Chapter 598 Han Mengxuan wakes up

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"Han Mengxuan is awake." Kang Qing said.

This is undoubtedly good news. After hearing the news, we all felt happy. Even Anyang was the same. Even though he had no interest in Han Mengxuan at all, he still regarded Han Mengxuan as a friend.


"Let's go and take a look." I said to everyone, "Let's see how Han Mengxuan is doing."

So the five of us left here. We had just finished five cups of cup noodles. In this dusty room, the remaining smoke was curling up to radiate heat.

Regarding our night out, Kang Qing, Sun Jiaxin, and Xiao Mingyan, the only three remaining former Class 3 students, knew about it. Of course, our explanation for this was that we were going to reconnoitre the enemy's situation at night, and we might not be sure when we would be back.

Compared with other students, these former Class 3 students still have a high degree of trust in us. And whether they believe this reason or not, at least they cannot guess that we are going to practice ghost energy.

Therefore, Kang Qing was just stunned for a moment when we ate instant noodles together early in the morning, and then she regained her composure and explained the situation to us.

Han Mengxuan was taken care of by Kang Qing and Sun Jiaxin, and Xiao Mingyan had been watching over Han Mengxuan. God paid off, and Han Mengxuan slowly woke up while we were eating instant noodles.

When we entered, we saw Han Mengxuan sitting weakly, and Xiao Mingyan was feeding her water. After seeing us, Han Mengxuan's face showed a joyful expression, and she said gratefully: "Thank you for saving me."

Here, Han Mengxuan lowered his head again and said very apologetically: "Sorry for causing trouble to everyone..."

It seems that Han Mengxuan already knew what happened before we came.

Hearing this, I smiled slightly, waved my hand and said, "We are all friends, why are we talking so much? Just be fine."

"How is your health now?" Anyang asked softly.

Seeing Anyang taking the initiative to comfort himself for the first time, Han Mengxuan was a little flattered: "It's much better, there's no big problem."

Seeing that Han Mengxuan had difficulty sitting upright, we knew that she was being a little pushy, but Anyang nodded and said nothing.

Afterwards, Anyang's answer to this was that he thought it was enough to just express greetings from friends, and that it was not good to say too much. After all, there was no relationship between him and Han Mengxuan.

Instead of giving hope to the woman, it is better to completely kill the other person's heart. This will be good for both of them.

The scene was a little awkward for a while, but Lin Wei came to the rescue in time: "Mengxuan, you must be hungry, how about I prepare something to eat for you?"

"Well..." Han Mengxuan nodded, so Lin Wei went to prepare water and food.

"Han Mengxuan, you can lie down for a while, you don't have to sit down." I smiled and said.

"Lie down for a while..." Xiao Mingyan also said softly. His voice was a little hoarse and his appearance was a little haggard. It seemed that he had not slept well this night, which was also embarrassing for him.

"Okay." Han Mengxuan nodded.

In fact, I really wanted to tell Han Mengxuan that Xiao Mingyan had been by her side to take care of her during the time she was unconscious, but after thinking about it carefully, I held back.

Anyang and Xiao Mingyan are both here. If I say it, it will be so embarrassing. It's better not to say it. Han Mengxuan is not an idiot. If we don't tell her, she will understand Xiao Mingyan's efforts and Xiao Mingyan's intentions.

But love does not mean that you are good to me, that you are devoted to me, or that you care about me extremely, it means that I must be with you.

Isn't there a saying that says this? I also have only one life, and I cannot give generously to people I don't love. If you don't love, you don't love. A melon that is too strong is not sweet.

Whether Xiao Mingyan can win Han Mengxuan's heart depends on him alone. All we can do is wish him success. After all, Anyang really has no interest in Han Mengxuan at all.

Lin Wei brought food, but Han Mengxuan didn't seem to have a very good appetite. Not only did he eat very slowly, he also didn't eat much.

