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Chapter 103: What happened to Brent Fergus (this is not a spoiler, you can skip it)

 1919, Scandinavia.

There is an unknown cave near the North Sea coastline.

At this time, the younger Brent Fergus walked in with a wand in one hand and a palm glowing with light, holding the back of a wizard's neck with his five fingers.

The wizard in Brent Fergus' hands is a thin, middle-aged man with yellow hair, white skin, and a hooked nose.

Brent Fergus glanced around with sharp eyes.

At first glance, the cave is bottomless.

The entrance to the cave is wide, but it has biological expulsion magic, so there is no smell of feces left by bats and other creatures.

However, looking at the traces of sand at the entrance of the cave, it looks like no one has been there for a long time.

Brent Fergus is very confident in his sharp eyesight, and he doesn't think anyone can fool his eyes by using magic to forge places.

After scanning, excited eyes flashed across his eyes.

Then, the calm and sharp blue pupils reappeared on Brent Fergus's face.

A wizarding war is coming to an end, and the magic stone that I have been searching for so hard is finally revealed.

His son does not have to participate in the war. It can be said that as long as he gets the magic stone, he will be the second Nico Flamel!

The elixir of longevity! If you get it, you will be able to study magic for almost eternity and become a master of magic.

The trembling body with excitement finally stopped.

Brent Fergus let out a long breath.

The light on the palm shines brighter.

But his arms relaxed, letting the unconscious hostage's legs hang on the rough stone wall.

The other hand moved gently, and silently, the top of the wand lit up.

Brent Fergus raised his feet and walked towards the depths of the cave at a leisurely pace.

Subsequently, the light of the wand was also swallowed up by the deep cave.

At this point, only the rags and blood stains on the ground showed that someone had been here.


Pain, excruciating pain in both legs.

By the way, that devil, how did he know that he had stolen a magic stone from the Roman Magical Church?

Over the years, haven’t I been hiding well enough?

You know, I haven't been in contact with the magic world for nearly a hundred years, and I have fully integrated into the Muggle world...

"I'm awake." It sounded like a greeting that was neither salty nor bland.

But this familiar voice made my body tremble uncontrollably.

"Spare me! In the box is the magic stone!"

The middle-aged man who had his neck pinched said with difficulty.

It's just that, over the years, my magic level has not been very strong. After all, I have been enjoying myself in a low-key manner.

The young man in front of him, who is a hundred years younger than himself, has all kinds of magic at his fingertips.

Force yourself to keep running away.

In the end, he couldn't help it anymore and actually interrupted his apparation.

Forced search of own memory.

In the memory threads like a sea of ​​smoke, he actually found the place where he hid the magic stone.

This made me feel a lot colder, and my trump card to save my life was gone.

I can only beg for mercy...

Brent Fergus seems annoyed by men.

With a wave of the magic wand, the man put his tongue on the roof of his mouth and pressed his lips tightly together.

Brent Fergus believes he made no mistake.

I also know why the man did not bring the magic stone with him, but hid it deep in the cave.

The magic stone has a strange magical radiation.

As he walked deeper into the depths step by step, the vibrant magic wave began to appear in his perception.

Men are not masters of alchemy like Nico Flamel.

Naturally, it is impossible to make a magic stone container or an alchemy castle to protect yourself.

This person has been using the Philosopher's Stone for hundreds of years just for pleasure and has not made any progress at all.

Seeing that the man was still struggling, Brent Fergus glanced impatiently and moved his palms slightly.

A stone cone suddenly rose from the ground, under the man's cross-eyed gaze.

Suddenly it stopped at his throat.

Hmm... in the memory thread, there is no memory of how to open the box in front of me.

If you open it rashly, you may self-destruct or use the energy of the magic stone to give yourself...

"You! Go and open it...forget it!"

The joy in the man's eyes has not dissipated.

"The soul leaves the body"

The Imperius Curse, if the person under the curse does not have a firm will or belief, will become the caster's puppet.

In other words, do whatever you are told.

"Go! Open the box!" Brent Fergus ordered.

"Yes..." The man's legs have long since been destroyed.

He was on the ground, like a painless robot, dragging his body and leaving a trail of blood to the box.

Part of the magic that Brent Fergus unlocked for him caused the fingertips of the man's hands to shine.

Insert into the holes on both sides of the box.


The box opens easily.

A blood-red crystal stone was exposed.

Based on his own vision and perception, Brent Fergus determined that this was a legendary magic stone!

After some inspection, the box no longer has any protective magic.

Brent Fergus reached out and picked it up without hesitation.

The man is useless! Brent Fergus waved his magic wand without looking back.

A series of stone cones drilled out of the ground and transformed the blond man into a hedgehog.

The smell of blood made Brent Fergus calmer and calmer.

It is not advisable to stay here for a long time. The magic stone has lost the protection of the box. If you appear outside with it, you will definitely be found out by the Roman Magic Church and hunted down.

Taking a deep breath, I reluctantly put the magic stone back into the box.

Just when Brent Fergus reached into the box.

Suddenly a chuckle came from behind.

"Brent Fergus, I feel really guilty because I want to take advantage of your Fergus family after all."

