Chapter 232 Heaven wants to destroy Chu, but humanity can be bullied

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The emperor asked the Chu State for its crimes.

This statement is consistent with "Zhou Rites", but what is heaven?

Can ordinary people answer questions from heaven?

There are many variables, all of which are controlled by the emperor.

At this time, the people of Chu silently hope for peace today.

But Chu Jun knew in his heart that the emperor was waiting for time. As for what he was waiting for...


As spring passed and autumn came, Feng Yun secretly compiled "The Kingdoms" on the An Di An Mountain. There were many people in Qi An to protect him, and he built a temporary school palace in the mountain. It seemed that he had moved the Classics Palace to the mountain.

Lightning and thunder are coming, and heavy rain is coming again. This year's rain has been abundant, and Chu Land is afraid of minor waterlogging again.

"It's done."

Feng Yun was sitting behind a low table, with two books of nations placed on the table.

"States of Chu" and "States of Southwest".

In the southwest of the country, there are four kingdoms: Yelang, Yong, Ba, and Shu. Among them, there are also vague mentions of surrounding tribes, such as Qielan, Dian, Ailao, Gumang and other lesser-known tribal countries.

"I have never made any plans in the southwest, but they are weak."

The wind blows the green branches a little, and the "Countries Southwest" turns into a horn, with ribbons fluttering like the endless sound of the wind.

On it, the lines are like water, like wind, like snow, and like warm sun.

"I have promised to Southwest China that if there is an opportunity, we can find a way to coexist and prosper together."

Feng Yun thought to himself, but understood that during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the southwest was not as good as the territory.

Compared with the Central Plains and other places, the southwest does not have an advantage in culture, economy, or even military.

So, we still have to go south.

Maybe people at this time don't know how big Huaxia's surroundings are, but Feng Yun knows it.

Further south from the southwest is the sea, which cannot be crossed by ships, and is not deep enough, no deeper than the southern part of the Baidu. Therefore, the national policy at this time is not to go deep south.

To its southwest, you can go southwest again, starting from the Dian Kingdom, entering Gomachihara, seizing the peninsula, and then going south to the archipelago.

Or go east from the Dian Kingdom, enter Ailao, pass through the ancient wilderness, and enter the Indy Peninsula, completely control the south of Kunlun, use the Kunlun vein as a tower, overlook the army, and surround Indy.

In this way, the southwest can be opened up instead of attacking from within.

Feng Yun thought about this path for a long time. At this time, the national power of the southwest country may not be able to match the Central Plains, but it is enough for the outside world.

After writing down this policy, Feng Yun had to make an alliance with the southwestern countries to make it possible.

This can only be done if there is constant diplomacy, constant trade, and open roads between countries.

Of course, this is just a rough idea.

Feng Yun didn't know much about the situation on this road at this time, so he could only take this approach.

after all……

"The road away from China is far away, and there are few people in the remote place. The more wild beasts are infested, the more evil ones there are. Only with enough benefits can people open this road."

This strategy is temporarily suspended.

"Feng Yun."

It was Shanfeng. After Feng Yun returned, he wrote a letter asking the barbarians to bring Shanfeng to Andi to learn calligraphy and understand their own way.

"I'm leaving Chu State."

Feng Yun handed the two books in front of him to Shan Feng.

"You can copy these two books and make copies in Andi."

Shanfeng didn't move, his eyes looked at Ce on the other side, seemingly attracted to him inexplicably, Shanfeng asked.

"what about this?"

Feng Yun was not unhappy with Shanfeng's lack of etiquette and straightforward attitude.

He smiled and said, "This is an unfinished plan."

Pass it to the mountain breeze.

"You can help me bring it to King Yelang and the southwestern countries."

Finished reading.

The mountain breeze was surprised.

"Feng Yun, how do you know these places?"

Feng Yun shook his head.

"King Mu of Zhou once searched for the Queen Mother of the West, and met a country in the southern corner of the West Pole, called the Kingdom of Ancient Mang."

