Chapter 101: Brewing the magic potion, sucking the leaves and daily life at school

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 Hearing the movement behind him, Xifa didn't have time to straighten his expression, and looked towards the door with fear on his face.

However, what came into view were familiar figures. It was Elise and Luna who pushed the door open.

"Why are you looking at us like this?" Elise put away the joy on her face and said with a frown.

"Are you afraid that Senior Sister Miranda will come to your dormitory and accuse you of not keeping your word?" she said jokingly.

When looking at the letter in Xifa's hand, Elise realized something in her heart. Apparently, she had also seen the letter written by Miranda to her in her dormitory before.

Luna, who was holding Elise on her arm, also had an expression of surprise on her face. Xifa's frightened look was almost invisible in normal times.

"Uh, that's right..." Xifa replied hesitantly.

"It doesn't matter what you call it!" At this moment, Elise felt that Xifa was hiding something from her.

She let go of Luna. Under Luna's gloating gaze, Elise stepped forward quickly and easily took out the letter from Xifa's hand.

At this time, Xifa also reacted and quickly defended that he was worried that Glinton would come to investigate. After all, he had saved our lives, and he actually gave him the entire Christmas vacation.

Although the Ravenclaw knocker question is difficult, the knocker does not deny entry to the Ravenclaw dormitory to the person who answered the question.

Elise looked suspicious, hesitated for a moment, and then firmly opened the letter and read it.

After a rough reading, Luna also came to smooth things over, and she let Xifa go.

"Let's go to the Room of Requirement. We'll first show you how to brew the secret potion of awakening."

After saying that, Elise snorted and led Luna out of the room first.

Along the way, the two of them were whispering in front of them, but Xifa was right behind them.

When Xifa vaguely heard his name, he slightly used magic to strengthen his hearing, and the conversation between the two women was clearly transmitted to his ears.

It turned out that Luna told Elise again that Xifa might really be afraid of Senior Sister Miranda because he broke his word and disappeared during the holiday. Xifa stayed with us during the whole holiday, and the same was true last semester. He could not

Have dealt with other girls...

It turns out that Elise thought she was caught by her while reading a love letter and was scared...

Forget it, let’s talk about today’s speculation with them in a dream. I always feel a little uneasy when talking about this kind of thing in reality...

Just when Xifa breathed a sigh of relief, Elise's words almost made Xifa choke.

"Senior Miranda, it's okay, I'm just afraid of Glinton!"


In the Room of Requirement, as soon as the door was closed, Xifa strongly condemned Elise, saying that he was not interested in boys.

Elise also felt embarrassed, so she made amends to Xifa.

"As a reward, you can look at the maid costume for a day, okay?" Seeing Xifa nodding frequently, Elise felt that she had been fooled, and Xifa was not angry at all.

After all the fussing, Elise changed her clothes, but she said she would change back into the wizard's robe when she walked out of the Room of Requirement.

Create a new area in the house and place three crucible sets.

It was the first time for everyone to cook the Secret Awakening Potion. Naturally, Luna, who had the best skills, showed everyone the complete process of brewing the Secret Awakening Potion.

The cooking process is not complicated, but it does require sufficient concentration, especially as some of the details are not clearly documented. Luna solves the problems she encounters on the spot. Naturally, she does not have the extra energy to explain it to everyone./<


Xifa and Elise did not communicate, and time passed little by little amidst the clashing of instruments.

Finally, Luna said that the first stage had been successful. At this point, Elise looked at the mechanical clock on the side. At this time... the three of them just missed dinner.

After watching for so long, Xifa is physically and mentally exhausted, while Elise is mentally exhausted.

Luna, who was actually operating at the front, also lost some color in her eyes.

If Xifa hadn't strengthened Luna's body, she wouldn't have been able to complete the first stage in one breath.

Due to the existence of potions, magic is prohibited in the Room of Requirement during this period.

Otherwise, the remaining magic power will be easily absorbed by the potion and contaminate the potion.

In this case, it is better to go back to the dormitory than stay here.

It was not appropriate to go back hungry, so the three of them decided to go to the kitchen to make a meal.

"This is not the most difficult part. The next step is the most difficult part of this secret medicine - persistence."

After Luna finished eating the dishes made by Xifa, she patted her belly comfortably with her hand, then raised a finger, waved it back and forth, and said to Xifa seriously.

"The secret potion I brewed is a translucent blue potion. Everyone's magic power is different, and the color of the final potion is also different."

"However, the final result is a translucent potion."

"For at least the next month, stir it every day, injecting your own magic along the way."

"Until the potion becomes completely clear and transparent, the secret potion will be considered successful."


Luna, whose eyes regained their vitality, began to describe the minutiae to Xifa, occasionally teasing those old-timers who didn't know how to work around it.

Amid laughter and laughter, the three of them filled their stomachs.

Taking advantage of the full moon tonight, the three of them put the mandrake leaves in their mouths.


The next day was Monday, and the first class was still the Transfiguration class.

The classroom atmosphere in this class was a little strange. Xifa and the second daughter, who usually actively interacted with the professor in class, did not take the initiative to answer any questions, but quietly acted in a transparent manner.

If we say, it is because it is inconvenient for them to hold the leaves in their mouths.

Professor Dumbledore began to teach according to the script, which made all the young wizards feel uncomfortable, but fortunately, it was Dumbledore's lesson preparation that he talked about, not the boring textbook knowledge.

Everyone saw the tiredness on the professor's face and nodded secretly to express their understanding. During this holiday, the professor must have worked overtime, so much so that he has not been able to catch his breath now.

After class, Xifa apologized to Glinton and told him that it was not convenient for him to accept letters during the holidays.

Then he showed him the mandrake leaves in his mouth. Glinton understood and did not exchange more greetings with Xifa.

"When you complete this step, let's have another hearty conversation!"

Waving goodbye, Xifa always felt that Glinton's words were strange.

When they walked out of the classroom, they saw Elise and Luna standing together with a tall, mature figure.

"Hi, Xifa!" The familiar voice came into my ears, it was senior Miranda.

She received a letter from Xifa yesterday. She didn't meet the three of them in the lounge last night or early this morning.

So, she simply came to the door of the Transfiguration classroom during get out of class time to express her gratitude to Xifa.

"If you have any questions, please write to us. It's not convenient for us right now." After saying that, Xifa also showed Senior Sister Miranda the blades of grass in her mouth.

Senior Miranda waved goodbye to the three of them knowingly.

After seeing off his senior sister, Xifa asked the two girls to go to the Room of Requirement to practice and study before heading to Dumbledore's office alone.

Always report to the professor anything you encounter during the vacation.

This chapter has been completed!
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