Chapter 211 Xunyang Students

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What does a real slave look like?

This is definitely not the case with those who were prisoners of war and became slaves after the Chu State occupied Yangyue.

A real slave is ignorant and allows others to do whatever they want.

They even said that with just an order and a mouthful of food, they could surrender and move forward.


What is that...these people who have been slaves for generations, they don't know.

If you join the army in front, you will think of it as a wall of flesh.

For a time, the Chu State was in danger.

The people of Chu mourned, but had to go to the battlefield.

At this time, Feng Yun had gained power, and Luo and Luo were released to go to Shennongjia.

In front of Shennongjia, Feng Yun held an ocher whip to look for herbs.

At the same time, on the border of Yangyue and Guangdong, in Xunyang City.

Li Yue and his party, who stopped after hearing about the plague, looked far towards the direction of Yangyue.

The second elder advised: "Fengzi has now gone to Shennong Mountain to look for medicine."

"This place is far away from Baiyue, spanning the entire Jingchu and Yangyue lands... King, you should not take such a risk. At this time, Andi has separated from the Chu Kingdom, and Fengzi can leave Chu at any time. There is no restriction."

Hearing the sound, Li Yue was also thinking.

a long time.

Li Yue looked back and looked at the most vast and solemn building in Xunyang City - Xunyang Classics Palace.

"Second Elder, do you still remember the purpose of establishing Xunyang City? What is the role of this palace of books?"

Li Yue's voice was cold, but it contained a sigh.

The second elder was stunned.

Frowning deeply.

"Is the king planning to use Xunyang's power to help Fengzi to cure the plague?"


One is to have a city in the northwest corner to control Yangyue, so as to avoid being invaded by other countries along the river.

The second is to pass on the right way.

Among the strategies left by Feng Yun for Baiyue, there is "Water Policy: The Way of Witch Doctors": the water of Rengui; the wisdom of the water owner...the way of inheritance for a country.

This is the inheritance set by Feng Yun for Baiyue.

Just like the Prime Minister of Chu State, it is the source of power for Chu State.

The second elder naturally knew about this. Although many people could not understand this strategy deeply, they still followed Feng Yun's instructions and built Xunyang into a holy place for learning the ways of witch doctors in the Baiyue Land.

And with Xunyang as the starting point, the witch doctor's skills, which are enough to treat minor illnesses and trivial matters, will be spread to every place in the Baiyue Land.

Almost every Baiyue people will learn basic witch doctor skills.

Just as Feng Yun said at the beginning - the witch doctor strengthens the country.

Witch doctors can treat diseases and injuries, and can also strengthen the people's health and increase their strength.

Their physical strength will improve, and their fertility will be better.

As his strength increases, he will not be afraid in battle.

There are few and good witch doctors when there is no war; there are many and they are widely good when there is war.

Only with fewer and more precise treatments can you have enough patients to gain experience and improve your witchcraft skills.

Being numerous and widespread, they can be found everywhere when needed, providing immediate treatment and reducing casualties.

Studying the advanced witch doctor skills in Xunyang City means being less and more skilled.

Spreading simple witch doctor skills to the Baiyue people can be done more and more widely.

So down.

When there is no war, it can ensure that the people of the country have a strong body, have smooth fertility, reproduce, and live and work in peace and contentment.

In wartime, we can ensure logistics for the treatment of wounded people. After war injuries, everyone can be treated, ensuring that the condition is stabilized as soon as possible and waiting for follow-up treatment. It can be said that the battle is fought with few losses and the momentum is endless.

This is the benefit of being a powerful country with witch doctors. It is located in a land of great beauty, surrounded by mountains and fields, and herbal medicines are easy to find. It can be said that it is a god-given learning.

But no matter how good your knowledge is, you still need to practice it yourself and accumulate your own experience.

Therefore, Li Yue made this statement only after learning about the plague in Chu at this time.

Li Yue nodded and said: "In this great epidemic, Fengzi personally served as a doctor. How could we, Baiyue, use our witch doctors to strengthen the country by using such a good opportunity, miss it?"

Hearing this, the second elder who wanted to dissuade him could not reply.

He thought, but it was so.

With Feng Yun here, how could this plague not be controlled?

It would be of great benefit if the Baiyue people who practiced medicine could accumulate experience as witch doctors.

There are not so many diseases in Baiyue that can be treated by people who are trained as witch doctors.

There are not enough patients, which is not conducive to studying medicine.