"There are also many records in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, which were recorded by the sages. Many of them are not in the Central Plains or the surrounding areas. It can be seen that there are countries beyond the ancient wilderness."

Feng Yun could only answer like this.

"Instead of fighting internally, it is better to open up the world, expand trade, strengthen ourselves through trade, and find the treasures that cannot be found in the Central Plains. On the contrary, we can buck the trend and change the way of heaven and enrich the way of humanity."

I only know internal friction but don't know how to open up. What can I do if I spend my whole life?

Shan Feng seemed to understand but not understand, so he nodded and put away this strategy.

"How long will it take for you to leave?"

"Where to go?"

Feng Yun listened to the roaring rain outside and said in a low voice: "At this time, "Zhou Li" is the heaven, so I plan to go to Zhoudu to have a look."

"There are too many countries in this world, and I may not be able to finish them all in my lifetime."

The mountain breeze whispered: "Zhoudu..."

"I don't like Zhoudu, but will you come back?"


"Naturally, I will come back." Feng Yun pointed to the policy that had been collected by the mountain wind and said: "This policy is a promise to the southwest. The heavy snow forced them to truce to make up for my behavior of provoking an unjust war, but the heavy snow

Dong, how could it not be another harm to the human race in the southwest?"

The mountain breeze patted Feng Yun on the shoulder.

"This is the best way. Most people won't insult you."

Feng Yun laughed.

"hope so."

Putting away the green branches and inserting them into her bun, Feng Yun said, "Go find Mr. Baili Xi and ask him to speak to you."


Not long after, Baili Xi came to the palace.


"Mr. Baili, there is no need to be polite. Thank you very much for staying in Andi for a long time. Andi will be in good order."

After saying this, Baili Xi hurriedly saluted.

"Why did Fengzi say this?"

Feng Yun said: "I made a promise to my husband at the beginning. After raising sheep, my husband can get rid of his slavery and leave on his own."

"I'm afraid the sheep have been raised for a long time, but my husband kept them because of the local situation."

Baili Xi felt ashamed.

"Fengzi, I am confused."

“If you don’t go anywhere, you don’t know which country you are going to.”

"Which country are you going to..." Feng Yun was silent.

Where will Baili Xi go?

Qin State.

But this is Bailixi's own fate.

"Where is Fengzi going?" Bailixi asked.

Feng Yun smiled and told him about going to Zhoudu.

"But, the emperor and you?" Baili Xi was surprised. Will the emperor treat Feng Yun kindly?

Feng Yun shook his head.

"I don't plan to become an official. I just heard that Mr. Lao Dan traveled around and now returns to the capital of Zhou, so I plan to go and join him and treat him like a guest."

Baili Xi was thoughtful.

"Fengzi, you know that I was almost used as a dowry slave to go to Qin."

Feng Yun nodded.

It seems like a premonition.

He heard Baili ridiculing: "Earlier, when Fengzi Andi, someone told me that Doctor Qin Ying was looking for me."

"How could a feudal official find a slave?"

"I only believe in some talents and reputation. Although I am a slave to a defeated country, I don't want to be a slave."

"But Doctor Qin Ying's behavior has become more and more friendly with me as I am in charge of the government in Andi. I have caught the light of Fengzi. If I go to the land of Qin Ying, I may become an important minister of the place."

Baili Xi underestimated himself, and also underestimated Feng Yunan's reputation.

Bailixi was a landowner in An. Although he was not public about his politics, anyone who knew about An would know who he was.

No matter which country you go to, you will probably be hired.

When going to the land of Qin Ying, Baili Xi may have taken a fancy to the word "land".

"I heard that Fengzi wanted to go to the capital of Zhou and face the place he hated in order to find the way. I was very moved."

"At this time, I also clearly understand where I am. I was going to go to Qin Ying to be a slave. This time I go to serve as a minister, which is the only way to truly wash away the shame of being a slave."

"When I win a title for the land of Qin Ying, my name can be rectified."

Bailixi is already nearly sixty-seven, which can be said to be a long life, but at this time he is still very heroic.

Feng Yun smiled.

