97. Chapter 97 The scholar chooses the king, the king chooses the scholar

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 Chapter 97 The scholar chooses the king, the king chooses the scholar

Hearing what King Baiyue said, Feng Yun was puzzled. Making King Zhou agree with Baiyue would probably be more difficult than making Baiyue stronger.

Seeing Feng Yun looking at him, the King of Baiyue said: "The ancestors of my family, Wu Zhen, and the Ba people's clan, Lin Jun, are from the same ancestral witch."

"The country of Ba belongs to the Viscount of the Zhou family. If I, Baiyue, can establish friendship with the Ba people, exchange witchcraft and doctor skills, and continue to be members of the same clan, wouldn't we be able to gain a relationship with the Zhou royal family?"

After listening, Feng Yun didn't know what to think.

When will the royal family listen to a viscount this week?

However, Feng Yun did know the answer to Baiyue's search for witch doctor skills and the establishment of Wu Pan Wu Temple.

This is preparation for his mission to Pakistan.

Have good relations with Pakistan?

The Ba Kingdom and Baiyue are located in the west and east of the barbarians. They are separated by three barbarian countries with vast geographical areas: Yangyue, Jingman, and Yong.

What does the King of Baiyue think about making friends with him?

Before Feng Yun found out about the situation in Ba, the King of Baiyue said something else, which made Feng Yun cough again and again.

"Perhaps our Baiyue can rely on this relationship to get into the eyes of the King of Zhou and become a vassal state canonized by the King of Zhou. At that time, the surrounding barbarian countries will not respect us. If they attack me, Baiyue, they will have to be wary.

Worry about the face of the Zhou royal family."

As he said this, King Baiyue happily bit into pieces of meat and drank wine, feeling very comfortable.


Feng Yun was silent.

Sometimes an arrogant and imaginative monarch may cause the destruction of a country.

Although the King of Baiyue only wanted the canonization of a Zhou royal family, he did not consider the past experience of the Great Court being destroyed even if there were enfeoffments, nor did he consider where Baiyue was and whether he could withstand the impact.

But Feng Yun looked at the slaughtered cattle, felt the enthusiasm of King Baiyue, and decided to persuade him.

But the King of Baiyue said first: "Master Feng, you have been on an envoy to Yue, so you must have experience in being an envoy. Why don't you help Baiyue to go on an envoy to Ba?"

On a mission to Pakistan?

"King Baiyue, this matter still needs to wait until the witch temple is built and the witch doctor's skills are ready, right?"

King Baiyue nodded and said happily: "Did Mr. Feng agree?"

Feng Yun frowned and shook his head slightly.

"King of Baiyue, I am not hiding anything from you. You said that you are friends with the Ba Kingdom. If you want to use this line to be friendly with the Zhou royal family, I find it difficult."

"The Chu State is even called the Viscount of Zhou's princes, but it is called Jingman. This Baiyue is even more a Baiyue barbarian than the Chu State. How can Zhou recognize it?"

"The Ba Kingdom is also a viscount, so how can you convince the Zhou royal family?"

"Most of the states that Zhou divided and entrusted were those who had contributed to Zhou or were descendants of ancient sages. Most of the Baiyue people were remnants and moved here. How could the Zhou people enfeoff them?"

The King of Baiyue was speechless.

He stammered, as if he wanted to refute Feng Yun's words.

He whispered: "I...I want to marry the daughter of Zhou. Just like the state of Chu, their rulers are descendants of Emperor Zhuanxu's eldest son Bocheng, and the state of Qin also comes from Emperor Zhuanxu's granddaughter-nu Xiu. If I

If your descendants are the daughters of Zhou, how can you not be part of Zhou?"

"Besides, I also want to offer beauties to Ba and Zhou..."

King Baiyue's voice became weaker and weaker...

Feng Yun was not in a hurry, after all, this was the way to strengthen the country that King Baiyue had started doing long ago.

I am afraid that the witch temple will not be completed soon. If we give up now, it will be a waste of manpower and financial resources and will be ridiculed by the people of the country.

And I'm afraid there are already quite a few beauties captured.

"I hope King Baiyue will tell you the truth." Feng Yun sighed helplessly.

"The King of Baiyue wants to make good friends with the Ba Kingdom and become the princes of Zhou... This matter is really absurd."