"I didn't expect you to deliver it to your door yourself!"

There was nothing in front of me, but the sound really reached my ears.

Brent Fergus didn't dare to be careless, and activated his perception skills at full strength.

Finally, he felt that the magic flow in the air crossed the boundary line and outlined the outline of a human figure.

And this person is right behind the dead man.

"Don't be so nervous. It's useless to be nervous. I've been eyeing your family's demon bloodline for more than a day or two!"

"What is your purpose?!" Brent Fergus's thoughts were spinning rapidly.

Judging from his tone, he will take advantage of his family sooner or later.

Could it be that he wants to release...

"That's right! I'm eyeing Hogwarts!"

"The clues you found about the Sorcerer's Stone were all given to you by me."

"Impossible!" Brent Fergus said in horror.

Good opportunity!

Just when Brent Fergus's heart was fluctuating violently, the mysterious figure suddenly activated magic.

The pure white light turned into a translucent cross, imprisoning Brent Fergus.

Brent Fergus wanted to resist, but the magic stone behind him suddenly embedded itself in the translucent cross.

Now, the cross looks like a solid object.

Why doesn't Brent Fergus use magic to resist?


"Damn it! This is the church's holy cross of judgment magic!" Brent Fergus said through gritted teeth.

The Holy Cross was widely used in witch hunts in the Middle Ages.

This is a magic mixed with the light of faith and magic collected by the church.

As long as there is enough light of faith to construct the basic magic pattern of this magic, it will outline the shape of the cross.

Add magic power to it, and there is no limit to the confinement ability!

Imagine a wizard facing a group of witch hunters...

"As expected of a big family of curses, everyone knows this!" the mysterious figure pretended to be surprised and said, if he had a physical form, he would have applauded.

"Why are you imprisoning me here? And using the magic stone? Isn't it overkill?"

After recognizing this magic, Brent Fergus was surprised, tried to struggle, and then calmed down dejectedly.

There is no way that I can compete with the magic power contained in the Philosopher's Stone.

He had no choice but to try to obtain information and never give up hope as long as he lived. This was Brent Fergus's unyielding will that allowed him to survive several bloody battles in a wizarding war.

"No, no, no! I didn't say I just locked you up here."

"I use the magic stone, but I want to borrow your body to use it!"

Unexpectedly, Brent Fergus laughed without fear.

"What, you don't believe it?"

"I believe it, but I believe even more that you can't fool Albus's eyes!"

Albus Dumbledore...

The hidden disciple of the hundreds-year-old alchemist Nicol Flamel...

When Nico Flamel became famous, he was not even born yet...

Besides, my own resources are constantly being stolen, which is far inferior to others' fair and just plundering.

Fortunately, I thought of this problem myself.

"Since you recognize the Holy Cross, I wonder if you recognize this magic?"

After saying that, I saw a magic circle emerging from under the cross that bound Brent Fergus.

The magic stone continuously releases magic power, filling it.

"This is! The light of repentance!"

"Who are you! Who are you! This is the magic in the church's forbidden book!"

The light of repentance, forced brainwashing, and signing a series of treaties with the target.

The possession will not be released until the caster is satisfied.

Yes, the reason why it is a forbidden spell is because the soul of the caster will merge with the soul of the penitent.

If you are not strong-willed, you may be controlled instead, or your cognition may change when you dispel the magic and return to your own body.

Of course, the mysterious figure doesn't care.

He just wants to pass through a passage sealed by the Big Four below Hogwarts.

Go to hell and find your favorite witch.

By the way, steal the power of hell, use hell creatures to form an army, and kill the church.

Even in the Wizarding War, the power of the church was still not damaged. On the contrary, with the help of living souls, the church gained a few more magic stones.

If we hit the British magic world, we can break the seal by the way.

However, the reality...

I sighed secretly.

Back then, I was just an ignorant paladin...

At that time, the church did not have those rules and regulations, nor did it prohibit contact with other wizards.

But who knew that one day, the church would hunt down wizards without explanation?

That's all, but my lover is a witch!

Under his own pleading, not only was he punished, but his lover's soul was also banished to hell.

If you insist on opposing the church, except for dying with your lover, the church will not feel any pain. You will not see your lover.

Hell is not just something you can go to if you want to.

After cultivating the church’s unique holy magic power and soul, entering hell is death!

When he woke up, he frantically browsed through the church's collection of books, which finally led him to find clues to hell.

After years of hard work, he finally found an opportunity to peek into the forbidden scriptures, betray the church, and cut off a magic stone in the church.

Seize the body, or control the puppet for a moment, and you can open hell by yourself!

Hundreds of years have passed...

What can Brent Fergus do to stop his will?

That's right, Brant Fergus is truly unstoppable.

However, it does not mean that he has no means to deal with this magic.

Since he can shout that this magic is the light of repentance, it means that he has definitely seen it before.

My ancestors were also hunted down by the church, so they naturally studied all church magic.

This magic has a shortcoming, that is, it is based on a contract to connect the souls of two people.

In terms of magic spells, the Fergus family specializes in magic spells and absolutely crushes the church's technology.