"Mr. Centennial has a decision in mind, that's all."

"The road is not right at the beginning. Only by making choices and taking risks again and again can it become the right path."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

"Let's go north with Mr. Feng," Feng Yun decided, and Baili Xi also expected that Feng Yun would leave Anyi, so he wasn't surprised.

The last time to arrange the follow-up for An Di, write down the plan and let Baili Xi go and arrange it.

Feng Yun doesn't have much luggage and is just packing it up.

But listen...


The sound of water bursts.

This is!

The memory of a long time ago was brought back, it was like the roaring sound in Baiyue, but now it was more violent.

"Where is the water?"

Feng Yun hurried out, only to see that the sky was dark and thunderous. Looking far to the north, he saw huge waves surging and sweeping between the mountains.

"Fengzi, the flood, how could there be such a flood suddenly!" Baili Xi hurriedly panicked, and many people from Andi behind him were also panicking.

With such a flood, Anshan Mountain will be submerged.

The art of gazing!

Watch the wind and follow the sky to find its source.

"Valley country?"

"No, an inexplicable force covered that sky, and no one could check it."

"Gu Guo is afraid that it has been flooded."

And the Shennong Basin is afraid of suffering from this disaster too!

"What!" everyone exclaimed.

Gu Kingdom is just above An Di, not far away!

"Stay on Anshan Mountain and find a big tree to tie yourself up."

Feng Yun summoned the nine tails and galloped out.

Feng Yun looked at the central palace of An Di.

Stone tripod!

The luck of Andi is all gathered in the stone tripod used when worshiping ancestors in Andi.

At this time, luck surged out.


The nest curse protects the human race!

An invisible force protects Anshan. The surrounding wind and rain are isolated by this force, and everyone on Anshan is at peace.

It can be seen that Feng Yun rode on the nine tails and headed north, as if heading towards the flood.


On Anshan Mountain, Anren shouted loudly.

Such a surging water can be seen from a distance even from An Di. How can it be defeated by human power?

Zhu country!

The southwest corner of the Shennong Basin is also the lowest-lying part of the Shennong Basin.

At this time, the emperor took all the princes to the state of Zeng to offer sacrifices on the grounds of the God of Agriculture.

And the armies of the princes, including the emperor's army, are all in the state of Hu.


"Ah, help..."

The flood is ruthless, no matter who you are, everyone will be drowned by the flood.

When the wind came, most of it was swept away by the flood and was about to be washed down to the land of Jingchu.

"Summon Yu Zu!"

Feng Yun's natal weapon, Yu Ding, flew out.

Dayu held the Yu tripod in his hands, and when he saw this scene, he was originally dull and lifeless, but he also stood up in surprise.

Feng Yun looks up to the sky.

That is the Daotian of the human race.

It seems that when I look at the Dao of Dayu in a certain layer of heaven, the Dao rhymes belonging to Dayu come from all around.

The human race is in trouble, and although the ancestors are gone, the spirit left by Tom will always remain in humanity. At this moment, with his approval, the wind summons the soul of Dayu to calm the surging waters.

"Suppress!" Dayu became angry and threw the tripod away.

Everyone around thought that Dayu was reborn.

Feng Yun rides nine tails and lives high in the mountains.

Birds kept flying out from behind him, and each bird could bite the lapel of a person who fell into the water and rescue him.

"Who can do this to deceive everyone in the world?"

Feng Yun was furious and looked at the world.

"It will be possible for those who benefit from it."

The ultimate goal of this flood...

"Chu...if there is no obstruction, this water will definitely submerge most of Jingchu, briefly reappear in Yunmeng Daze, and destroy the people of Chu."

Such a large amount of water cannot appear out of thin air. It must have accumulated strength in advance to have such power.

Combined with what the emperor said earlier, I asked Tian Chu about his crime.

it goes without saying.

Then he looked at the emperor's flag floating in the flood. Feng Yun's eyes seemed calm, but his heart was filled with anger.

"The reputation of King You of Zhou has been underestimated."

"Buzz!" Chu's national destiny rose, like a giant coming to block the flood.