"Aren't you going to eat more?" Xiao Mingyan asked.

"I...I really can't eat anymore. I feel very tired even when I bite..." Han Mengxuan said with some embarrassment.

"Okay, let's eat later." Xiao Mingyan nodded, and then he looked at us. Xiao Mingyan is very smart. He knows that we are not here just to visit Han Mengxuan. There must be problems.

To ask.

"Well... Han Mengxuan, can you answer a few questions for us?" I asked softly, "If it's inconvenient..."

"It's convenient, you can ask." Han Mengxuan interrupted me.

"Yeah." I nodded and asked the first question: "Do you remember what happened last night?"

"I don't remember, but I already know the whole story from Xiao Mingyan and Kang Qing..." Han Mengxuan blamed himself: "I'm sorry, I have caused a lot of trouble to everyone, I...

I already..."

"Okay, okay, this is not your fault, you don't need to blame yourself." I waved my hands repeatedly and said, "I didn't mean to blame you just now... You said you don't remember what happened last night, then

Do you remember what your most recent memory was?"

Han Mengxuan couldn't remember what happened last night, which meant that he didn't know anything about what Leng Wenjun did during his possession period. So he had to start asking questions from her last memory, so that he could know when Leng Wenjun came.


"My last memory... was..." Han Mengxuan pondered for a while, then frowned and said, "I remember that I was resting in the hotel at that time, and then... yes, then the third and fourth classes

People came up to fight, and I still fought. But I don’t remember what happened after that, until I woke up just now.”

After hearing this, there was silence in the room for a moment, and several of us looked at each other, with a hint of surprise and surprise in our eyes.

Didn't what Han Mengxuan just described happen during last week's weekend mission? On the second night of last week's weekend mission, we were violently attacked by squads three and four.

If there is a gap in Han Mengxuan's memory at this point, wouldn't it mean that Leng Wenjun had taken possession of Han Mengxuan as early as that time? No wonder Han Mengxuan was unscathed at the time and was possessed by Leng Wenjun. She had no choice but to save herself.

It's difficult.

Thinking about it carefully, that night, we were busy fighting with Class 3 and Class 4, and it was too easy to sneak in. After that, due to various reasons, we were unable to conduct a blood test.

Mainly, we had too many things to do that time, including making up for the dead foreign students, rescuing the wounded, counting the number of people, and finally, that night, we had to widen the score gap with Class 3 and Class 4, so we took the blood test.

I forgot all about it. Now it seems that I was really negligent!

But who would have thought that this ghost could possess him all the way to school? Thinking about it carefully, since the end of that mission, Han Mengxuan has been a bit strange, for example, he is not gregarious. Now it seems that the reason why Han Mengxuan is not gregarious is probably because

Always showing up in front of us will make us find flaws.

It's a pity that we failed to detect the abnormality at the time, which led to this tragedy and Zhao Yongqiang's death.

Thanks to the fact that we have been spending our time in school in entertainment facilities that prohibit killing, I believe that ghost students will also be restricted by the rules. Otherwise, we are afraid that we will lose more people. Even I dare not say that we can

Don't be tricked by Leng Wenjun.

We spend most of our time in the entertainment facilities, even if we are not there, we are all together, even for this mission, so Leng Wenjun has not been able to succeed until most of us boys went to find Xu Ce last night.

This gave Leng Wenjun the opportunity to take action.

However, there is one thing I don’t understand. If Leng Wenjun has already possessed Han Mengxuan in his last mission, then there is no reason for Sun Yu not to know about it. And if Sun Yu knew about it, she would definitely not sit back and watch this happen.


Because Leng Wenjun’s move is to eliminate the number of people in his class, which is completely damaging Sun Yu’s interests. Just imagine, if we don’t stop it in time, then our class will be hit hard. And if our class is hit hard,

Then Sun Yu would be in danger.

So, why exactly?

Why would Sun Yu sit back and watch this happen?

This chapter has been completed!
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