Chapter 105 There is no way to fight this battle

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 March 20, 229 AD.


Boom, boom, boom.

As the war drums beat, the Han army at the top of Wuguan City was ready, and the veteran Zhao Yun stood at the top of the city wearing armor.

Looking up, I saw a dark area outside the city, all filled with Wei troops.

However, Zhao Yun is not nervous at all, because today's Wuguan is much stronger than the Wuguan a year ago, and there are now more than 10,000 defenders in Wuguan.

Cao Wei wants to break through Wuguan?

That's wishful thinking.

In front of the Wei army's central formation, Sima Yi, the governor-general, slowly drew out his long sword from his waist, pointed it at the head of Wuguan City, and shouted loudly: "Attack the city!"


In an instant, thousands of Wei troops shouted loudly, and the trebuchets in the Wei army's formation began to roar.

Hoo, ho, ho——

Bang, bang bang, bang bang bang.

The stone bullet quickly fell on the Wuguan city wall, causing sparks to fly from the wall.

"With a hat."

"With a hat."

"Quick, put on your hats."

In addition to the whizzing stone bullets, the stone bullets also attacked Wuguan with lime packets falling from the sky. After the Han army took advantage of lime in Tongguan last year, the Wei army also learned this trick.

Because Wei Jun also used it once when he was at Tongguan.

So now, whether it is Tongguan, Pubanjin or Wuguan, the Han army has been equipped with hats to protect against lime attacks. This hat is made of silk yarn and is worn by soldiers on their heads. It is difficult for lime to penetrate and hurt the eyes, and

It won’t block their view.

As soon as a lime bag fell, the Han army hurriedly put on their hats.

"Fire arrows."

"Fire the arrow quickly."

"Shoot them."

Sima Yi was very smart. The stone bullets were accompanied by lime bags. Although the Han army had special hats, as the lime fell into the city, the lime immediately flew everywhere, and the Wei army took this opportunity to rush towards the base of the city wall.

Seeing that the Wei army had reached the shooting range, deputy general Wang Ping immediately ordered the archers to shoot at the charging Wei army.

"Quick cum."

"Quick cum."

Wang Ping's voice was very loud. As he shouted, he kept bending his bow and drawing arrows. In an instant, arrows from the Han army rained down like rain, and soldiers from the Wei army outside the city continued to be hit by arrows and fell to the ground.




The cry of killing and the screams suddenly resounded over Wuguan.

The Han army in Wuguan, in addition to archers attacking the charging Wei army, dozens of trebuchets at the top of the city also fought back against the Wei army.

Lime bags and cement eggs, these are the things thrown out by the Han army's trebuchet.

After a short while, everything at the top of Wuguan City and under Wuguan City was covered with white. If you hadn't heard the shouts of Wei soldiers, it would have been difficult to notice that there were so many Wei soldiers in the wilderness below the city.

Lime can hurt people's eyes, but it can also make the battlefield chaotic.

In less than a quarter of an hour, it was difficult for the Han army's archers to find their target. They could only shoot randomly. Whether they could hit the running Wei army depended entirely on luck.

Moreover, the soldiers of the Han and Wei armies were fully prepared in advance. The Han army wore hats on their heads. In fact, the Wei army also wore special masks when they launched the charge. The material was similar to that of the Han army.

The first battle lasted only a quarter of an hour.

First, Sima Yi, the governor of Cao Wei, stopped the lime attack.

"The Shu army is accustomed to using lime, and this substance has no effect on them;" Sima Yi said: "With such a sky full of lime, we have no idea what the situation is like in the front military formation."

"Stop lime attacks and use stone bullets instead."


The Wei army stopped the lime attack, and Zhao Yun was also a little depressed about this. Although the fields outside the city were covered with lime, it also blinded the Han army. The Wei army could use the lime to forcefully rush to the city.

So after the Wei army stopped the lime attack, Zhao Yun also stopped the lime attack.


The lime had been attacking for a while, and for a short time the whole battlefield was still filled with white mist. Although some soldiers of the Wei army rushed to the city, they looked up at the city head covered in white mist. Before they could climb the long ladder to climb the city wall, they were captured by the top of the city.

The bricks of the Han army were smashed.


In the first battle, both sides used lime, but it did not benefit their own side, but instead polluted the battlefield view.

Only half an hour into the battle, the clang clang clang sounded in Cao Wei's army.


Sima Yi was very depressed. This was a strategy given to him by Zhang He. He said that using lime to attack the city could quickly capture the city. Last year, he led his troops to Hefei and used lime to defeat Sun Quan until he fled.

But now everyone knows about lime and takes precautions in advance, especially the Han army who was the first to use lime.

"Let's stop fighting for today," Sima Yi said with a straight face when he returned to the military camp: "If we don't use lime tomorrow, it will be meaningless to attack the city with lime."

As soon as Sima Yi finished speaking, General Zhang He of the left remained silent. Sima Yi also saw that Zhang He's expression was not very good, so he smiled and said: "General Zhang He, please don't think too much. Yi is not complaining about the general for this clever plan, it's just the lime cannon."

It was created by the Shu army, and they must have a way to restrain it."

"What the governor said is absolutely true," Zhang He sighed, "but he didn't think carefully."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter;" Sima Yi said with a smile: "Our army stopped lime bombardment before the formation today, and the Shu army also gave up attacking with lime. I think Zhao Yun also suffered a lot from it. The sky full of lime blocked our army's advance, and naturally it also

Let the Shu army not discern the battlefield situation."

"As Yi said, lime cannons will never appear on the battlefield again."

As Sima Yi said, after the armistice, Zhao Yun also complained: "There is no need to use lime tomorrow. This thing can be used once, but if it is used for a long time, this battle will not be fought at all."

"The general is right;" Wang Ping echoed: "The sky is so full of lime that you can't even see your opponent, so why bother fighting?"

"Hahaha!" Zhao Yun laughed loudly after hearing this: "What Zijun said is absolutely true. Let's not use lime anymore in the future. Real swords and guns are more effective."

The first battle at Wuguan ended with Sima Yi withdrawing his troops before the two sides completely connected due to lime powder.

The next morning.

The two sides seemed to be on the same page, as if they had made an agreement in advance, and neither of them used lime to attack each other.

Stone bombs and cement bombs became the long-range attack firepower of both sides.

After less than half an hour of shooting at each other, both sides were convinced that their opponents really no longer used lime, and the soldiers took off their hats.

Siege warfare is very cruel. The attackers need to climb high walls and brave the opponent's rolling logs and rocks. The defenders have it relatively easy. As long as they are not attacked by the thrown stones, they can

Standing from a high position and attacking the enemy wantonly.

The Wei army attacked the city very bravely today, attacking the Wuguan city one after another. However, as soon as they reached the base of the city wall, they were brutally blocked.

The height of Wuguan City used to be only five or six feet, but after Wang Ping learned how to make cement bricks last year, he spent several months increasing the height of Wuguan City to eight feet.

If the Wei army wanted to attack the city, they had to climb the eight-foot-high city wall.

From the morning's fierce attack to the evening, the Wei army failed to reach the top of the city once.

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

Sima Yi returned to the military camp, slammed the table and roared.



This chapter has been completed!
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