Chapter 84 The royal chariot returns to Beijing with great pomp

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 Liu Chan changed the direction of the first Northern Expedition.

Guanzhong has been placed under the territory of the Han Dynasty. Now it is only a matter of time. Liu Chan feels that he has done almost everything he can do.

Chang'an is good though.

But he should try his best not to cause trouble to the Prime Minister, so in the end Liu Chan accepted Prime Minister Zhuge Liang's suggestion and returned to Chengdu.

April 23.


Liu Chan got on the carriage back to Chengdu, and the people accompanying him included Guo Huai's family members.

This is the arrangement of Prime Minister Zhuge Liang.

Although it is clearly for safety, Liu Chan naturally knows that generals like Guo Huai still need to have certain restraints and it is necessary to place their families within the controllable range of the court.

In addition to Guo Huai's family members, Liu Chan was also accompanied by his brother-in-law Zhang Shao, and Lu Peng, the new military captain promoted by Liu Chan.

As for Guo Wei, Yang Tongshan and others, they stayed in Guanzhong and put them under the temporary control of Prime Minister Zhuge Liang. Liu Chan didn't have any meaning in this, on the contrary, he was quite happy.

After all, the new army he trained was recognized by Prime Minister Zhuge Liang, and he trained this new army without intending to control the military power of the Han Dynasty.

At least now he really has no such idea.

However, Zhuge Liang still assigned 3,000 new troops to Liu Chan, led by the school captain Lu Peng, who was responsible for protecting the safety of Liu Chan and those returning to Shu.

This time when they returned to Shu, they did not take the Ziwu Road. They did not need to buy time this time, so they returned to Hanzhong via the Baoxie Road and then back to Chengdu.

AD 228, the sixth year of the founding of the Han Dynasty.

May 19.


The news of Emperor Liu Chan's return to Beijing had been known to both court officials and ordinary people in Chengdu a few days ago.

So early in the morning on May 9th, the hundreds of officials left in Chengdu of the Han Dynasty, led by Shi Zhangyi and Jiang Wan, the chief ministers of the Prime Minister's Office, went out of the city thirty miles to greet him.

Of course, there are also common people around Chengdu who also appear on official roads along with the officials.

It’s the beginning of time.

Thousands of people have gathered on the official road. Jiang Wan and Zhang Yi stood in front of the team. They looked into the distance of the official road from time to time, chatting and laughing.

The people around him have already been talking about it.

"Your Majesty is truly a god."


"Your Majesty will personally conquer Guanzhong in one battle."

"I feel that Your Majesty has the demeanor of Emperor Gaozu, who adopted Han Xin's plan and built plank roads openly and secretly to infiltrate Chencang."

"Yes, yes!"

"His Majesty's personal expedition this time appears to be the Prime Minister sending troops to Longyou, but in fact it is His Majesty who sends surprise troops to Chang'an."

"Yes, yes, I think so too."


The story that Liu Chan's soldiers came out of Ziwu Road to unexpectedly attack Guanzhong, causing Cao Wei to not only lose the land of Yongliang, but also suffer a huge defeat, has long been spread throughout the world.

Naturally, the people in Chengdu have heard about it.

Now in the eyes of the people in Chengdu, Liu Chan's image has been improved a lot. Some people even think that Liu Chan is the reincarnation of Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty.

However, listening to the discussions of the people around him, Jiang Wan frowned slightly, and he seemed a little worried.

His Majesty the Emperor became famous in one battle.

This is a good thing.

However, Jiang Wan is a little worried.

However, before he could think it through, he heard the people around him suddenly become agitated.


"Coming, coming."

"His Majesty is back."

Jiang Wan raised his head and looked at the official road in the distance. He did not see His Majesty the Emperor's chariot, but he could vaguely hear the clatter of horse hooves.

"His Majesty is back."

Because of the heavy fog in Chengdu today, although Jiang Wan did not see Liu Chan's Luan Jia, he excitedly said to the people around him.

