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Chapter 2 Admission Notice

 "So, are you worried that you have no money and don't know the way to the magic world?"

The words "Please accept me as your disciple" came to your lips several times, and finally you couldn't help but spit them out.

But this sentence turned out to be that I have no money...

Dumbledore thought for a moment and realized that it was indeed normal for a child born in an orphanage to have no money. Moreover, if the child's self-esteem was strong enough, it would not be incomprehensible for him to find it difficult to talk about it.

"Money is not a problem. Every poor little wizard will receive a scholarship to Hogwarts. However, this money can only help you buy a wand and some second-hand books."

Dumbledore put his hands in his pockets and lowered his head in thought.

"But this takes you to Diagon Alley to buy necessities..."

"Excuse me, Professor. If it's somewhere in London, I can do it myself!"

Dumbledore was startled when he heard this, and then he understood that Xifa must have sneaked into London to play on his own more than once.

But the wizarding world is not the Muggle world after all.

Among the wizarding realms connected to London, only Diagon Alley has Aurors stationed there, and the order is relatively stable.

If Xifa was accidentally tricked into Knockturn Alley...

Dumbledore frowned. As the war approached, the professors at Hogwarts had to go to the defense line to help.

In addition, the Wizarding War launched by Grindelwald a few years ago has just passed.

Many ancient family members are homeless and homeless.

It is unrealistic for the professor to take the little wizards one by one to Diagon Alley to buy supplies.

Xifa looks mature enough, and it should be enough to find a responsible little lion to help him.

"Xifa, I don't fully agree with your request, so let's do this. The day after you receive the school's admission notice should also be the time when you go shopping. How about I arrange for one of your seniors to help you?

Xifa opened her mouth, but ultimately did not refuse Dumbledore's arrangement.

In fact, Xifa very much hopes that a beautiful senior will lead her into the magical world.

The objection he raised was whether he could change his guide to a senior.

But think about how shamelessly I have to dig up Dumbledore's knowledge after school starts.

Then he stopped talking to smear his own image.

"I'm sorry, Xifa, there are too many things to do before the start of school. In these few days, I can still find time to visit each of you freshmen."

Dumbledore misunderstood again. He thought that Xifa wanted him to lead him into the magical world.

I'm still as popular as ever!


I carried the two fish back home and made a delicious fish soup after briefly processing them.

When the delicious fish soup fills your mouth.

Xifa was sure that he was not in a dream.

I also once doubted that the world I traveled through was the Marvel world.

Because whether you recite this curse or not has no effect on the effect.

However, the Hogwarts professor who claimed to be Dumbledore found himself.

Then the world you traveled through must be the magical world of Harry Potter.

But there are some differences.

Xifa suspected that at least one of his parents had rabbit blood.

Because I have too many traces of rabbits.

From this day on, Xifa would open his windows every morning and look up to the sky.

I hope that an owl will bring me the admission notice that I have longed for.

The first day of school in my memory is getting closer and closer.

One day, Xifa opened the window in a familiar manner.

I was pleasantly surprised to find a snowy owl covered in snowy white standing outside the window.

When Snow Owl saw the window being pushed open, he also felt the surprise of the little boy in front of him.

It spread its wings as if to enter the room.




"Sorry, sorry... I'll treat you to some small fish sticks. This is a cold dish, please enjoy..."

Xifa clasped his hands together and kept apologizing to the arrogant little cutie with messy feathers in front of him.

Every morning, Xifa would open the window, but to no avail.

He developed the habit of opening the window to check and then subconsciously closing the window.

No, the Hogwarts messenger was photographed outside the window.

Let’s talk about what’s good and what’s bad.


Maybe the snow owl saw Xifa sincerely admitting his mistake, or maybe Xifa took out the delicious food to tempt it.

The snowy owl with messy feathers finally buried its head in eating the dried fish.

Xifa was finally able to tidy up its messy feathers and take down the letter hanging from its feet.

After eating and drinking enough, the little messenger saw that Xifa had no intention of letting him bring a reply letter.

Then he flapped his wings and left.

Xifa took a deep breath to calm down his excited heart.

But he still picked up the letter with trembling hands.

【Outside London

Kono Town

Colin Road Orphanage

Single dormitory room, turn right after entering the door

Mr. Sifa Corwin on the bed on the second floor]

"Is this magic? It can accurately monitor the movements of a little wizard."

Xifa felt a chill in his heart and quickly raised his head and looked around...

In my excitement, I did sit on the bed without realizing it.

Although I don’t know if it was a coincidence, the address changed when I saw this letter.

"Always be in awe of the unknown"

Xifa took a deep breath and hinted to himself.

Pick up the letter again.

I saw that the letter was written in emerald green ink, without stamps, and had a thick feel like parchment.

Turning over the cover, I saw a wax seal, a shield and a capital "h" surrounded by a lion, an eagle, a badger and a snake.

Xifa slowly opened the envelope and took out the letter.


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Principal:Armando Dippet

(Vice President of the International Federation of Wizards, British Royal Honorary Wizard, Chief Wizard of the Wizengamot)

Dear Mr. Kerwin:

We are pleased to and solemnly inform you that you have been admitted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Enclosed is a list of required books and equipment.

The semester is scheduled to begin on September 1.

We will be waiting for your owl to reply to your questions before August 31st.

Vice Principal

Sincerely, Brent Fergus


Dumbledore is not the principal?

Oh yes, it is 1938...


At this time, the first generation Grindelwald seemed to want to begin to unify the wizarding world.

The second generation Dark Lord...will he join me???

In this era...I seem to be alive and well, and my life is considered a great success...

After reading the letter, a series of nonsensical thoughts flashed through Xifa's mind.

Wait until Xifa comes to his senses.

I don’t know how long I have been sitting on the bedside.

A call brought me back to my senses.

She is the youngest sister Anne in the orphanage and the most clinging to her.

She was at the door smiling and greeting him to come downstairs for breakfast.

Xifa reacted, he stood up with a smile, passed by the table and put the letter in the drawer.

As she led Anne down the aisle, Xifa's eyes gradually became firmer.

Living in this turbulent era, I would really not be willing to cling to Dumbledore’s lap and survive for the rest of my life!

This chapter has been completed!
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