Chapter 595 Leng Wenjuns Spiritual Crystal

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"Ghost crystal?" I said in surprise.

"Shh." Anyang hurriedly covered my mouth, making a gesture of silence, and said: "I just found this from the place where Leng Wenjun died."

"It turns out it was Leng Wenjun's body. No wonder there are ghost crystals." I nodded suddenly, and then said with some shame: "I killed Leng Wenjun with my own hands after all. I didn't notice the ghost crystals. I was careless."


After Leng Wenjun died just now, I didn't even bother to take a second look. I almost missed this ghost crystal due to my negligence, but Anyang was careful and discovered it right away, otherwise I would have really lost a lot of money.

"You just finished dealing with Leng Wenjun and you were busy taking care of your family Lin Wei. How could you have time to pay attention to the place where Leng Wenjun died?" Anyang said with a smile.

Hearing this, Lin Wei and I both blushed a little, and Anyang continued: "Leng Wenjun is a boy with a lot of resentment and obsession, so he is relatively strong, so it is not surprising that ghost crystals can appear."

"This kid refused to stop even after he died." I said coldly: "You bastard, he actually caused such a big killing..."

I don't know how many people Leng Wenjun killed, but I know that Zhao Yongqiang is dead. Zhao Yongqiang was a noble in my class, and there was news after his death.

"Fortunately, he died again. This time, he was completely wiped out and could never come back to cause trouble again." Anyang said in a deep voice.

"...Let's see how Han Mengxuan is doing first." I was silent for a moment and said.

For different people, they have different objects of concern. After Leng Wenjun's death, the person I cared about the most was Lin Wei, and for Xiao Mingyan, the person he cared about the most was Han Mengxuan.

Xiao Mingyan was next to Han Mengxuan, talking to Jiang Chen anxiously. After we walked over, we asked softly: "How is Han Mengxuan?"

"All the external injuries have been cured with the therapeutic spray, but the person hasn't woken up yet. This is not a physical problem, but a mental problem." Jiang Chen said: "She needs to rest now. After a while, she should be able to

woke up..."

Hearing this, we all breathed a sigh of relief. It couldn't be better that Han Mengxuan is fine.

Jiang Chen said to Xiao Mingyan: "It's too cold outside, and Han Mengxuan's body will not be able to bear it. We have to put Han Mengxuan in the building..."

"Okay, leave it to me." Xiao Mingyan nodded, greeted a few boys, and carried Han Mengxuan away. From time to time, he heard calls from Xiao Mingyan's side: "Slow down... don't knock her.


"Let's go take care of Han Mengxuan." Kang Qing said to us, and then pulled Sun Jiaxin over. As she passed by us, Sun Jiaxin whispered in Lin Wei's ear: "Thank you for saving me."

"'re welcome." Lin Wei waved her hand.

The first night in Rock City was not peaceful. After what happened before, everyone felt a little heavy in their hearts.

The air was filled with a faint smell of blood. The smell of blood is often accompanied by death. Leng Wenjun's previous killings resulted in a total of seven deaths, five men and two women, including a nobleman, Zhao Yongqiang.

Zhao Yongqiang was a good person and a good man. We had a very good impression of him and had a good relationship with him. We feel very sorry for his death.

Is it painful? Is it sad? I can only say, yes, but this emotion will not be very intense, let alone lasting. We

We have become accustomed to life and death. A friend who was still chatting and laughing yesterday may be a corpse tomorrow; a friend who was still fighting side by side yesterday may die in front of our eyes today. We are not surprised by these things.

Maybe it’s because my relationship with Zhao Yongqiang is not that good yet. If it were Lin Wei, Zhang Xinyu, Lin Huai and others who died, I might cry my head off.

After Zhao Yongqiang and others died, the black energy that originally enveloped them performed its final function, which was to envelope their bodies and eliminate their corpses before dissipating.

Perhaps because we were far away in the mission world, the corpses were eliminated at a slower pace. We watched this scene silently until the corpses completely disappeared.

Except for the faint smell of blood in the air, both corpses and blood stains had completely disappeared, as if nothing had happened before.

The dead have passed away, but we who are alive must continue to move forward.

