Chapter 212 Viscount Baiyue Dogwood

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Chapter 212 Viscount Baiyue·Juyu

The Emperor’s Order——

The virtues of Fengzi are like the land of Ze, which educates Baiyue. The virtues of Fengzi as a witch doctor attract the attention of heaven and earth, and the emperor is grateful for it... He then made the Li family surnamed Viscount and guarded the south of Fengze to declare the majesty of the emperor.

As soon as this order came out, all the countries were shocked.

But no matter what, the hundreds of vehicles traveling with Li Yue also revealed the herbs under the straw, proving that they were indeed meant to cure the plague, not to help Chu.

So, the time has come to April...

The cold wind remains.

Feng Yunfang emerged from Shennongjia.

"Fengzi, why are there such terrifying things in Shennongjia..."

The An people who followed Feng Yun all had big and small bags all over their bodies. They were full of herbs, but they were not happy. There was fear in their eyes and their bodies were trembling slightly, even though they had completely left the land of Shennongjia.

, and didn’t dare to look back any further.

Feng Yun shook his head, with tiredness hidden in his eyes.

I was able to walk out of Shennongjia thanks to the farming curse left by Shennong.

"Fengzi, can you cure the plague now?"

Xu Xing, who also followed Feng Yun to the land of Shennongjia.

At this time, unlike the rest of the people in Andi, his eyes were shining with light.

Feng Yun had a vague idea that it was the farmer's curse.

At first, this curse was left in Andi.

It seems that Xu Xing also gained something.

As for the plague…

"It can be cured."

Feng Yun took out a red plant from his sleeve, covered with many fruits and shaped like a blooming flower.

"Is this Dogwood?"

Xu Xing was slightly stunned.

There are obviously many mountains around this place, and Xu Xing can easily find one around here.

That's why Feng Yun needs to be protected at all times.

"This is not a dogwood, or rather, a dogwood."

"This just looks like a dogwood, but it's not a dogwood."

Feng Yun said, picked off one and handed it to Xu Xing... the man next to him.

Eat it.


"What does this smell like!"

In an instant, Manwa's face turned red and her ears turned red, and she could only relieve it by blowing air-conditioning from her mouth.

For a long time, I felt hot and sweaty, and then it dissipated.

Then, Feng Yun picked another dogwood and handed it to Xu Xing.

Xu Xing ate it respectfully.

"Sour and astringent taste." Xu Xing is quite familiar with this taste.

Feng Yun nodded and said, "Is there any difference?"

Manwa glanced at Xu Xing and nodded.

Xu Xing naturally nodded.

Feng Yun looked at the two of them, and used the art of looking at Qi to observe the flow of Xu Xing's breath, and explained: "Dogwood has a sour taste, astringent, and slightly warm nature. It is also a medicine that can restrain the lost Qi and benefit the liver and kidneys."

"And this one, which looks like dogwood, tastes pungent, slightly bitter, and is hot in nature. It can reduce qi and stop cold, and benefit the liver and stomach."

"The liver is the place for detoxification, and the stomach is the place for consumption."

"Man consumes things and seizes the self-interested body of all things in order to survive and gain righteousness and strength."

"At this time, because of the arrival of the plague, the stomach is prone to cold, which blocks the body's one place to seek help from the outside. If you want to use decoction to cure the plague, you must first clear the stomach and open the entrance."

"The liver accumulates cold and accumulates poison in the body. It is the place where the body detoxifies itself. Only by opening the outlet here can the poison be quickly removed from the body."

"The pungent taste... is pungent, and it can induce self-heating in the human body and dispel the cold in the body. Even if there is no opening in the liver, it can open up the opening in the skin between the appetite and the liver opening to detoxify through sweat."

After explaining the principle of treating the plague, Anren, who was practicing medicine with Feng Yun, quickly thought about how to prepare the medicine.

They are all trained by Feng Yun. They have read the "Huangdi Neijing" and are proficient in medical science. They are already more sensitive to medicine than ordinary people.

At this time, the plague was serious, and they were in the mountains looking for medicine. They were also in urgent need, and they did not dare to delay.

Go down the mountain.

The people of Andi welcome him.

But among the crowd, Feng Yun saw...

"Li Yue?"

"Fengzi, under the order of the King of Baiyue during the lower month of Qiu, brought students from Xunyang of Baiyue to Andi to help Fengzi control the plague in Chu."

Xunyang students...

Feng Yun looked at Li Yue, who was dressed as a man and had a full beard, and was speechless.

"Please wait for the students of Baiyue Kingdom to take a break and wait until the rest of the night to sort out the situation in Chu Kingdom before making a final conclusion."

Wuyue heard the voice, nodded in agreement, and wanted to follow Feng Yun.

But the second elder quickly stopped him.

He shook his head and said: "Xiaoyuemei, Fengzi has something important to do."

Hearing this, Li Yue woke up from a trance.

"Yes, but this is also a major event for us... Whether the virtue of witch doctors can rise and be known to all countries depends entirely on the cure of this plague."

After that, Li Yue broke away from the second elder and followed Feng Yun neatly.

Feng Yun saw it and didn't stop him.

He didn't think that Li Yue would come to this place across Yangyue and Jingchu just for him.

