Chapter 1038 Random command

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 In the inner courtyard.

When Qin Ming, Mr. Tao and others arrived, they saw more than a dozen Tao family masters and guards lying in a pool of blood, some with their heads missing, and some with their eyes still open.

The scene looks very bloody and terrible!

"Abominable vicious hands!" ??

"We, the Tao family, are at odds with you!"

Seeing this scene, Mr. Tao and several Tao family elders' eyes were blood red and their eyes were about to burst!

This is the inner courtyard of the Tao family. Most of the dozen or so masters and guards of the Tao family who were killed by vicious hands were descendants of the Tao family. They were also relatives of Mr. Tao and several Tao family elders.

Now that these relatives have died tragically in the hands of vicious hands, you can imagine the anger in their hearts for a while!

"Mr. Tao, please give your condolences to the Tao family..."

Guan Lao sighed.

Whether it was him or the masters of the Western Regions Martial Dragon Group, all of them looked ugly.

"Mr. Guan, not only did the vicious man sneak into our Tao family to commit murder, but he also kidnapped my grandson!"

"If nothing else happens, he has just escaped now and should not have gone far yet!"

"I beg you, the Wulong Group, to quickly send someone to hunt him down and help save my grandson..."

When Mr. Tao remembered that his grandson had been captured, he suppressed the anger in his heart and quickly asked the Wulong Group for help. He planned to find a way to rescue his grandson first!

Of course, since the Tao family is only a force of the old Guwu family, it is not a big family force!

The most powerful warrior in their Tao family is only half a step above the realm of war master!

This is far different from the vicious hands of the War Lord Realm!

Moreover, Poison Hand is cunning and cunning, and he is also an expert in using poison!

With the meager strength and foundation of the Tao family, even if the Tao family sends people to hunt down the murderer, they will never be able to rescue the hostages from the murderer's hands.

Therefore, he can only place his hopes on the Wulong Group!

"Well, you're right!"

Mr. Guan suddenly came to his senses, and then he turned his attention to Qin Ming.

"Master Qin, before the poisonous hand can escape far away, our Western Region Martial Dragon Group and your Southern Region Martial Dragon Group's troops will be divided into two groups to hunt him down together!"

"Since he dares to show up, we will take the opportunity to join forces to kill him and avoid future troubles forever!"

Guan Lao made decisive arrangements.

He knew very well that the Western Region Martial Dragon Group sent a total of two Black Dragon Guards at the War Lord level this time. One was him, and the other was an old man in gray behind him named Mr. Tian.

As for the Southern Region Martial Dragon Group, in addition to Qin Ming, a young boy who doesn't know the depth of things, Fan Lao is also a powerful warrior in the War Master Realm!

There are a total of three powerful warriors in the war realm on their side!

Coupled with the fact that there are more than a dozen Huanglongwei assistants who are at the peak of the War King and half-step to the War Lord realm, it should not be difficult for such a powerful lineup to deal with the poisonous hand!

As long as the people from the Western Region Wulong Group and the Southern Region Wulong Group can catch up with the poisonous hand, they can form an encirclement to surround the poisonous hand.

Not only can this save the eldest young master of the Tao family from the poisonous hand, but it is also very possible to take the opportunity to kill the poisonous hand in one fell swoop and complete the mission of this trip!

This just kills two birds with one stone!

However, before his beautiful thoughts could come to an end, a scene happened that shocked him, Mr. Tao and others the next moment!


"We can't go after the murderer!"

Qin Ming shook his head and said without hesitation, he rejected Mr. Guan’s arrangement!


"Can't you hunt down the murderer?"

"This...why is this?"

Hearing this, Mr. Guan and all the masters of the Western Regions Martial Dragon Group were shocked and couldn't believe their ears!

Now the poisonous hand has just escaped from the Tao family, and he must not have gone far yet. This is a great opportunity for them to hunt down and suppress the poisonous hand!

They really couldn't understand why Qin Ming refused this matter!

Of course, as Qin Ming is the captain of the Southern Region Martial Dragon Group, Mr. Fan and Deng Hai must obey his orders!

Now that Qin Ming is unwilling to cooperate, it is impossible to hunt down and encircle the murderer with just the few people in their Western Region Martial Dragon Group!

"Qin...Master Qin, just think of me as begging you!"

"My grandson has been taken away by vicious hands. Please show mercy and save my grandson..."

Mr. Tao begged hurriedly.

Although he didn't know why Qin Ming refused to hunt down and suppress the poisonous hand, one thing he knew very well was that if the people of the Wulong Group refused to rescue his grandson, his grandson would definitely end up in a terrible fate if he fell into the hands of the poisonous hand.


And every minute of delay puts his grandson in more danger!

For a moment, one can imagine the anxiety in his heart!

"Master Qin, if you are greedy for life and afraid of death, you can stay in the Tao family yourself!"

"But we hope you can give an order to let Mr. Fan and others cooperate with our Western Region Martial Dragon Group to hunt down and suppress the poisonous murderer!"

A group of masters from the Western Regions Martial Dragon Group said with disdain on their faces, their dissatisfaction with Qin Ming reaching its peak.

Obviously, they guessed that Qin Ming was unwilling to pursue Poison Hand, probably because he was afraid of Poison Hand's Wudu Ruanjin San!

In fact, to put it bluntly, Qin Ming is just greedy for life and afraid of death!
Apart from this, they can't think of any other possibilities!

"Master Qin, this opportunity must not be missed before it comes again!"

"The poisonous hand should not have gone far yet. Please quickly order us to assist Mr. Guan and the others in hunting down and suppressing the poisonous hand!"

"Otherwise, if we continue to delay, it will be too late!"

Mr. Fan took the initiative to ask for orders, his expression showing a bit of displeasure.

From the beginning to now, Qin Ming has been giving random orders, deliberately going against Mr. Guan and the people of the Western Region Martial Dragon Group!

However, since Qin Ming is the captain, he and Luo Tang can only obey orders.

But now, the poisonous hand has appeared!

But Qin Ming was still stubborn, giving random orders and refusing to cooperate with the actions of Mr. Guan and the Western Region Wulong Group!

Not to mention that the people in the Western Region Martial Dragon Group were very dissatisfied with Qin Ming, even he, Luo Tang, and Shi Jing had a lot of complaints against Qin Ming!

Only Deng Hai and Zhao Jiantong, who were Qin Ming's direct subordinates and always followed Qin Ming's lead, had no objections to Qin Ming's decision.

"Everyone, listen to me first!"

"The poisonous hand's purpose this time is to get the motherwort. If our Southern and Western Martial Dragon Groups hunt him down, once the Tao family is empty and he comes back, the consequences will be disastrous..."

Faced with everyone's doubts, Qin Ming looked very calm and simply expressed his thoughts.

His unwillingness to hunt down and encircle the murderer is not because he is afraid of death, but because he is worried that the murderer will lure the tiger away from the mountain and then come back to kill him!

When the time comes, the Tao family will not have the masters of the martial arts group from the Southern and Western Regions to take charge. Not only will they not be able to resist the poisonous hands, but the motherwort will also easily fall into the hands of the poisonous hands!

In this way, their Southern Region and Western Region Wulong Group's plan to exterminate the poisonous hands completely failed!

This chapter has been completed!
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