Seeing Feng Yun's explanation, King Baiyue sighed: "Well, this matter is my Baiyue secret."

The King of Baiyue waved back left and right.

The remaining witches of translation.

After everyone left, the King of Baiyue said: "Master Feng doesn't know that I, Baiyue, was killed by Yu Yue before. Although I have regained power, most of the basic witch doctor inheritance in the clan was lost during the war, so that now the Baiyue Kingdom

The tribes are divided, each living in the same place, and it is difficult to unite."

"The Kingdom of Baiyue was originally a place respected by the entire southeastern Vietnam. I continue to use Baiyue as the name of the country, and I also hope to restore the prestige of Baiyue!"

"The power of Baiyue...it's difficult, it's difficult!" King Li shook his head and sighed.

"Well, if you don't get along with the tribe, I'm afraid it will be difficult to defend yourself against the tribes in the surrounding countries!"

"I have no choice but to make friends with the Ba country... The Naba country is from the same clan as my family, and its witches also have many witch doctor skills. If I want to complete my Baiyue heritage, I must make friends with it."

"As for the enfeoffment of the Zhou royal family... Baiyue is not a country, and it is still divided. I think those countries that are bound by Zhou rites only listen to the voice of their monarchs. If they can use Zhou rites to restrain the tribes of Baiyue, they can also make Baiyue

The more it becomes a real country.”

"If this thing can be done, it will be done. If it does, I, Baiyue, will benefit. If it doesn't, I, Baiyue, won't lose anything."

After hearing King Baiyue's explanation, Feng Yun nodded and moved at the same time.

The princes of the Zhou Dynasty had no intention of reform before the rise of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, but Baiyue was different...

"If that's the case, sending an envoy to Ba is the top priority for King Baiyue, right?"

"That's right!" King Baiyue nodded.

Feng Yun changed his words and added: "But in the final analysis, I still want Baiyue to be strong when I am sent to Ba Kingdom!"

King Baiyue thought and nodded frequently.

Seeing this, Feng Yun pondered slightly, organized his thoughts, and said——

"King of Baiyue, Baiyue wants to become the princes of the Zhou Dynasty, but Baiyue is among the barbarians, surrounded by barbarians on three sides, and only the country of Han in the north is the princes of the Zhou Dynasty."

"For the time being, we don't care whether Baiyue has the strength to hold on to the barbarians on three sides after becoming a prince."

"Just talk about how to become a vassal state..."

The King of Baiyue is looking forward to it.

Feng Yun said: "If you want to become a prince, you need to follow the Zhou etiquette, and this etiquette is recognized by the Zhou Dynasty."

When the King of Baiyue heard this, he hurriedly said: "I already have a ritual officer. A few days ago, I recruited...ahem, a Zhou man from Qi State. He is willing to serve as the ritual officer of Baiyue."

"Right now, I'm teaching the people of the Black Tiger tribe what to learn..."Rituals"!"

"Oh, by the way, I also asked him to prepare for the establishment of the witch temple and use Zhou rituals to perform sacrifices and divination..."

Feng Yun heard this and shook his head.

"King Baiyue, in my opinion, not all places must copy Zhou rites. You said he comes from Qi State, but do you know that the etiquette of Qi State in the east has the customs of Qi State, and the etiquette of Ba State in the west,

It has the customs of Pakistan.”

"As a southern Baiyue, we should also have our own customs."

When the King of Baiyue heard this, he praised: "Yes, I think those guys from Qi are awkward when it comes to etiquette. It turns out they don't have our Baiyue customs!"

"Fengjun is a great talent, I would like to ask Fengjun to be the ceremonial officer!"

The King of Baiyue stood up and wanted to salute.

Feng Yun hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Wang, please listen to what I have to say."

"Ritual is only a part of the great Zhou Dynasty, but the King of Baiyue ignored the system."

"Etiquette is actually the rules that bind Chinese people."

"The Zhou ritual system may not be suitable for Baiyue. Even if the King of Baiyue does not respect the Zhou Dynasty, he can still make his own rules. It just... depends on the courage of the King of Baiyue."


Feng Yun nodded.

"Does the King of Baiyue know about Xia?"

King Baiyue didn't know why, but he still nodded and said he knew.

"In the Xia Dynasty, with Yu's virtues in controlling floods, he issued orders to all directions and ruled the nine states. He was both virtuous and martial."

