been prepared for all this, had already prepared supplies and goods, many of which were originally donated supplies. As soon as the news of the armistice was confirmed

After hearing the news, it was immediately turned into a commodity on the spot and sold there, with the price more than doubling.

Although the people in Rose City are very dissatisfied with this, things are rare and expensive, and many things are only sold here in Zhang Tuohai. If you don't buy them, they may be sold out in the next second.

Therefore, even though the price is very high, it still cannot stop those people's impulse to consume and buy in large quantities.

Among them, cigarettes, beer, fried chicken and cola are the most consumed.

The war has caused indelible pain to many people, and they need this to numb their nerves.

In addition to selling all kinds of in-demand supplies, Zhang Tuohai sent merchants to buy all kinds of luxury goods, regardless of their origins, as long as they were genuine, but the purchase price was less than one-tenth of the market price.

Even so, many people flock to it and start shopping for zero yuan, sending freshly purchased luxury goods to vendors in exchange for fried chicken and beer.

These traders then transported the purchased luxury goods back to their country, and Zhang Tuohai took charge of transporting them overseas and selling them to other countries at 30% off the market price.

Because it was authentic and cheap, it really attracted many buyers. Over time, a stable trade chain was formed between Rose City and Chicken Taco Country.

Because a long section of the road passes through underground tunnels, Zhang Tuohai calls it tunnel economy.

It is precisely because of the existence of the tunnel economy that Rose City has formed a deformed trade industry chain. The entire city is supporting this industry chain. Most people live a peaceful life. Many people are even better than before the war.

It has also provided a lot of nourishment. The economy is gradually improving, and many people have begun to take selfies online to show off their lives.

At first, people thought it was a public relations video and didn’t take it seriously. How can a city that has just gone through war be better?

After the news was over, people gradually discovered that all of this was actually true.

This discovery really shocked the attention of many people, and at the same time, it also aroused the minds of many people with low incomes. Some Internet celebrities smelled the traffic, and immediately drove over to shoot videos in the Rose City.

Everyone conducted on-site interviews. However, as soon as they arrived, they were given red envelopes by Pedro and Sanders.

After receiving the money, these Internet celebrities naturally know what to do. Various videos are overtly and covertly biased. In their shots, the entire Rose City economy is booming, the residents are free and wealthy, and everyone's face is filled with peace.

Happy smile.

Under the propaganda of these Internet celebrities, the entire Rose City has become a concrete symbol of freedom and democracy, and has become the yearning of those who are dissatisfied with life.

As a result, more and more people, attracted by the video, came to Rose City by various means of transportation.

Some people feel that they have arrived in heaven, while others are disappointed and feel that this place is not what they imagined.

I made a video to expose all this, but my account was quickly restricted and blocked, and then I was found by Sanders or Pedro’s people and dealt with secretly.

Sanders and Pedro have understood that only by maintaining a positive image of Rose City can they continue to gather resources here and allow them to live a happier and freer life. Therefore, they will spend a large amount of money every month.

Funds are used for public relations and social media. As long as there is negative news about them, the posts will be deleted, the number of posts will be limited, and the accounts will be blocked. Then, after obtaining the information and address of the photographer, they will be physically removed.

Anyone who prevents them from living a better life should not be in this world.

Both Sanders and Pedro have gradually deviated from their original ideas and have begun to fall into the trap of power and wealth. They have gradually been corrupted and have begun to be greedy for power and wealth. As for the original dream of freedom? What is that?
There are many smart people in the world. In addition to Sanders and Pedro, there are many people who have seen the prosperity of Rose City. However, their own resources and strength are limited and they cannot go to Rose City to replace them.

So what should we do?

Many people have ended up wondering if they can replicate what Rose City does in their own cities?

Turn your own city into a Rose City?

Then can’t I become the next Zhang Tuohai and Bao Juanping?

So, these stupid people finally sent people to Rose City to inquire about the situation.

Under Pedro's guidance, these people soon learned that the success of Sanders and Sanders depended on foreign military assistance, and these military assistance came from Pedro.

So, these people met Pedro after spending a lot of resources.

Pedro also didn't know. It was agreed that as long as they were willing to establish a free city in their own city, Pedro would be willing to support weapons. However, some industries, such as Coke, fried chicken, and the acquisition of luxury goods, would have to be purchased by Pedro.

Dro franchise as reward.

After receiving the promise, these people happily signed the contract and returned to their cities with the goods Pedro had just ordered from the military-industrial complex.

After a series of careful preparations, on a Friday night, a major event occurred that shocked the entire Lighthouse Country.

That night, freedom of movement took place in 99 cities in the entire 50 states of the Lighthouse Country.

That night, countless people took up arms, smashed open military and police warehouses, and then looted wealthy areas.

Many people took the opportunity to take revenge and hanged their hated boss from a street lamp.

There were also many people with impure motives who mixed in and committed evil and robbery. However, all the evidence was burned in the fire and then whitewashed in the name of freedom.

Because this night is the weekend, both the MPs and the guards are on vacation. In most camps, only one third is forced to go on duty, and the rest go to the city to have fun.

Then, they were greeted by free gunfire.

After one night, more than 90 cities declared themselves free cities and asked the state legislature to give them the same rights as the Rose City. They also wanted unlimited freedoms.

For a time, the entire Internet was filled with a wave of freedom.

This chapter has been completed!
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