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Chapter 116 Quidditch Final

 Quidditch Pitch.

In appearance, the stadium at this time resembles the Colosseum in ancient Rome.

There is a square piece of grass in the center of the field, with terraced auditoriums on all sides.

At this time, more than a thousand little wizards were watching the Academy Cup Quidditch final above.

The innermost circle is occupied by the four major colleges, and one of their colleges is distributed on one side.

There are empty seats behind them, and the little wizards in the outer courtyard are not qualified to sit on them.

However, they can watch the game from a position further back.

This is one of the few activities at Hogwarts that young wizards in the outer courtyard can participate in.

Uh... an activity that can be watched by people.

The game has started for more than an hour.

The two sides in the final were the Gryffindor House team and the Slytherin House team.

Gryffindors are naturally passionate and love sports. Naturally, the faster they ride a broom, the better.

They may even boldly do some thrilling fake moves or dangerous moves that they think are cool.

This caused many little wizards present to exclaim.

Slytherins, they are calm and most of them have family heritage.

They have systematically learned some knowledge since they were young, including Quidditch skills.

Their solid skills make their flying speed worthy of Gryffindor.

But they didn't make any thrilling moves to win.

Sufficient resources allow them to practice some tactical coordination.

Sometimes wonderful teamwork also makes the little wizards present shine with brilliance.

It can be said that this is a battle between individual show and team assistance.

"Oh, look at that! That's a fake move from a sideshow advert. Gryffindor's Chaser, Robbie, deceives Slytherin's Keeper, Peter, and Gryffindor gets ten points. The score is one hundred.

Compared to eighty."


"Wonderful teamwork, Slytherin's chaser Gorr got the Quaffle, and his fellow beater Thor covered him with a tricky shot. Gryffindor's goalkeeper Rona had to retreat, otherwise

There is a high probability that he will be kicked out of the game."

"Congratulations to Slytherin, for catching up to ten points, the score is one hundred to ninety!"


At the commentary table, several young wizards wearing sky blue or bright yellow wizard robes were giving commentary with spitfire.

Whenever one person finishes explaining a goal, another person is replaced. Taking advantage of the gap, he can take a good breath and drink water.

Gryffindor and Slytherin's indifference, coupled with the school's various martial laws and external pressure.

Let both pairs of players play super long.

If the advantages of both sides are combined, this will be a game no less than the World Cup.

Of course, an event of this scale cannot be carried out without professors.

Horace Slughorn, a bald middle-aged man as fat as a walrus.

He was also jumping up and down on the edge of the podium with an excited expression.

Under his watch, if you lose, your vanity will not be satisfied.

"Daniel! You have a brain like a troll, your eyes widen when you see what I do, hurry up and find the snitch!"

However, Daniel, who was flying in the field, saw his dean jumping up and down and waving constantly.

I thought I was saying hello to myself.

As he passed by Horace Slughorn's head, he smiled and waved to say hello.

If you can’t catch the snitch, just wait for me when you go back!

Horace Slughorn roared inwardly.

Offstage, Slytherin seat.

"Tom, if you were the Seeker, we would have won!"

Next to the seemingly gentle Tom Riddle, a blond girl looked at him with admiring eyes and said.

"Thank you, I will join the team next year and you can watch my performance."

Listen to Tom's gentle words and look at Tom's charming smile.

The heart of the little witch in front of her was pounding.

Walking into the tunnel of the Quidditch pitch.

There are several people and one bird here.

Watching the lively scene in the venue.

That bird is Fox, who has disappeared for a long time. It looks smaller than last year, but the pressure of magical power is much stronger than before.

"Albus, what on earth are you asking us to wait for? And, where is Brandt?" Galatea Mellors, an old man with gray hair and hawk-like eyes, is also a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.<


A few days ago, Fox brought them Dumbledore's letter.

Let them drop what they are doing and stay at Hogwarts today.

After waiting for so long, Dumbledore didn't say what he was going to do. Wouldn't he just let them watch an entertaining Quidditch match?

Are the battlefields on the eastern coastline ignored?

Galatea Melos is the oldest and most senior professor here.

He was the first to blame Dumbledore, telling him to stay here and waste time.

Dumbledore sighed and turned around.

At this time, although his face was full of sadness, his eyes were glowing with clear blue light and there was no dull look at all.

As he turned around, his arms waved, and the metallic luster reflected between his fingers.

The Golden Snitch was caught by Dumbledore when he passed by it.

Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Galatea Mellors, Herbology professor Bernice Leslie, and Care of Magical Creatures and Head of House Tarak Rudd.

When they saw this light, they all showed puzzled expressions.

After all, Galatea Melos has experienced more, and the old man reacted immediately.

"What happened, that the students are organized here to be protected?"

Dumbledore had a wry smile on his face.

"If my guess is correct, Brandt will launch his plan soon."

"Brent? What's the plan?" Gentle Lady Bernice Leslie looked puzzled.

Tarak Rudd's pupils suddenly dilated, and he stammered out a few words: "Brent, has he betrayed Hogwarts?"

Dumbledore nodded.

"Impossible! Brant..." Before Bernice Leslie could finish speaking, Dumbledore reached out to stop her.

"I'm going to find Horace to stop the game and ask all students to be on alert. You first build a super armor spell. Brandt, he's here."

As soon as he finished speaking, a golden-red light flashed. Dumbledore and Fawkes on his shoulders disappeared in front of everyone.

All the professors looked at each other, and suddenly, Galatea Melos turned back suddenly.

I saw a black cloud and air current coming towards the horizon.

He raised his hand and gestured forward to let other professors see this abnormality.

"Let's go, Dumbledore won't do anything wrong. Even if the person coming is not Brandt, we still have to protect the students."

After saying that, he stepped aside.

Bernice Leslie and Tarak Rudd looked at each other, each picked a side and walked over there.

This is near the rostrum, and Horace Slughorn is obviously in charge.

Dumbledore, he is going to fight the enemy.

The task of myself and others is to protect the students.

This chapter has been completed!
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