This is the opportunity for Chu State.

The second elder opened his mouth to speak.

But Li Yue said: "Let me give the order. The Baiyue Kingdom takes Fengzi's learning as its national policy and witch doctors as its prominent learning. Now that the Chu Kingdom is plagued by plague, we, the Baiyue witch doctors, are virtuous, so we sent Fengzi to Baiyue."

In Li Zhi's Palace of Classical Books, all students from Xunyang went to Anyi to help Fengzi find a way to solve the plague."

"When I heard that Fengzi went to Shennongjia to look for medicine, I, along with all the people from Baiyue, bought another hundred carts of herbal medicine to practice the virtues of a witch doctor... There is no need to explain the matter of herbal medicine to the outside world."

The second elder sighed helplessly, but still nodded.

"King, you value Fengzi, but the matter of herbal medicine... is a long way away, and in the land of Shennongjia, why are there no herbal medicines?"

Li Yue smiled slightly, but she was thinking about more.

"Second Elder."

Li Yue's eyes twinkled.

"Do you think that if the Baiyue Kingdom helps the Chu Kingdom and resists the Emperor's Sixth Division, it might be possible to turn the tide of the war?"

The second elder was shocked, thinking that Li Yue wanted to help Chu State.

But Li Yue's eyes were clear and she just looked at Xunyang City.

The second elder then relented and thought about it and said: "No, Baiyue is no longer the original Baiyue and has the image of a great country, but there are quite a few great powers in the Sixth Division of the Emperor. I, Baiyue, can defeat one of them. I can't stop them."

Second, I did my best."

Li Yue nodded and added, "What about Fengzi?"

The two idiots were stunned.


"This..." The second elder thought about Feng Yun's military skills.

Those who sent envoys to various countries, on the pretext of forming alliances, secretly made plans to lure the people of Gu Ai to join the army of Baiyue with grain.

Create something out of nothing and complete the agreement of tens of thousands of Han soldiers.

Afterwards, Ai City was captured without losing a single soldier, and everyone in Ai City welcomed him.

The commander of Ai City, armor and weapons...

The ability of such a military leader is vivid in my mind.

"You have Fengzi, our Baiyue Kingdom, from the king to the common people, no one is afraid of the Sixth Division of the Emperor!"

Li Yue smiled.

"Of course I'm not afraid."

Looking to the northwest, that is the direction of the Zhou Kingdom.

"This time I will use Fengzi's name to fear the Sixth Division of the Emperor... Huh, when my father was here, Fengzi had already asked the Fengze Kingdoms to ask the Emperor for orders and let Baiyue be the princes of Zhou Li, but now it has been so long

, no news, obviously he looks down on our Baiyue!"

Li Yue's eyes were cold, and she did not hide her dissatisfaction.

"Look at this time, the emperor will not have eyes this week."

Seeing Li Yue's majestic and heroic appearance, the second elder was pleased.

Only with such a demeanor can he be a good king of Baiyue.

"Second Elder, get ready quickly. From now on, you and I will also pretend to be Xunyang students, so that we can travel through the Chu Kingdom to An Di in an open and honest manner."

When the news about Baiyue Kingdom's actions spread to other countries, they were surprised.

But I soon understood the problem.

What if the Baiyue Kingdom used witch doctors to help Feng Yun search for medicine?

What should I do if I help the Chu State secretly?

All the countries wanted to speak out and threaten Baiyue to stop this.

But the reasons given by Baiyue Kingdom were too virtuous.

The Son of Heaven forcibly attacked the capital city of Chu State to eliminate the plague body and give other countries the dignity to send troops before ordering the order.

The emperor and the Baiyue Kingdom both eradicated the plague.

At this time, the reason for not recognizing the Baiyue Kingdom was tantamount to the reason for destroying the emperor. The princes also lost their morality in sending troops.

This is a positive strategy, which can be extended to take advantage of the situation and benefit the country by taking what Li Yue learned from Feng Yun.

For a time, the Chu State and the vassal states, which were at war with each other, became a little quieter.

But soon, as Xunyang students set off with a hundred carts of herbs covered with straw, the countries were shocked again.

Are there really herbs in this car?

It was almost the same time that the emperor learned of this.

The emperor initiated the third enfeoffment of vassal states since the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty on the grounds that the Baiyue Kingdom was a country that implemented Fengzi's national policy and had the virtues of a witch doctor.

But at this time, there was only one country.


This chapter has been completed!
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