"At this time, Baiyue should not be regarded as a small Jiuzhou. The tribe of the King of Baiyue is called Dayu, and the rest are tribes in Jiuzhou that have not yet been ordered to peace. They will slowly plan and rule them to form a country."

Hearing this, the King of Baiyue's eyes flashed with golden light.

But he asked again: "How to achieve virtue and how to achieve force?"

Feng Yun smiled and said: "Virtue serves as public opinion, and force serves as food."

"Public opinion, food?" King Baiyue still didn't know.

Feng Yun explained in detail.

"If people from every tribe in Baiyue are willing to praise you, then they will be willing to support you as long as it does not violate their moral principles."

"If the food of Baiyue is enough to raise a large number of Baiyue soldiers, then when they attack the disobedient tribes, the Baiyue soldiers will be invincible to them."

Hearing this, the King of Baiyue touched his hands and praised him.

It's easy to say, but difficult to do.

The King of Baiyue also knew this truth.

"Cough cough cough!" King Baiyue suddenly coughed several times, his face a little pale. He took out a packet of powder from his waist and drank some rice wine to relieve some of the pain.

"Don't be surprised, Mr. Feng. I was injured when I was young. As I get older, I have to take medicine to suppress the injury."

"King Baiyue, please take care." Feng Yun said worriedly.

"Haha, it's an old habit, nothing happens. If Baiyue doesn't become a real country, I won't be able to close my eyes."

The King of Baiyue asked Feng Yun if there was anything he could do about public opinion and food.

Feng Yun shook his head slightly and said: "I need to check the national conditions of Baiyue before making plans."

When the King of Baiyue heard about it, he also thought it was reasonable.

Then he said: "Master Feng, I hope you can become the Prime Minister of Baiyue. I hope you can accept it."

"Phase?" Feng Yun was surprised that Baiyue had such a position?

The king of Baiyue said: "The Baiyue family is a descendant of Wuzhen among the ten witches in Lingshan, and among the ten witches, the shaman prime minister was Xiang Liu during the Yellow Emperor's time, and he was the official of praise and decision-making."

"I appoint Fengjun as Baiyue Prime Minister. As Baiyue's 'Xiang Liu', I can bring out Fengjun's talents."

This Xiang Liu has a position similar to that of Da Zai, but it has much more coordination than Da Zai.

Hearing this, Feng Yun shook his head and said: "When it comes to serving as an official, scholars also choose their rulers, and rulers also choose their scholars."

"I am a person who travels around the country. I want to understand the situation of Baiyue and formulate a strategy. After the king of Baiyue takes a look at it, if the king of Baiyue sees the strategy, he will approve it, and then I will become an official. If he does not approve it, he will leave immediately."

This is what Feng Yun said about courage. If the King of Baiyue does not support and hesitates in administering government, then it is better not to govern without restraining one's hands and feet.

The King of Baiyue stood up, bowed to Feng Yun and said: "Feng Lord is humble. If I don't agree with Feng Lord's methods, then no one in Baiyue can govern me."

Feng Yun smiled and said nothing. No one knew what would happen next. The promise at this time was just empty talk.

Seeing this, the King of Baiyue understood that Feng Yun would not accept the position of Baiyue Prime Minister today, and said helplessly: "Then Lord Feng will observe the conditions of our country in Baiyue as soon as possible, and I will give the order. If Lord Feng wants to go, as long as it is me, Black Tiger,

You can go to any place under your clan’s jurisdiction!”

This is a promise in advance, not an order like this.

Feng Yun bowed and said: "Thank you King Baiyue for your trust."

The King of Baiyue said again: "The wizard of translation can go with Lord Feng. Since Lord Feng is here in Baiyue, there is no need to find other Zhou people."

The translator wizard on the side got the order and came to Feng Yun to salute. His Zhou etiquette became quite standardized.

"I resigned."

"If Mr. Feng has any needs, just tell the Translator Witch..."

After leaving the palace of King Baiyue, Feng Yun said to the translator on the side: "I wonder if Baiyue has a history?"

The translator said: "The history of Baiyue is passed down orally, but there are also murals. But if Fengjun wants to know the details, he needs to go to the elders of Baiyue."

"Okay, then I'll ask the wizard to lead the way."

"I am willing to serve Mr. Feng..."


This chapter has been completed!
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