Chapter 19 The scholar’s ??words cut off the military plane

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 Chen Chang followed Wang Huan and others, holding the arrow stack, and looked down the city. They saw a fire dragon composed of hundreds of torches winding towards them, but turned eastward one mile south of Wubao. The team trembled slightly.

It folds like a fire dragon hovering over the plain.

Wang Huan and others looked at each other, and Wei Chuanzheng cursed: "Damn it, these thieves are trying to outflank and attack. Miss, let the younger one go and investigate."

Zhou Yihai touched his chin with one hand and tapped lightly on the arrow stack with the other: "Could it be that after the cowhide drum was beaten, the thieves guessed that I was already prepared?"

Wang Huan bit her lips lightly, frowned slightly, her clear eyes were brightly illuminated by the fire dragon that turned to the southeast. She couldn't figure out why the thief suddenly changed direction.

She originally lacked such experience in commanding in battle, and the sudden change in the enemy's situation made her even more overwhelmed.

The thief's movements are unknown, and the situation becomes more tense and confusing.

The villagers in Wubao also seemed to feel this atmosphere. Many people stood on tiptoes and looked eagerly in the direction of the gate tower. Originally, they were all waiting for the moment when the bandits attacked, and the fateful scene was about to unfold.

Unfolded, but after waiting for a long time but there was no movement, my heart began to become restless, and for a while there were a lot of comments.

Wei Chuanzheng saw that Wang Huan was in a trance and asked again: "Miss, is the suggestion just now feasible?"

"Ah?" Although Wang Huan's thoughts were brought back, a clear countermeasure was not formed in her mind.

At this moment, a voice sounded faintly from behind: "No need to hesitate anymore, those thieves are definitely gone."

Wang Huan, Zhou Yihai and Wei Chuanzheng suddenly turned around. Under the dim moonlight, they saw a thin scholar looking at them supported by a fat man.

Wei Chuanzheng had never seen Chen Chang. When he saw that his clothes were messy and shabby, and that he was sick, he frowned and shouted: "Who are you? You, a scholar, can discuss this kind of thing. Get down quickly, get down..." <


Zhou Yihai waved his hand to stop Wei Chuanzheng. The scene where Chen Chang and others organized old and weak women and children to support the guards and young villagers was still vivid in his mind. If he, a big boss, were allowed to face those old and weak women and children, he would probably scratch his head.


But I don’t know what tricks this scholar used, but the old, weak, women and children obeyed his orders one after another, and actually did the work of raising an army in an orderly manner.

Zhou Yihai whispered to Wang Huan: "Miss, I think this scholar is quite capable, why not just listen to what he has to say?"

Wang Huan hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

The first impression this scholar gave her was somewhat different. For example, he seemed to be aware of her unusual identity, and used her identity to overpower the Liu family and his son, thus successfully rescuing the Yan family's ancestors and grandchildren.

Another example is when she was standing on the watchtower, the injured guy also followed her and made some suggestions, and now he actually chased her to the gatehouse again.

Chen Chang said: "I just asked a few guards and they said that even the imperial army does not have many war horses, but why do these bandits have so many war horses? Don't you think it's a little strange?"

Miss Wang looked at Zhou Yihai and Wei Chuanzheng at each other. She naturally knew the condition of the rear Liang horses, including the horses she and Zhou Yihai had spent a lot of effort to obtain. However, the specific reason for this situation was

Don't know.

Zhou Yihai was born in the military, so he naturally knew a little about this kind of thing, so he said: "The number of horses is often one of the important indicators to measure the strength or weakness of a court, and the number of horses mainly depends on the pasture of the court. Cao Wei set up in Hexi and the north

Pastures were used to ensure the supply of sufficient war horses, making Cao Wei the most powerful in the Three Kingdoms period. Later, later..."

He wanted to tell the story thoroughly, but the ink in his stomach was limited, so after a few sentences he couldn't go on anymore.

At this time, an old cough sounded. Chen Chang and everyone turned around to see Yan Xiu walking over tremblingly.

Yan Qianshi hurriedly stepped forward to help: "Aweng, what are you..."

Chen Chang had no one to help him and almost fell down, but Wei Chuan, with his quick hands and quick eyes, caught him.

Chen Changfang was about to say thank you, but he heard Yan Xiu say: "What the general just said is absolutely true. During the Sixteen Kingdoms period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Qianliang paid great attention to raising horses, and the officials governed the Qingming Dynasty, which made Zhongzhou avoid the intruders from time to time."

There is a saying in the world that there is chaos in the world, and the only country to avoid chaos is Liang and Turkey. There is also a saying in folk songs that "in Qinchuan, there is no blood, but Liangzhou relies on the pillars to watch". This is the Liangzhou horse, running rampant in the world...


When Chen Chang heard that he was going off topic, he interrupted him and said, "Aweng, do you think the bandits can have so many war horses?"

Yan Xiu rolled his eyes: "No way!"

Chen Chang spread his hands and said to Miss Wang and others: "That's it, so I conclude that the marchers in front are not bandits."

Miss Wang nodded, and the explanation of the old man and the young man made sense. However, if they were not bandits, where did these people come from?