At the moment when the mysterious figure moves forward and merges with himself.

Brent Fergus also murmured a curse.

He is making up some treaties.

When all light disappears in the cave.

After so many years, the magic stone was almost hollowed out by refining the elixir of longevity, and it also went through a desperate collision with a top wizard.

The blood-red magic stone also shattered.

After waking up, Brent Fergus angrily cursed himself.

Why don't you take your own wand and cast the Light of Repentance, and then someone will take a bite of the fruit of victory?

Angrily, he smashed the middle-aged man who fell on the ground into ashes.

Then, he calmed down and felt the new treaty carefully.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading!

Only when you sleep alone can the mysterious figures come out. (Like Gaara and Shukaku)

In other words, if Brent Fergus remains awake or semi-conscious, the mysterious figure will never be able to control his body.

The mysterious figure does not allow Brent Fergus to convey information to the outside world. This is the bottom line. Once Brent Fergus intentionally offends, his soul will immediately be wiped out.

In other words, Brent Fergus is equivalent to using his own power to seal the mysterious figure into his body.

It's a pity that Brent Fergus cannot reveal any information to the outside world, otherwise the mysterious figure will successfully seize the body.


More than ten years later, one night.

Brent Fergus's friend Toby Hill came to him with a sad face.

Inform Brent Fergus that his son and daughter-in-law have been surrounded by dark wizards.

Brent Fergus was disturbed. After years of light sleep and poor energy, he was disturbed and couldn't help but fainted.

If a friend falls down, of course you have to check it out.

Just when Toby Hill stepped forward to help Brent Fergus.

Brent Fergus opened his eyes suddenly again, and before Toby Hill could speak, a curse shut his mouth forever.

"Huh, after all these years, I finally have the energy."

After years of accumulation, he finally forcibly suppressed Brent Fergus’s main consciousness.

Accepting the memory, the mysterious man began to think.

Hill? It seems that he has...planned carefully.

If Brent Fergus commits suicide, I will be reincarnated into them.

The Imperius Curse is ultimately flawed.

His own son could tell at a glance that there was something wrong with his old father.

In desperation, Brent Fergus, who took Polyjuice Potion, killed both Luna's parents.

"Damn it..."

Calm down, the mysterious figure is trying to find a loophole. You can't die of old age with Brent Fergus. The magic stone is gone!

Looking at the corpse on the ground, the controlled Brent Fergus suddenly grinned.

He found a flaw.

As long as you let Brent Fergus's consciousness continue to be consumed, at the same time, use the power of faith to obliterate and modify the treaty of the Light of Repentance.

One day, he will completely suppress Brent Fergus' consciousness beneath him.

"Fortunately...I once held an important position in the Shadow Empire that launched the First World War."


As Elise Fergus grows older, Brent Fergus's face becomes increasingly ugly.

The mysterious figure has been using the power of faith to guide Elise to breed the Silent Beast.

Moreover, I often do things that I have no memory of.

By the time I realized it, it was already too late.

Fortunately, this matter can be directed to Dumbledore and has nothing to do with the existence of the mysterious figure.

By the way, he can also put Lunafreya Hill under his nose.

Don't be harmed by the mysterious figure.

However, this plays into the mysterious man's plan.

He just wanted the two girls to establish a bond, and then kill Lunafreya Hill at the critical moment.

Make sure that when no one is blocking you, you can let Elise's Silent Beast erupt, which is the demonic power, and then open up the area.

(Little wizards with demon blood have a greater chance of turning into silent beasts, and the birth of silent beasts is because the patron saint is not called by the master for a long time, and suppresses his own magic power, allowing it to deteriorate. In my setting, only

Only the little wizard who is the patron saint of magical animals has the chance to become an Obscurus.)

Everything is going well, the Second Wizarding War is about to break out, as long as I wait for Elise Silent Beast to mature.

When professors are on duty at the front lines, I can execute the plan myself.

But I never thought that a young boy named Xifa Kerwin would be killed.

I wanted to get rid of him, but I never thought that he would accidentally suppress Elise's demonic power.

Dumbledore even began to doubt himself.

As a last resort, Beamon Fergus was launched.

While Dumbledore didn't react, the mysterious figure confessed to him again.

Without a year and a half, Dumbledore would not be able to return to normal.

This time, the authority of the vice principal was used to mobilize the reserve magic power of Hogwarts.

Fortunately, the principal is away from the castle every day, conserving his magic power until it recovers, so no one knows about it.

At the same time, by borrowing Beamon's hand last time, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I could separate Elise's silent power.

This made him more prepared.

Until a few days ago, he asked Tom to raid the herb shed.

He wants to play big.

He will use Elise's silent power to sacrifice the entire Hogwarts and become a hell phoenix!

On this day, he borrowed Brent Fergus's eyes and saw the three of them going out.

So, he followed.

Now, with Brent Fergus involved, he is still unable to fully exert his magic.

However, he has suppressed Brent Fergus's will.

Moreover, he was also disturbed by Brent Fergus's will. You know, at the beginning, he just wanted to save his beloved girl and take revenge on the church.

And now, he wants to steal the devil's power and live forever.

This chapter has been completed!
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