"Get ready for the ride!"


The civil and military officers responded and quickly arranged their official uniforms and hats. The officers and soldiers of the Imperial Guard Battalion responsible for maintaining order immediately became energetic and solemn, blocking the onlookers on both sides of the official road.


A cavalry team composed of dozens of people slowly appeared in front of everyone from the heavy fog. Behind the cavalry were hundreds of infantrymen. They held a large flag with the word "Han" written on it and marched neatly.

Walk towards the crowd greeting you.

Behind the Han flag, there is a procession of carriages. At the front are three chariots. There are two warriors at each station. They are holding halberds and are very majestic.

The carriage behind the three chariots has no people on board, but there is a large ax in the middle of the carriage, and the carriage is decorated with the emperor's talismans.

Then came three war drum carts, with dragon-carved war drums erected in the carts. The warriors stood in front of the drums. As soon as they walked out of the fog, the warriors beat the war drums.




The drums of the three carts were beating in unison, and the sound of the drums was loud. Behind the drum cart were three more chariots with warriors standing on them.

But on these three chariots, there are three warriors standing on each chariot. They are still holding halberds and crushing the swords.

Behind them was a luxury car pulled by four horses. Liu Chan was sitting in this car. He was in a very happy mood today.

This is the first time in his life that he has returned to Beijing in such a grand manner. This was actually not his intention.

According to Liu Chan's own opinion, he wanted him to return to Chengdu in the image of a general wearing battle armor and riding a tall horse.

It's a pity that his idea has just been proposed.

Some people objected.

This person is Dong Yun, the servant.

Dong Yun and Guo Youzhi were both servants. They had stayed in Chengdu with the Prime Minister's Office Chief Shi Zhang Yuan, Jiang Wan and others. A few days ago, Dong Yun and Guo Youzhi rushed from Chengdu to Hanzhong in advance.

Dong Yun said to Liu Chan: "Your Majesty, in this personal expedition, defeated Wei Lord Cao Rui in one battle and enhanced the prestige of the Han Dynasty."

"Now that the Emperor has returned to Beijing with a great victory, we must not deal with it hastily."

As a last resort, Liu Chan had to agree.

Since I am the emperor, I will be glorious.

However, Liu Chan did not fully accept the original arrangement of the two, because they arranged a convoy of eighty-one carriages, which was too ostentatious.

Liu Chan chose the lowest specification.

Twelve cars.

Among them, there are six chariots, three Huangmen drum chariots, one ax chariot, one Luan chariot, and one Luan flag chariot.

As soon as Liu Chan's car appeared, the Chengdu people who were watching the scene immediately shouted in unison.

"The Han Dynasty will last for ten thousand years!"

"The Han Dynasty will last for ten thousand years!"

"The Han Dynasty will last for ten thousand years!"

Listening to the shouts of the people outside the car, Liu Chan's blood suddenly boiled. He was very excited and extremely proud.

After the carriage drove forward for tens of meters, it slowly stopped. Liu Chan could see through the curtains that there were nearly a hundred officials standing in front of it.

"I respectfully welcome His Majesty back to Beijing."

"I respectfully welcome His Majesty back to Beijing."

"I respectfully welcome His Majesty back to Beijing."

After all the official words were finished, Liu Chan slowly opened the curtain and looked at the respectful court officials and the Chengdu people on both sides of the official road.

"All the ministers are equal."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After the officials thanked them, they immediately dispersed to both sides. Liu Chan started driving again, but Liu Chan didn't want to sit in the car anymore.

I saw him standing on the platform in front of the car, waving to the people on both sides, and the people responded by shouting long live.

"The Han Dynasty will last for ten thousand years!"

"Long live your Majesty!"

"The Han Dynasty will last for ten thousand years!"

"Long live your Majesty!"

Thousands of people shouted in unison, which really moved the mountains and rivers with great momentum. At this moment, Liu Chan finally realized what a true emperor is.


This chapter has been completed!
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