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Chapter 205 New changes in the situation

Another two weeks have passed.

Western France also unlocked its own seal.

Just like the ice soul hammer attack that I needed to accumulate strength to release before, now I can release it directly!

It can be said that the combat effectiveness of Western France has been greatly improved.

In this turbulent era, I have a little more confidence to protect myself.

But there is no end to learning, and standing still is regressing, not to mention that on the battlefield, the enemy will not be merciful to you.

It's the weekend.

By a small stream on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest.

Xifa was using the Imperius Curse to control a group of toads to tap dance in rhythm on a stone slab.

Because you are not controlling one or two people, but a team.

Xifa has to spend a lot of energy to make every toad move in sync.

As the toad moved faster and faster, a trace of sweat began to fall from Xifa's cheek.

When practicing the Imperius Curse, the target resists fiercely, and the caster's magic control can be exercised.

Of course, this is using the Imperius Curse to control a single individual.

Toads don't have much sense.

Even if they resist...why should they resist if they have no logic in thinking?

Xifa had no choice but to choose quantity over quality as a control training method.

Since there is no pressure on one, bring in a few more.

Because there is less confrontation of thinking.

This method naturally makes slower progress and is almost thankless.

But Xifa's magic power is abundant, and he has strong energy from two lifetimes plus the help of Luna's energy potion.

Every day, there are gains visible to the naked eye. At the same time, you can also become familiar with the multi-tasking operation method.

After all, I can't really run into Muggle society or cast the Imperius Curse directly on my classmates for no reason, right?

Just when Xifa was concentrating on manipulating the toad.

Out of the corner of his eye, a white light suddenly flew from the direction of the main castle of Hogwarts.

What happened?

This distraction caused a toad to take the wrong steps in its dance.

In order to correct this, the balance of Western thinking was broken.

One leads two into chaos, two leads four into chaos...

After a while, the entire toad team's dance steps became chaotic.

Hey...that's it!

Sighing, Xifa waved his magic wand, as if extinguishing the light from the tip of the wand.

When the light goes out, the Imperius Curse is lifted.

The toads came to their senses one after another and realized that they were not in the muddy water.

They all followed their instincts and jumped towards dark and damp places...

“Cleaned up!”

After cleaning up his sweaty and embarrassed look, Xifa turned his attention to the white flying object.

It’s Luna’s patron saint!

Xifa was slightly startled, but not too alarmed.

Because the silver dragon patron saint is hovering above his head instead of directly conveying his message to himself.

According to the plan, Luna and Elise are now teaching Cassandra in the Room of Requirement.

They will not use their guardian angels to send messages to themselves unless necessary.

To sum up, the news delivered by the patron saint this time is news that needs to be informed in time, but it is not an urgent matter.

Xifa raised his right hand, and the silver dragon hovering in the air landed on his arm obediently.

The silver dragon with silvery white fluorescence is really beautiful. Every time I see it, I will think of the Luna dragon form that day in the Room of Requirement.

Just when Xifa was lost in thought, the patron saint opened his mouth and spoke.

"Xifa! Professor Dumbledore summoned all the prefects and student council members to his office. He said he had something important to explain. Elise has already gone there first."

After the words fell, Yinlong also completed his mission.

Let Xifa touch it for the last time, and it turned into little silver stars scattered in the air.

important things?

Magic power surged under Xifa's feet, and the soil formed stone platforms stacked on top of each other, sending him to a position level with the treetops.

Set your sights on Hogwarts Castle.

Although it was daytime, one owl after another kept flying through the sky.

Xifa's eyes narrowed slightly, and the image of the owl continued to enlarge in his mind.

Letter? All owls are delivering letters?

It seems that the matter is an external matter. What does an external matter have to do with our prefects?

Without having time to think about it, Xifa quickly got on the broom and rushed towards the castle...

The door to Professor Dumbledore's office was ajar.

At the door, Luna stood leaning against the wall. When she saw Xifa arriving, she quickly went up to greet him and straightened Xifa's collar.

"Professor Dumbledore has already talked about a lot of things. Go in and find Elise and explain to her."


Xifa took a deep breath, opened the door and walked in.

Behind her, Luna watched Xifa walk in casually, and then the door slowly closed until it was completely closed before she regained consciousness and turned around to leave.

I haven't looked at Cassandra in person for such a long time, so I wonder if she is being lazy.

Thinking of this, her steps became much lighter...


"In the coming days, Hogwarts will leave at least one professor in the castle."

"If the situation is urgent, you can also contact Mrs. Morse in the library and the school nurse Bohan."

"By the way, no one is allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest without permission!"

"Tonight Hogwarts will close all access to the outside world. If you have important matters to leave Hogwarts, please ask the professor to get a receipt and leave through the gate. The fully activated Hogwarts Defense Formation does not care whether you are

students of the school.”


He did miss a lot of content, and about the Forbidden Forest, Dumbledore looked at him specifically, was he talking about himself, right?

Get rid of it, I am just one person, you manage Gryffindor... It seems that there is really no adventure in the Forbidden Forest this year...

excuse me.

Xifa shook his resentment out of his mind and came to Elise, who was standing at the end of the Ravenclaw prefects' team.


Someone touched her hand lightly, and Elise, who was thinking about Dumbledore's new canon, turned around alertly.

It's Xifa! It's been so hard for Luna to come here after so long. Luna is looking for you.

Elise rolled her eyes, and then she reached out and took Xifa's hand.

The magic power collides in the palms, and the palace of thought is instantly established.

The speech that Xifa missed was instantly filled in by Elise's memory.

It turns out that Professor Dumbledore has already said so many things...

First, starting from today, Hogwarts has entered a state of combat readiness. It is only during the day today that it can contact the outside world. The young wizards decide whether to go or stay in Hogwarts on their own. Xifa estimates that Grindelwald will not do this.

Yes, he doesn't like Muggles, and he is very tolerant of wizards or young wizards. But it's hard to say for others, and there is no problem with his combat readiness.

Second, Germany has completely eliminated the resistance forces in the wizarding world in Poland. Muggles in groups of three or three can no longer make a difference. The professors have to go to the front lines to withstand the huge pressure from Grindelwald. Well...

The pure-blood family took the initiative and secretly fought against the German magic army several times. Needless to say, they must have been defeated and defeated.

Third, starting from tomorrow, the Hogwarts progression system will change. As long as your level reaches a higher grade level, you can skip classes. The little wizard will learn more and be attacked by enemies on the battlefield or in the castle.

and greater ability to resist.

Fourth, all the prefects have to go to the outer courtyard to serve as temporary lecturers. The wizards of the four major colleges form small groups under the leadership of their prefects to learn magic by themselves. The professors are all empty-handed, and the cannon fodder wizards in the outer courtyard cannot fight at all.

Don’t have any strength?

The rest is a supplement to these four major points.

Xifa kept them in his heart for the time being and would understand them in detail after the meeting was over.

This chapter has been completed!
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