Chen Chang seemed to know what she was thinking, and said: "Since they are not bandits, and they have not threatened us, we only need to continue to be prepared to deal with the real bandits. What do we care about these people?"

As soon as these words came out, Miss Wang nodded frequently, and the scholar had some insights. Everyone quickly reached an agreement. It was already the fourth watch, and as long as it waited until dawn, the reinforcements would probably arrive.

In about a stick of incense, the fire dragon in front completely disappeared from sight. Zhou Yihai sent a guard on horseback to investigate, and soon got a reward. The unidentified horse team did not take a roundabout way, but went straight to the river.


Moreover, in addition to horse hoof prints and human footprints, there are also messy rut marks on the official road. This further confirms Chen Chang's inference that there are no bandits pulling carts to rob?

The news that the bandits had not come yet quickly spread among the villagers, who were temporarily relieved. Chen Chang saw many adult men finding their parents, wives and children, and the whole family cried together.

An old man on crutches, regardless of the wet mud, knelt in the courtyard and kowtowed, muttering something in his mouth, as if he was thanking God for his mercy and blessing.

Chen Chang sighed, it seems a bit too early to thank God now, the real master has not yet come!

He hurriedly went to find Miss Wang with Yan Qianshi, but Miss Wang stepped up to the watchtower again. Chen Chang looked at the tall watchtower and sighed.

Fatty Yan was very afraid of the cold-faced Wang Huan, fearing that she would say things like crushing the watchtower again, so he asked guiltily: "Are you still coming?"


Chen Chang climbed up to the tower with sweating profusely and told Miss Wang his thoughts.

Wang Huan raised her eyebrows and said, "Are you sure the thief will come tonight?" Remembering that he also knew the news about the thief's attack, a trace of curiosity in her heart was aroused, and she asked again: "Where did you get the news about the thief?"


Chen Chang told the truth about how he took the wrong road and strayed into a barren tomb on the way back, and happened to overhear the conversation between the tomb robbers. Anyway, if the bandits came, everyone would probably die.

There is no guarantee that we should ignore the matter of face.

"You said the tomb robber was actually named Confucius?"

What Chen Chang didn't expect was that Wang Huan would be interested in a tomb robber, and he immediately understood the reason after thinking about it.

In the early days of the Three Kingdoms' struggle for hegemony, Cao Cao's sphere of influence was still very small. Sometimes, the cities he conquered were often replaced by new owners before they had time to rest and reorganize. It is nothing new for the territory to "chao Qin, Mu Chu".

No one knows how long they can stay on the territory they occupy. Therefore, the cities they conquer are often looted. In this case, without money and food, it is difficult for the army to achieve its purpose of recuperation.

The warlords' melee prevented Cao Cao's army from resting for a long time, and also caused the displaced farmers to see spring planting but not wait for autumn harvest. This is like a pot of rice that was just cooked but turned into someone else's meal in the blink of an eye. So, in

Raising military pay in a short period of time became a prerequisite for the princes to attack and attack everywhere.

In order to solve his food and salary problem, Cao Cao turned his attention to the ancient business of tomb robbing.

As we all know, in the middle of the Western Han Dynasty, after the peaceful and prosperous era of Wenjing's rule, economic prosperity made thick burials common at that time. This also provided conditions for Cao Cao to steal and dig graves and steal gold and silver treasures for military pay.

Official positions such as "Faqiu Zhonglangjiang" and "Mojin Xiaowei" were created in Cao Cao's army. Cao Cao led his troops into Dang, attacked the tomb of King Xiao of Liang, broke the coffin, and collected tens of thousands of kilograms of gold treasures.

, no bones were left exposed in all the turbulences we passed.

According to common sense, this is not a glorious profession, but as the saying goes, "A big business does not care about meticulousness, and a big courtesy does not hesitate to make small concessions."

Cao Mengde, who has the world in mind, doesn't care about the infamy as long as the army can eat and win the war.

It is said that Cao Cao used the treasures stolen from tombs to feed his army for three years.

Even Sun Quan was not idle. Sun Quan destroyed Changsha and sent people to dig up Wu Rui's tomb and take the coffin to build a temple for his father Sun Jian. When the person in charge of digging the tomb opened the coffin, he saw that Wu Rui's clothes and appearance were as bright as new.
The gravedigger later saw Nanman school guard Wu Gang in Shouchun. What puzzled him was that Wu Gang looked exactly like Wu Rui who was lying in the coffin back then, except that he was slightly shorter. After asking, he found out that Wu Gang

Gang turns out to be Wu Rui's sixteenth generation descendant.

Going to excavations in person, breaking open coffins to expose corpses, and looting treasures has since become an inevitable way for some people to make a fortune.

And Miss Wang, who hates evil as much as she hates hatred, isn't she looking for ambitious young people like Confucius who have the idea of ​​"if you want to be rich, dig graves and build a household worth ten thousand yuan a night"?

Being able to catch the eye of Miss Wang, it seems that this Confucius is indeed no ordinary person.

Chen Chang couldn't help but sigh that he accidentally became a good citizen who reported criminals.

While the two were talking, a guard on the side suddenly shouted: "Miss, look, look, they are coming, they are coming..."

This chapter has been completed!
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