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Chapter 12 Chores in the Rain

 Elise was so nervous that she closed her eyes.

After waiting for a long time, my body did not feel enveloped by the cold lake water.

Carefully open one eye.

She was surprised to find that she was floating above the water.

It feels like there is an invisible air cushion under my body dragging me down.

Before she could fully appreciate it.

Luna reacted after being stunned and dragged her back to the boat by her calves.


Luna relieved her nervous mood.

Suddenly, she remembered something.

"Xifa! You didn't use your wand just now?!"


Elise, who looked like she was surviving a disaster, also turned into a surprised face.

The last time we were in Diagon Alley, something happened suddenly.

Elise didn't notice whether Xifa used magic, let alone a wand.

"Indeed, what happened just now happened so suddenly that I didn't have time to take out my magic wand. What's more, my magic...forget it, I can't cast magic."

Thinking that during the holidays, there was a chance that his spell would have the effect of a blasting spell, Xifa changed his mind decisively.

The reason why the little wizard is chosen to enter school at the age of eleven is also because at this age, the magic power of the little wizard will become milder.

Can cast spells with a wand more easily.

Of course, as a price, from now on, it will be difficult for the little wizard to cast spells without a wand.

"Xifa, can you cast this magic as you wish?"

Seeing Xifa nodding, Luna quickly asked.

"Can you use it on the two of us again?"

Although I don’t understand it, this simple magic that I call the hand of a mage is very easy to cast.

So, Elise and Luna slowly floated up.

"Elise, do you feel it?"

"Well, I thought it was a floating spell at first, but before I could fully understand it, I let you pull me back."

Luna rolled her eyes angrily and said, I should let you experience a cold water bath.

The floating spell causes the object's own gravity to disappear and then slowly rise into the sky.

This is why it is difficult for the levitating spell to work on a wizard. The wizard's own magic power can interfere with this strange balance. Unless the caster is highly skilled.

And this magic is called the hand of the mage in Western France.

It's like being pressed down on yourself by an invisible airflow, but you are still affected by gravity.

"Okay, Xifa, when we go back, Elise and I will check the information carefully. We don't understand the principle of your spell."

"Western Fa? Western Fa?!"

I saw Xifa staring blankly behind the two girls.

The two looked back and saw only Hogwarts Castle visible under the thunder and lightning.

They shouted louder, asking Xifa to put them down.

Xifa finally regained his composure.

The two girls also landed safely in the boat.

"What's wrong? What are you looking at?"

Elise came to Xifa and looked at Xifa's gaze, but there was nothing.

"I saw a translucent wall, and Professor Rudd had already passed through it. It seemed to have no effect."


Elise was surprised. In her field of vision, there was nothing in front of her.

Luna stroked her hair, and suddenly her eyes lit up.

"Elise, aren't you still complaining that we have to run to the station and take the bus to school even though we live in Hogwarts?"

"Do you remember that in the history of Hogwarts, when there was no express train, freshmen had to walk a long distance to enter the school."

Clever Elise knows everything.

"You mean, this is a protection ceremony for young wizards that is vaguely mentioned in the school history?"


Seeing that Xifa was confused, Elise opened her mouth to explain.

"Ritual magic is a general term for magic that is performed with the help of external objects and following certain steps. The little wizard's protection ritual is vaguely mentioned in the book. Through this magic, no little wizard who enters school will die in the castle.


Xifa nodded, indicating that he understood.

It seems that now, although the little wizard does not have to walk long distances into Hogwarts, the necessary steps are necessary.

Suddenly, Xifa's eyes were shocked.

He discovered that as long as he did not activate the magic of 'Mage's Hand'.

The fluorescent wall in front of you will disappear.

He quickly told the two of them about this discovery.

"Don't know. This is beyond our level of knowledge."

After hesitating for a moment, Elise suddenly spoke up and gave instructions.

"Xifa, the most you can tell Professor Dumbledore about this matter is that others should never mention it."

"Including your grandfather?"

A moment of silence.


I didn’t ask why, Dumbledore seemed like a righteous wizard, but what happened to Professor Fergus? The granddaughter had a tantrum with her grandfather?

Without thinking much about it, Xifa wrote down the incident and put it behind him.

Finally, the boat reached the other side of the lake.

Xifa got off the boat first and picked up the two of them ashore.

"Let us climb up?"

Pointing to the winding stone road in front of him, Xifa raised his eyebrows and asked.

The two women adjusted their clothes and nodded in agreement.

Okay, okay, it seems to be another process of ritual magic.

Xifa, who persisted in exercising, dragged the two of them up to the top of the mountain, panting from exhaustion.

The two girls said they were sorry, but their physical fitness was indeed very poor.

Mr. Rudd, who has disappeared long ago, is now guarding the gate of the castle.

Seeing the three people arriving first, he nodded with satisfaction.

The three people stepped forward to say hello to Mr. Rudd.

Later, Xifa, who was a little tired, lost the politeness he felt during the first meeting.

The three of them leaned together to regain their strength.

Cold weather, hunger, exhaustion...

These negative effects made Xifa shudder.

The two girls felt it.

They have a tacit understanding to get closer to Western France.

Time passes minute by minute.

Xifa believes that freshmen who can persist in arriving at the castle in such bad weather are qualified students.

However, he also underestimated the young wizards' longing for a real magical campus life.

Soon, large numbers of freshmen supported or encouraged each other to reach the finish line.

There are only a group of people who are incompatible with them. They seem to have a strict hierarchy, and those behind them will never surpass the steps of those in front.

"Everyone, be quiet and stand in front of the door!"

I saw no one coming up from the exit.

The burly Professor Rudd roared loudly.

No one was talking back at this time, or in other words, no one had the energy to talk back.

Even the rebellious pure-blood descendants stood in a row.

Professor Rude quickly counted the number of people. It was very good, there were not many of them.

He nodded with satisfaction and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Professor Rudd turned around and came to the door, flexing his muscles and pushing it open.

Xifa was stunned for a moment as he watched. Is this an act or does it really require pure physical strength to push it away? Why not use magic?

This problem was forgotten by him when the door was completely opened.

I saw that the air flow caused by the opening of the door made the candlelight above my head beat slightly, and the interior of the castle with complex patterns and traces of time was revealed in front of me.

Xifa, who was at the head of the queue, was naturally the leader, and he led all the little wizards to enter in an orderly manner.

What he didn't know was that there was a person behind him staring at him with a look of resentment in his glowing red eyes.

***The author has something to say***

Ahaha~ Don’t read the next chapter~ Guess who it is~

This chapter has been completed!
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