Sit comfortably in the temple.

Feng Yun used the envoy etiquette of Baiyue to arrange Li Yue's seat.

Baili Xi also hurried over, entered the palace, and explained the situation to Feng Yun.

"Fengzi, this month, the Qian Kingdom has been raided by the Chu Kingdom, and all the lands south of the Han River have been captured by Chu. Now we can only go to the Han River to see Chu, and we have no chance!"

Feng Yun spread out the map and observed the situation.

Baili Xi stepped forward and pointed it out for Feng Yun.

Li Yue on the side also came closer.

Feng Yun nodded slightly to Baili Xi, signaling to continue.

Not long after, Baili Xi explained to the generals who were guarding various places in Chu State that because Qian State was attacked, the key point to safely lead to Chu State was lost.

Now we can only look across the Han River.

"Fengzi, the emperor has ordered Qian, E, and Zeng to build ships and prepare to cross the Han River to attack Chu."

After Baili joked, Feng Yun frowned slightly.

"Why is the emperor's marching strategy so hasty?"

Watch the map——

Feng Yun looked towards the land of Zongzhou.

However, due to the distance, it was not possible to get into details, and it was impossible to understand the emperor's thoughts at this time.

"Perhaps the emperor is a man who is eager for quick success?" Baili Xi tried to answer.

Feng Yun nodded, but then shook his head.

"The death of Bao Xiang was an opportunity to destroy Chu. Naturally, he would immediately express his attitude to attack Chu's heart and establish his own virtue."

"Although it is said that the army needs to be fast to have an advantage, but now it is overwhelming, and the emperor needs to be stable."

"Crossing the Han River..." This should be something that Emperor Zhou didn't want to face.

This is the place where King Zhao of Zhou collapsed and drowned.

After the death of King Zhao of Zhou, he had a natural resistance to the emperor's destiny.

Now Emperor Zhou will sail from here again, which makes people marvel at the meaning.

"I'm afraid that now, many people in the Emperor's Sixth Division are urging the Emperor to find another place to march."

Feng Yun shook his head slightly.

The fingers traced towards Yunmengze, then up the Han River to the mouth of Andi.

"The Emperor is so anxious, then this will be the only place where the Zeng Sui Land and the Shennong Basin can enter Chu at this time."

Baili Xi was puzzled.

Feng Yun said: "Yunmeng is as big as Penglize. Although it is less dangerous, it is not a safe place. From here to Chu, the only way is to open up the land of Yangyue from the state of E, and from the narrow space between Yunze and Mengze.

The place is Chu."

"But now that Qian State has been captured by Chu State, it has lost its role and wants to cross the water to recapture it..."

Feng Yun shook his head. He knew something about Chu State's navy. It would be difficult to fight on the water border with Chu State.

Therefore, the countries north of the Han River had no choice but to find other places to cross the river.

Among them, the Gu State is one and the Lu State is another; both of them need to pass through An to reach the Chu State.

Moreover, between the Han River between Zeng Andi and Chu Andi...

"Baili Xi, can you succeed in flying the rope?"

Feng Yun remembered that when he left Andi, he ordered the construction of a zipline to cross the river.

If you use a zip line, you can also carry people across the water, but the speed is slower and not as good as a large ship, but you can use this zip line to build a bridge.

"Fengzi, the matter has been completed, but there is no arrangement by Fengzi, and the hemp rope has not been hung yet. Everyone thought it was a sacrificial platform."

Feng Yun nodded.

"Not hanging up for now."


Later, Bailixi explained the epidemic situation announced by Chu State at this time.

"Death...over 50,000?" Feng Yun sighed slightly. If the Duke died at 50,000, how much is the real number?

This is the result of the Chu people preparing medicine for wind and cold, but the medicine for wind and cold can only be temporary. The plague will become ineffective as more and more people fall ill.

"People are quickly looking for the medicine that looks like dogwood. Shennongjia is the rich land of hundreds of medicines, so it can be found. However, it is rare in Jingchu. There are millions of people who need to treat the plague in Jingchu. The number of this medicine is more than 100,000.

The more the merrier!”

Upon hearing this, Baili Xi hurriedly went to give instructions.

But he turned around and said to Feng Yun:

"Fengzi, there is another matter. Zeng Guojun passed away. I had sent a letter earlier, hoping that Fengzi could go to Zeng Guo to express condolences to Zeng Guo's late king, Zeng Hou, after controlling the plague."

"...Zenghou Yun will look for opportunities to go there after dealing with the plague."

After saying that, Feng Yun looked at Li Yue.

"Mr. Baili, please invite the envoys from Baiyue to join us, and let those Xunyang students also participate. Baiyue regards witch doctors as their prominent knowledge, and their medical principles were learned earlier than the people of Andi, and their number is also large."


Li Yue also saluted Feng Yun.

"Fengzi, Yue, please leave... Fengzi is tired, take a good rest before you can practice medicine for the plague..."

Li Yue looked at Feng Yun's slightly tired expression, worried and comforting.

Feng Yun nodded.

"As envoys, I promise not to tire myself out and do half the result with half the effort."

"……That's good."

The two left.

Feng Yun also rested.


This chapter has been completed!
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