We learned about what happened in the class while we were looking for Xu Ce.

According to Lin Wei, after we left, the class was very peaceful at first. We took breaks when we needed to take a break, were on duty when we needed to be on duty, and went on patrol when we needed to patrol. When there was a real problem, just before we came back, Leng Wenjun said

Taking advantage of that period of time, he carried out bloody killings. If Lin Wei hadn't stopped him, there would have been a river of blood.

"There is no doubt that the mole is Leng Wenjun. He went to Xu Ce before us, leaked our plan, and came back to kill us while we were away." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Leng Wenjun had a good plan. While using Xu Ce's hand to severely damage our boys' team, he went back to massacre the remaining students while we were away. If these two steps go forward as Leng Wenjun wants,

Then we are afraid that we will really suffer heavy losses."

I shrugged and sneered: "It's a pity that he miscalculated in both steps. He didn't expect Lin Wei to be that strong, so he aborted the second step."

"He didn't know our detailed plan, so the first step was aborted." Anyang said with a smile.

Leng Wenjun is actually quite unlucky, because he leaked our action plan to Xu Ce before, but instead of framed us, he actually helped us. It can be said that he shot himself in the foot.

The reason is because what he leaked was a fake plan instead of the real one.

Our real plan is to give Chen Shimeng enough points and then take her to seize power. That is, we first divide power and then seize power. This is the real plan.

However, we did not tell anyone else that the points could be transferred. Only the king and the nobles knew about this. Therefore, other people did not know that powers could be divided.

But we had to find a reason to convince others, so we made up a fake plan: we would sneak attack Class 3 and 4 of high school and kill Xu Ce.

As long as the king of Xu Ce can be killed, Chen Shimeng can lead Class 3 and 4 of high school again. Because Xu Ce's faction only has one king, Xu Ce, and no nobles, so as long as Xu Ce dies, no one can stop Chen Shimeng.

Although the fake plan is fake, it is still reasonable. It at least achieves one important point, which is decentralization.

It was precisely because of this small discrepancy that Leng Wenjun's original plan was ruined. Not only was it ruined, it actually helped us.

According to Chen Shimeng, the action plan Leng Wenjun revealed to Xu Ce was the latter, that is, the incomplete external plan. Therefore, Xu Ce's response to us was to gather together and ambush in advance to prevent us from sneak attacks.

Way to kill Xu Ce.

But Leng Wenjun and Xu Ce didn't know that we didn't intend to use such risky means to seize power. They didn't know that points could be transferred and powers could be divided in this mission. That's why Xu Ce gathered together to ambush

This stupid way of destroying us.

If Xu Ce led the students in his class to escape all the time, it would be really difficult for us to succeed. We can only say that the incomplete plan leaked by Leng Wenjun, instead of harming us, actually helped us by accident.

After listening to Anyang's words, I nodded and said, "It's a good thing we didn't spread the news about decentralization, otherwise, the seizure of power would not go smoothly."

Having said this, I smiled and said: "I guess this idiot Leng Wenjun will never know until his death why we were able to survive Xu Ce's encirclement and suppression intact."

Leng Wenjun's incident undoubtedly sounded a wake-up call for us. Although we have not seen ghosts during this mission, we do not rule out the possibility that some ghost students may have possessed us and blended into the crowd to cause us trouble.

In order to prevent this kind of thing from happening, we decided to conduct a blood test every night in the future (that is, a test method that uses a weapon that can hurt ghosts to cut a wound on a person to see if he or she is possessed by a ghost)


Tonight is no exception.

We gathered all the students together and counted the number of people. Ideally, except for the nine people who died before (two people were killed during the battle with Xu Ce), there was no shortage of people.

We then took a blood test one by one, and the test results were also very satisfactory, and there was no sign of ghosts.

After the blood test was completed, we intensified our duties and patrols. More than 120 people were divided into two teams and worked in two shifts. There were more than 60 people in one group.

After everything was over, it was already ten o'clock in the evening. The patrols on duty were all at their respective posts, and the resting students had returned to their rooms. But for me and a few of us, there were more things at night.

Important things to do.

That is cultivating ghost energy.

This chapter has been completed!
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