Chapter 102 The sharp edge is revealed

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 Yiling County——

It is a large county on the northwest border of Soochow. A few years ago, Emperor Zhaolie of the Han Dynasty Liu Bei led a large army to attack Wu, and was defeated by Soochow Lu Xun in Yiling.

And more importantly, Yiling County borders Dahan.

Soochow suddenly mobilized troops to Yiling.

What does Sun Shiwan want to do?

"Jiang Aiqing!" Liu Chan asked: "Soochow suddenly sent troops to Yiling. What does Aiqing think Soochow wants?"

Jiang Wan was stunned for a moment, how should he answer this?

Before Jiang Wan could speak, Liu Chan said with a smile: "Is it Sun Shiwan who wants to attack my big man?"


Liu Chan seemed to say it quite easily, but Jiang Wan and Chen Pei were both surprised.

They were surprised, but that doesn't mean they didn't see Soochow's purpose.

Soochow suddenly mobilized troops to the Han border. Naturally, it would not be a normal defense deployment, not to mention the commander-in-chief Lu Xun was also mobilized.

Lu Xun's visit here must be a bad one.

"Your Majesty is wise," Jiang Wan complimented: "But there is no need to worry, your Majesty. Even if Lu Xun comes, he will not dare to cross the border of our country easily."

"Oh~" Liu Chan asked: "Why is Aiqing so confident? At present, our country is the weakest among the three countries. Why doesn't Soochow dare to use troops against my country?"

Liu Chan knew that Sun Shiwan had already set his sights on Shu before the late emperor entered Shu. However, the late emperor was standing between Soochow and Yizhou at that time, which made it impossible for Soochow to cross the late emperor and launch an army to attack Shu.<


"Back to Your Majesty!" Jiang Wan said: "Although Soochow is stronger than me, the Han Dynasty, in terms of paper strength, everyone knows that Soochow is more accustomed to water warfare. When it comes to land warfare, it is not Soochow's strength."

Liu Chan agrees with this. Later generations will know that Sun Shiwan's army is just a bunch of losers. For example, Liu Chan previously restrained Cao Rui's 100,000 army in Guanzhong. Sun Shiwan, with his 100,000 army, failed to capture Hefei.


"If you love me, please don't be careless." Liu Chan suddenly became serious: "I thought that there might be some hidden agenda behind Soochow's courage to send soldiers to Yiling this time."

There are no permanent enemies or permanent friends in this world.

Especially Soochow under the rule of Sun Shiwan.

Even though Wu and Shu have always been in an alliance among the Three Kingdoms in history, Sun Shiwan still poked the big man in the butt.

For example, during Guan Erye's highlight moment, he suffered from Sun Shiwan.

If Sun Shiwan hadn't taken advantage of Master Guan's unpreparedness and successfully attacked Jingzhou, Cao Wei would have been beaten to pieces by now.

This time Lu Xun's troops entered Yiling, Liu Chan was really nervous.

And soon he thought of the previous rumors and what Jiang Wan said just now about Cao Rui summoning Sima Yi.

"Jiang Aiqing!" Liu Chan said hurriedly: "You can quickly send people to Jiangzhou and inform the minister to order Li Yan to take precautions early. Lu Xun is afraid that he will use his troops against my Han Dynasty if he marches into Yiling this time."


Jiang Wan responded immediately.

Then Liu Chan left the Prime Minister's Mansion. Although he was the emperor of the Han Dynasty, he was still not needed to govern the country. Since Jiang Wan already knew what was going on in Soochow, he must also know that the situation was serious.

He will know what to do.

After leaving the Prime Minister's Mansion, Liu Chan went directly back to the palace.

The next morning.

Liu Chan was even more anxious than yesterday. He was so anxious that he didn't even use breakfast, so he went to the Craftsmanship Department.

"Your Majesty!"

A carpenter said happily: "After a day's improvement by the slaves, the problem of this trigger has been solved."

As the carpenter spoke, he picked up a hammer and opened the trigger with a bang.

Take another look.

The trigger is intact.

"Okay, okay!" Liu Chan was very satisfied.

