Chapter 138 Give Your Majesty a Holiday (Happy New Year)

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 Today is the New Year's Eve, and I would like to express my special New Year greetings to all my book friends. I wish my friends a happy New Year, a healthy family, and good luck in everything.

——————Dividing line————————

Wen Dan suddenly struck with a kick, hitting the hammer-wielding man in the abdomen, causing him to stumble back a few steps instinctively.

However, Wen Dan did not stop attacking. He succeeded with one kick and then added two consecutive kicks before landing firmly on the ground.

At the moment Wen Dan landed, the man with the hammer had already retreated to the edge of the ring. As a result, his feet were unsteady and he immediately fell off the ring.

"Wen Dan - wins."

The examiner shouted loudly, announcing that the competition was officially over.

With the end of this game, the second round of the Wudu County Examination has also ended. A total of forty people participated in the Wudu County Examination, and at this time there are only ten people left.

"Sir, why did you win again?"

Just after Wen Dan came down from the ring, a man in his forties dressed as a servant seemed to complain with some dissatisfaction.


Wen Dan glared at him: "Why aren't you happy that I won?"

"Sir!" the servant said aggrievedly: "You didn't come just to have a look, you just wanted to experience it..." As he spoke, he glanced at the ring and said: "If you want to continue to win, you have to return to Chang'an to participate in the Beijing Examination.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't take part in the Beijing Examination."

As Wen Dan spoke, he walked out. When he finally got into the carriage, the servant couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Your Majesty, we have been out for almost half a month. If the Prime Minister knows..."
That's right, this document is none other than Liu Chan, the Emperor of the Han Dynasty.

He told Xu Shu about the imperial examination system.

After discussing with Zhuge Liang, Xu Shu felt that directly implementing the imperial examination might arouse opposition from the clans.

In order to finally implement the imperial examination, Xu Shu made adjustments and first tested the waters with the military examination.

The martial arts examination was originally scheduled to be divided into three rounds, namely the county examination, the county examination, and finally the Beijing examination.

However, since this was the first time Dahan held it, there might not be too many people participating, so the county exam was canceled for the first time and passed the county exam directly, and then the Beijing exam.

Anyway, staying in the harem has nothing to do.

Moreover, Liu Chan was a little depressed because of the assassination in the same room with his relatives, so he dragged Fu An, disguised himself and came to Wudu County, and signed up for the martial arts examination in Wudu County under the name Wen Dan.

Originally, I just wanted to experience it, but I didn’t expect him to go through two rounds in a row.

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm not going to the battlefield," Liu Chan said angrily, "I'm not even afraid, so what are you afraid of?"

"Your Majesty."

Fu'an was also speechless. He secretly ran out with the emperor this time, although he secretly sent some guards to protect the emperor's safety.

But every time when Liu Chan went on stage to compete, he really hoped that Liu Chan would lose the game, but he was also very afraid that Liu Chan would lose the game.

Because he hoped that Liu Chan would lose, because if he lost, he would not have to compete again, but he was also afraid that the sword would be blind in the competition, and what would happen if the emperor was hurt.

"You don't have to worry," Liu Chan said with a smile, "If I encounter someone I can't beat, I will naturally admit defeat."

When Fu'an traveled through time, he followed him beside him. When he raised his butt, Liu Chan knew what he was going to do. Looking at his expression, Liu Chan naturally knew that he was worried about his safety.

When Liu Chan said this, Fu'an was also speechless.

But what can he do?

He is the emperor.

Liu Chan took the martial arts examination in Wudu County. Except for Fu'an and Queen Zhang Yuan, no one else knew about it. Fortunately, there were no major events in the court during the past half month.

It was originally scheduled to hold a court meeting every five days, but on the second day after Liu Chan left the palace, Queen Zhang Yuan sent someone to say that your majesty has been tired recently and asked the prime minister to temporarily cancel the court meeting because your majesty wanted to take some rest.

As for court affairs, let the prime minister and the imperial censor handle them as appropriate.

Thinking that the palace had just married two new imperial concubines, Zhuge Liang did not doubt it. Thinking that the emperor should be the newly married two imperial concubines, he couldn't get away for a while.

Just think of it as a holiday for His Majesty the Emperor.

Besides, Xu Shu, the imperial censor, is even busier these days.

Because the first martial arts examination is a nationwide competition, Chang'an, as the capital of the Han Dynasty, will naturally organize an examination room for people from around the capital to register for the examination.

In addition, for this martial arts examination, the chief officer is Xu Shu.

Xu Shu was really busy these days, and he had no time to go to the palace to meet the emperor. He only hoped that this martial arts examination could be successfully completed, and he would do a good job for the imperial examination system that would be implemented next.

The foreshadowing.

As for Prime Minister Zhuge Liang, he is relatively free.

The matter of conscription has been handed over to Guo Wei and Ma Di, who joined the army.

Guo Wei was mainly responsible for recruiting troops in remote mountainous areas, while Ma Di was responsible for normal recruitment, issuing recruitment notices to the whole country, and then recruiting suitable age soldiers through various counties.

Now that the internal affairs have been handed over to Xu Shu, Zhuge Liang feels a lot more relaxed. These days, he spends all his time in the Prime Minister's Mansion writing and writing.

Of course, he didn't write any poems or songs.

He is not that boring.

He is engaged in design.

In other words, he is studying the three-bow bed crossbow that Liu Chan designed before.

The three-bow bed crossbow has performed amazingly in both Wuguan and Tongguan.

However, Zhuge Liang always felt that this three-bow bed crossbow could be improved.

Not to mention, after Zhuge Liang's continuous thinking during this period, he really came up with new tricks with this three-bow bed crossbow.

Originally, this three-bow bed crossbow could only fire one spear at a time, with a range of 680 steps.

The range is amazing enough, but after some modifications by Zhuge Liang.

"Get ready!"

On the school grounds, the improved three-bow bed crossbow is ready.

Today is the ninth test.

Zhuge Liang has some expectations.

"Let it go!"

Zhuge Qiao shouted loudly, and a guard suddenly pulled the trigger.

Hey, hey, hey, hey——

Dozens of three-foot-long feather arrows shot out like raindrops.

Originally, it could only shoot one spear at a time, but after Zhuge Liang's improvements, this three-bow bed crossbow can shoot thirty feather arrows at a time.

Although the number of feather arrows has increased, their range has been compromised.

In the first three tests, the range was more than 100 steps.

After Zhuge Liang continued to improve, the range gradually increased to more than 200 steps and more than 300 steps.


In Zhuge Liang's view, this is the limit of improvement within his capabilities.

How far can you shoot now?

As thirty feather arrows were shot out, Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Qiao and others all looked forward intently until all the arrows hit the ground.

A guard hurriedly ran forward.

Zhuge Liang was a little nervous.

The longest range before was 380 steps.

This is equivalent to half the range of a single shot.

If there was no single shot of 680 steps, the previous thirty feather arrows could shoot 380 steps, and he would definitely be very satisfied.

It is precisely because the single-shot range reached 680 steps. In the previous battles at Wuguan and Tongguan, it was also because of this extreme range that the Han Dynasty won these two wars.

If multiple volleys can reach such a range, then the next time these three-bow crossbows appear on the battlefield again, the enemy will regret being an enemy of the big man.

Today's range - what will it be?



This chapter has been completed!
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