Chapter 105: Recognize the Lord

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 The wooden house is exquisitely crafted and hidden among the dense branches and leaves.

A long ladder made of rattan hangs from above.

Xifa looked at it and praised Ogg's craftsmanship.

If Ogg is not here for a long time, untie the rope that fixes the branches.

The side facing you will also be obscured by branches.

Ogg smiled and said that he hired a house elf to help him in the process.

"My level of magic cannot be used to deploy a dispelling spell of this level."

Hearing this, Xifa looked at the surrounding environment carefully.

Indeed, when I stepped into the lawn, I didn't see any other creatures. Yes, I didn't see any small insects such as ants.

Arriving under the tree, Xifa looked up and sighed, this tree five meters in diameter?!

The three of them got off the Thestral and helped Ogg pile the barrels aside.

"As long as you are here, there is no need to carry it up. If necessary, just use magic to carry it up."

Seeing that Luna wanted to stay at the end, he handed the barrel over. Ogg waved his hand and said no, the smell was too strong when he brought it up.

In line with the principle of seeing no evil, Xifa and Ogg climbed up first, followed by Elise and Luna.

Stepping into the hut from the wooden steps, you find a different world.

The cabin is definitely equipped with a traceless expansion spell. Not to mention there are several unopened doors on the wall. The hall that comes into view alone is at least the size of two cabins.

What attracts the most attention is naturally a square box located in the center of the room.

It is said to be a box, but in fact it is almost completely transparent, and the outline of it was judged by Xifa through magic fluctuations.

There is a mini thundercloud above, emitting flashes from time to time like electric welding work.

Under the thick rolling thunderclouds, there is a beige egg with mysterious and complex blue veins drawn on it, sitting on the square sand.

Every time there is lightning and thunder in the mini dark clouds, the patterns on the bird's eggs also flash simultaneously.

It's like absorbing the power of thunder and lightning.

"The thunderbird needs to absorb a little bit of the power of thunder and lightning before it can break out of its shell."

As Ogg said this, he took some sunglasses off the wall and handed them to the three of them.

Xifa blinked her tear-filled eyes and decisively took the sunglasses and put them on.

Elise and Luna waved their hands, their eyes already glowing and full of patterns.

The bright light of thunder and lightning cannot affect them at all.

"Huh?" Obviously, Ogg recognized the lines in the eyes of the two women, but he was just surprised and stopped asking.

He put on his sunglasses and put away the rest.

"Is this? Weather spells and solidification spells can still be used like this?"

Elise looked around the eggs and marveled.

"Newt helped me make it. He has many better mimic environment boxes."

Ogg shook his head, "It's a pity that it's too big and inconvenient to carry. Fortunately, this small one is enough. What it needs is the guidance of lightning strikes."

The Mimicry Environment Box uses various magic spells to match each other to create the most suitable environment for magical animals to live in.

Thunderbirds only need a little bit of thunder and lightning power to guide the magic properties in their bodies to change, so that they can summon thunderstorms in nature.

While everyone was watching and chatting, unknown to them, Luna's magical aura attracted the little life inside the eggshell.

The egg that originally landed steadily in the center began to tremble slightly.

"It turned out to be faster than expected? How is it possible? Fortunately, you guys came quickly... I thought it would be at night."

Ogg was surprised at first, then thankful.

He stretched out his calloused hand and patted Xifa on the shoulder.

"Use any thunder magic to inject your magic into the thunder clouds. When the baby birds hatch out of their shells, they will recognize you as their master."


Then what? So hasty? Xifa asked quickly.

"Thunderbirds are like this. Not everyone can find a thunderbird egg." Luna looked at it and answered quickly.

Feeling dizzy, Xifa came to the mimic environment box and took out his wand.

"Can you use trick electric shock magic?" Xifa asked weakly.

This magic was used to practice when he was compiling magic patterns.

Thunder magic requires a medium to attack, unless it is a natural disaster-level forbidden spell.

Therefore, most thunder magic requires the wand to be pointed at the object or close to it.

Therefore, Xifa did not learn too much about thunder magic.

"As long as it is a thunder element, it would be better if you could replace the weather spell."

It's a pity that Xifa didn't learn the weather spell, and, furthermore, seeing the bird's egg shaking more and more, it was too late for Elise to compile the weather spell...

It's almost, almost.

Xifa inserted the tip of the wand into the cloud and released an electric shock spell.

As Xifa continued to inject magic power, the lines on the eggshell gradually lit up from top to bottom, no longer twinkling like before.

When fully lit, the pattern flashes like a breathing lamp, rather than echoing lightning.

At this time, Xifa felt that the air in the entire room began to ionize, and when the air was inhaled into his lungs, he felt a numb feeling like an electric shock.

Gradually, the frequency of the eggshell began to synchronize with the Western heartbeat rhythm.

When fully synchronized.

The little life inside the eggshell begins to break out.


A small and cute gray pointed beak protruded from it, along with an invisible electric current.

The hair of the four people exploded.

Elise and Luna, who were concerned about their image, were combing their hair while watching the changes in the scene.

Xifa is because the little life in front of him will regard him as the master, while Ogg is because of his love for magical animals.

The two of them worked hard and stared at every move in the center of the field with wide eyes.

The bird's beak was inserted into the eggshell, followed by another hole...

Soon, a hole will be opened in the entire egg, big enough for the chick inside to get out.

It was a little guy with a wet body and wisps of feathers.

After crawling out, under the gaze of four pairs of eyes.

It flapped its wings without hesitation and ran towards Luna...

To be honest, Xifa is not disappointed, but that does not mean that he is not surprised.

Luna also subconsciously held the bird in front of her in her hands.

The little ptarmigan stepped on the palm of Luna's hand and was very satisfied. Then its mouth grew big. No need to think about it, it must be eaten.

Scratching his head, Xifa said hastily that I will go outside to get rations, and then disappeared into the wooden house...

What the hell is this...

Finally, all the barrels outside the door were cleared.

The little thunderbird closed its mouth with satisfaction.

After some eating, the little ptarmigan, which was wet and wrinkled, changed its hair in the process.

Now, it has yellow feathers and only has two pairs of wings. The pair on its tail is just two bulges. It is unknown when it will develop again.

Ogg was here again, so the three of them didn't discuss it too much. They unanimously believed that it was because Luna had the blood of Western France, and the power of Western France's bloodline was not as strong as Luna's now.

"Let's call this little thunderbird Thor!"

Luna touched Thor's little head with the pads of her fingers, expressing her approval of the name Xifa gave it.

This chapter has been completed!
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