This bed crossbow is very important to him now.

After visiting the Prime Minister's Mansion yesterday, he became more convinced that the Han Dynasty would probably fight again soon, and this time it was very likely that he would have to defend the enemy from both sides.

Two days later——

Zhuge Qiao, the commander-in-chief of the Prince Consort, led more than ten people and hurried out of the east gate of Chengdu. They left in a great hurry this time.

Just as Zhuge Qiao left, Chen Pei led several people to leave Chengdu.

November 15th.


Prefect's Mansion.

Li Yan pondered for a moment, then asked curiously: "Feng'er, do you think that our Majesty..."

Li Yan's face was full of doubts. He was the former emperor Liu Bei's minister, but he had been leading troops to guard Jiangzhou, defend Soochow, and stay away from the court.

For Emperor Liu Chan, he has always remained a young man who is indifferent to worldly affairs.

Even though it was already known before, Liu Chan led more than 10,000 new troops, marched out of Ziwu Road, and unexpectedly attacked Guanzhong, causing Cao Wei to lose Yongliang.

But in Li Yan's eyes, Liu Chan hasn't changed much.

Today's events made him start to think about this young emperor again.

"Father," Li Feng said, "I think your Majesty is just showing his talents."

"Hmm~" Li Yan nodded slightly when he heard this. He expressed his approval of his son's words. In the past, he really didn't think so.

But today, he had to think so.

Just this morning, Li Yan met two people.

Chen Pei was sent by the Prime Minister's Office, mainly to tell him that Lu Xun of Soochow had arrived at Yiling with an army of 20,000 people. At the same time, various places in Soochow were still increasing their troops to Yiling.

The meaning of the Prime Minister's Mansion is very simple. Soochow troops are mobilized frequently, and it is also the border of Chen Bing and Han Dynasty.

As the Minister of the Han Dynasty, Li Yan was also responsible for guarding the defense of Jiangzhou. If Soochow really sent troops to Shu, Li Yan would have the opportunity to show his face.

As soon as Chen Pei left, another man named Li Jie came to the prefect's mansion.

Li Jie claimed that he came here on the order of Emperor Liu Chan.

He said that he was here to help Li Yan resist the war that Lu Xun of Dongwu might launch.

When Lu Xun's troops entered Yiling, Li Yan could naturally guess that Soochow might want to use troops against the Han Dynasty, but Li Jie just said that he was ordered by the emperor to come to assist the general in resisting Soochow.

If he just said that, Li Yan wouldn't particularly care.

What worries Li Yan is that Li Jie also brought something.

Dahan bed crossbow.

"This is your Majesty's new invention;" Li Jie placed a small crossbow model in front of Li Yan, and he deliberately asked: "Can the general recognize this thing?"

Li Yan looked at it for a long time, but he didn't understand the principle. Except for the three hard bows placed in front, which he recognized, he didn't understand anything else.

"What is this?" Li Yan asked.

"Dahan Fangzi Crossbow." Li Jie said with a smile: "This is just a model of Dahan Fangzi Crossbow. The real Dahan Fangzi Crossbow can shoot long spears with a range of up to 800 steps."

"How much?" Li Yan was surprised when he heard this.

"It can reach eight hundred steps." Li Jie confirmed.

Li Jie then used this model to demonstrate to Li Yan that although it was just a model, its range could reach nearly two hundred steps, which was beyond the range of ordinary crossbows.

Li Yan was really shocked by the crossbow with a range of up to 800 steps.

Li Jie then led a few carpenters to make a real big man's bed crossbow.

As soon as Li Jie left, Li Yan asked his son Li Feng with some confusion.

Emperor Liu Chan actually has such wisdom.

In recent years, everyone in the world has known that Liu Chan, the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, did not like to govern the country but loved to invent. However, all he invented were refined salt, maltose and other things.

But now, he has actually begun to design this kind of battlefield killing weapon.

He had to start paying attention to this young emperor of the Han Dynasty.

Of course, he also wants to know how Liu Chan's brain grows?


This chapter has been completed!
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