Zhaoyang, who was guarding Jingmen, had already galloped away. The power of the military prime minister shocked the world, and the powerful prime minister Yu was filled with ice.

Zhaoyang used the tiger talisman to borrow the luck of Chu State, and the icy cold air became more and more intense, and the frozen state seemed to be fighting against the Han River.

But the Han River has spirit, how can it be allowed to be done by Zhaoyang?

I heard the voice of the King of Chu and took the sound of Qi as the sound.

"The luck of Chu State will help Zhaoyang!"

The heaven and earth in Chu State were shaken, and for a moment, the power of the Han River trembled.

But then, the flood surged. Even if it was blocked by ice, how could it be stopped?

The country of Lu is now submerged, and even with the power of Feng Yun's close sage, he can only summon hundreds of thousands of birds to rescue the people.

As for those armored soldiers, most of them were physically strong, and they could only struggle to escape under the pressure of the water suppressed by Emperor Yu.


When Feng Yun saw the state of Chu, he shouted loudly, as if summoning the ancestors of Chao.

But when people from all over the country heard Feng Yun's voice, they seemed to feel something, and resolutely followed Feng Yun's call.


People from Lu!

Valley people!

Deng people!

Andi people!

Chu people!

Following Feng Yun's guidance, he called to Dao Tian.

Is there a nest?

Entering the Dao Heaven, there is the voice of Chao Ancestor, but his body is nowhere to be seen.

"What is a country?"

Under the flood, the fortunes of the nations spread out and flew to where the wind allowed.

Feng Yun understands.

Use the luck of the nations to cast the nest curse.

The monarchs of various countries felt this and agreed one after another.

And as the water spread, those countries that heard the call but were not yet in trouble also responded one after another.

Humane feelings, the country is the protector, it is indispensable at this time!

The princes of the Zeng Kingdom far and wide all gave orders to let the country's destiny help Fengzi.

The Nanshen Kingdom was also in the Shennong Basin. At this time, the priest was not happy with Feng Yun, and his monarch also hurriedly let his luck help Feng Zi.

For a time, the states of Zeng, Huang, E, Baiyue, and Han all followed the humane way.

But when the decision came to the emperor, he frowned.

"Heaven wants to destroy Chu, so why should he deserve it?"

"Although humanity is great, can it be greater than the sky?"

The Son of Heaven did not follow humane principles, and used the sky to cover the mouths of the princes, and also used the shackles of "Zhou Rites" to cut off the help of all countries to Chu!

"Emperor?" Han Jun exclaimed as he felt that Zhu Fengyun's luck had been cut off.

"Heaven wants to destroy Chu, but you want to defy heaven?"


All countries are based on heaven, how can they go against heaven?

"The countries followed the trend and made up for the losses after Chu was destroyed. The same is true for me!"


The emperor actually released all the benefits of attacking Chu. Doesn't it mean that in this flood, the country that suffers greater losses will benefit more?

For a time, the monarchs who could determine the fate of a country, whether it was because of the emperor's intimidation or their inner greed, silently stopped helping the fate.

Due to interests and "Zhou Rites", they also hesitated.

Can the losses from the partition of the Chu State still be compensated, and how can we make profits from it?

Seeing this scene, some monarchs with humane hearts were helpless and had no choice but to bow their heads.

I can only pray that the wind will allow me to cure this water.

But the water is so big, can it really be saved?

Feng Yun, who was far above the mountains, felt something and could only sigh.

How can people be strong when their humanity is declining?

"If you have a nest queen, you should serve the country with the heart of protecting the people!"

Feng Yun does not expect help from these national fortunes, but only hopes for the humanity in the hearts of the people of each country.

"Virtue lies in the hearts and minds of the people and has never disappeared due to changes in heaven and earth!"

The destiny of the people!

Just like in the time of Yu and Yue, the wind did not seek the fate of the country, but relied on the people's will to control the water. At this time, it went beyond the monarch and relied on the wishes of the people.

To become a general trend, control the water!


This chapter has been completed!
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