Chapter 136 Let Grandpa take advantage of you

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 The Han Dynasty will hold a martial arts examination. The term sounds relatively new, but the content is not complicated.

In fact, it is a martial arts competition held in each county and city, and the top three in the competition will go to Chang'an, the imperial capital, to compete again with the top three in other counties and cities three months later.

Those who finally enter the top ten will be reused by the court.

This is the decision Xu Shu made after discussing with Zhuge Liang.

The imperial examination is a brand new talent selection system.

However, in the current Han Dynasty, as well as in the Eastern and Western Han Dynasties, talent selection relies on the imperial examination system, which recommends talents through various counties, and then the court gives official positions.

Emperor Liu Chan felt that this inspection system was unfair and outdated.

As a time traveler, he naturally knows that in a few hundred years the dynasty will adopt a new talent selection system, which is the imperial examination.

Xu Shu, the imperial censor, recognized this imperial examination system very much.

However, Prime Minister Zhuge Liang felt that although the imperial examination system was good, if it were to be directly implemented now, it would probably arouse opposition from the clans, because once the imperial examination system was implemented, the interests of the clans would be weakened.

After some thinking.

Xu Shu made adjustments.

He also agreed with Zhuge Liang's opinion. Not to mention the current Han Dynasty, even the states of Wei and Wu actually faced the same problem, that is, clan factions.

However, this imperial examination system.

Xu Shu felt that it must be implemented because the imperial examination was more suitable for the development of the dynasty than the imperial examination, but he chose to hold a military examination to select talents first.

It can also be regarded as a test of the imperial examination system in advance.

Through competition, a group of available talents will be finally selected.


Tian Mu is a young man living in Wenshan County in the middle of Sichuan. He has followed his grandfather in martial arts since he was a child. He is good at using spears and is also very good at archery.

His playmate suddenly told him that the imperial court was going to hold a martial arts examination.

If you pass the exam, you can become a marquis or a general.

He was a little moved.


What should grandpa do?

He has been dependent on his grandfather since he was a child. Although his grandfather has told him many important things in the world, they are just ordinary people now. If they can live safely, it will be God's blessing.

However, he has also heard it.

In troubled times heroes emerge.

The martial arts I learned from my grandfather since childhood can only be used to deal with wolves in the mountains. Isn’t it a waste?

Just thinking about his grandfather's old age, he still couldn't bear to leave the village for his dream.

For several days, Tian Mu was worried all day long.

He wanted to prove himself, but he couldn't trust his grandfather.

One day at dinner.

"If you want to go, go ahead;" Tian Yi took a sip of wine and said casually: "A passionate man should contribute to the country. You don't have to worry about grandpa. Grandpa can take care of himself."

"Grandpa," Tian Mu said, "My grandson will stay with grandpa, and he won't go there either."

Although the temptation to make great achievements is great, Tian Mu is more willing to accompany his grandfather than his grandfather.

But Tian Yi smiled and said: "Grandson, grandpa knows that you are a good boy, but grandpa knows even more that my grandson also has his own ideal person."


"Don't worry about grandpa."

Tian Yi said: "If my grandson can make contributions to the revival of the Han Dynasty, grandpa will also be very happy."

"Grandpa;" Tian Mu even swallowed: "But grandpa, what should you do?"

He is really worried about his grandfather. He has been thinking about this issue these days.

If you take the martial arts exam, once you get the results, it will definitely be difficult to stay with your grandpa every day like this. If grandpa gets sick, there will be no one around you to take care of him.

He is very worried.

It was also because of this that he had the idea of ​​giving up participating in martial arts.

But Tian Yi knows better that his grandson has grown up.

When he grows up, he should be free to fly.

If you let him stay with you, he will never be able to grow. Maybe letting him go out and have a try is the right choice.

"Don't worry about grandpa;" Tian Yi said with a smile: "Grandpa can still take care of himself now. If you are worried about grandpa, just work hard to achieve some results, and then you can take grandpa to your side and let grandpa enjoy the life with my grandson."

Enjoy the blessings and take advantage of the glory"

After his grandfather's repeated encouragement, Tian Mu, who had originally decided to give up, finally said with certainty: "Grandpa, don't worry, my grandson will definitely be able to enter the top ten in the Beijing Examination, and then become a general of the Han Dynasty."

"Okay!" Tian Yi said with satisfaction: "My grandson has a future, and my grandpa is waiting to become a general."


Tian Mu responded happily.


The next morning.

Tian Mu got up early. Since he decided to take the martial arts exam, he had to make some preparations in advance, even though he had been practicing martial arts with his grandfather since he was a child.

But in the past, we only had to deal with the wolves in the mountains.

You have to take a martial arts exam, and you have to deal with other opponents who are also skilled in martial arts.

There are still twenty days before the county examination.

Tian Mu doesn't want to fail the county examination. He wants to go to Chang'an, which means he needs to get into the top three in Wenshan County.

In order to get good grades.

You must make some preparations in advance.

When Tian Mu got up early in the morning, he called Ding Er, and then the two of them went to practice.

Although Chouji looks fat, it's actually because he has a large frame and a large appetite. This huge physique gives him brute strength.

He has had a very good relationship with Tian Mu over the years. When Tian Mu practices martial arts, he will also learn with him.

Over time, although his martial arts skills are not as good as Tian Mu's, he has strength.

At least in this Dazhai Mountain Village, when it comes to martial arts, no one among his peers except Tian Mu can beat him. Perhaps it was for this reason that he dared to sign up after seeing the notice in the county town that day.

In order to achieve good results in the county examination.

From then on, Chouji and Tian Mu spent most of their time practicing martial arts and archery every day.

Because according to the notice, in this martial arts examination, in addition to one-on-one martial arts competition, there is also a separate archery shooting test. If you want to get the top three in the county examination, you have to make more preparations.


September 10, the ninth year of Jianxing of the Han Dynasty.

Wenshan County.

Today's Wenshan County is much more lively than in the past, especially the large square outside the County Sheriff's House. It is even more lively, with people from the city constantly gathering here.

In the center of the square, there is a three-foot-high platform.

The surrounding area of ​​the high platform was already filled with onlookers.

"The Sheriff has arrived."

Suddenly there was a loud shout, and a middle-aged man slowly walked out of the governor's house. He was Zhang Cheng, the governor of Wenshan County.

Zhang Cheng, a native of Yizhou, is fifty-three years old this year. A few years ago, he followed the Prime Minister in the Southern Expedition and achieved great success. A few years ago, when the Han Dynasty moved its capital to Chang'an, he was appointed as the prefect of Wenshan County.

After Zhang Cheng came out, the onlookers suddenly became excited.

Because starting today, Wenshan County will hold a martial arts competition that will last for more than ten days.

It is said that as long as the top three people in the county examination can go to Chang'an to take the Beijing examination.

Some people are excited because they will take part in the competition soon, but some people are a little regretful because they did not sign up because of their hesitation or other reasons.

"Wenshan County Martial Arts Competition."

"Start now."

As soon as Zhang Cheng finished speaking, a guard banged the big drum, and the sound of the drum suddenly resounded throughout the square.


This chapter has been completed!
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