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Chapter 209 Exists and does not exist

"Hey? How is that possible!"

Miranda heard Xifa's answer.

She obediently turned her gaze to the ground and couldn't help but be surprised.

But then, she frowned.

"I can obviously touch him, how come there is no shadow?"

"You can touch it!"

Xifa almost choked himself to death with a mouthful of saliva.

My dear senior sister! This is a person who has been possessed by unknown magic. If you touch him with your hands, is your mind okay?

Seeing Xifa looking at him with strange eyes.

Miranda also suddenly realized how dangerous what she had done before was.

"I didn't think much about it at the time...I initially thought someone was wearing an invisibility cloak..."

Miranda defended softly.

"Forget it, it's not a big problem, I don't feel any strange residual magic power in you..."

Withdrawing his gaze, Xifa channeled the natural magic in the air, trying to use the magic of these rootless duckweeds to test and estimate Jack's condition.

"Miranda, you will graduate this year."

It's strange that although Xifa is much younger than me, I always obey his instructions.


"Even in the wizarding world in peaceful times, you have to have an escape route when interacting with strangers, let alone this is a turbulent era."

"I see..."

The scene fell into silence again.

Only Xifa kept waving his magic wand, and streams of silk mist continued to pour in from all directions, wrapping Jack.

Very strange.

After a lot of testing, Xifa felt more and more troubled.

As long as there is no curse of the soul's will, everything will be petrified, broken into pieces, and the curse will stop... everything will go directly through Jack.

It's like Jack doesn't exist.

However, using the power of nature to construct the hand of a mage, it is still the ultimate curse that can be unleashed with all its strength.

They can all touch Jack, but they have no effect. And if your mage's hand is too strong, it will still pass through Jack.

What's the difference?

Xifa's brain was spinning rapidly.

My own beliefs! In other words, my own cognition!

Xifa, who was frozen in place, suddenly walked towards the window.

Miranda's eyes followed his movement.

I saw Xifa coming to the open window sill and stretching out his hand.

On the ground in the distance, two stones fell into his hands.

"What are you doing with the stone?"

Miranda asked in confusion.

"Conduct comparative experiments."

Xifa threw two stones of about the same size, thought for a moment, and then brought another stone from the window.

"Transform quickly!" "You are a stone!" "..." The last one does nothing.

The first stone turned into a round wooden ball and was thrown by Xifa towards Jack.

Bang bang——

After being stopped, the wooden ball fell to the ground.

The second stone was joined by Xifa's magic and was thrown at Jack.


He was also stopped.

The third piece was thrown at Jack.


Passed through him and hit the wall...

"how so!"

Seeing the third stone pass through Jack, Miranda couldn't help but exclaimed.

"I don't know either. Let's wait until Elise and the professor arrive."


Da da da--

Rapid footsteps sounded at the entrance of the corridor.

Xifa and Miranda cast their eyes towards the entrance of the corridor.

Professor Bernice Leslie appeared first.

Behind him is Charles Weasley.

Then there's Elise and Cassandra.

Finally, there are two people I didn't expect, Tom Riddle and Abraxas Malfoy.

"Xifa, Miranda, tell me what you know so far."

Not even halfway through the last semester, Professor Bernice Leslie, who had always been a nice person with a smile, showed an expression other than a smile in front of him for the second time.

The first time was naturally that the professors were collectively driven back to Hogwarts...

"Senior, let's talk first."

After all, Miranda was one of the first people to arrive, and she has experienced a little more than herself.

And Xifa stretched out his hand to pull Elise and took the compass handed over by Cassandra.

Tell them your findings in a low voice.

Charles and Abrassus stared at each other. Since the professor was here, they could only greet each other with eyes.

Tom, on the other hand, silently began to circle around Jack. At some point, his eyes glowed red.

"I understand. Miranda, please notify each classroom now and ask all the little wizards to return to their dormitories. No one is allowed to go out!"

Watch Miranda disappear around the corner of the corridor.

Only then did Professor Leslie set his sights on Jack.

She had to admit that this was the first time in her life of more than half a century that she had seen such a situation.


The professor whispered to her, and then a white light lit up on the tip of the staff.

The wall behind Jack is filled with light...

"Just a few of you, I can tell you first, this is the first time I have seen this kind of situation."

Put away the spell.

When Professor Leslie saw everyone looking at her, she also said with a wry smile.

"Then what should we do? How about writing a letter asking Professor Dumbledore to come back?"

When Charles heard this, he loudly expressed his opinion.

Professor Leslie rolled his eyes at him, "You are blatantly saying that you are not good enough."

That is to say, the professor is lenient towards others, and Charles is a Gryffindor, so being outspoken is their style.

Otherwise, Char's herbal medicine class will definitely be made difficult by the professor.

"Professor Dumbledore is good at transfiguration, and he may not be able to do anything about it."

If Professor Leslie has anything to say, she may not be as good as Dumbledore in other fields, but in herbology, she is the authority!

"Ah! Indeed, if only Professor Fergus was still at school."

Abraxas suddenly sneered, seemingly mocking Char's gorilla-like mind.

Seeing everyone looking at him, especially Elise and the others, he didn't know why his brain twitched and he said such a sentence.

"You..." Elise's sky-blue pupils began to turn pink, and she was so angry that she wanted to raise her hand to teach the proud Abraxas a lesson.

Xifa quickly grabbed her hand.

Good guy, if I sensed it correctly, this is a variant of the Cruciatus Curse.

There was definitely conflict when they came together.

Comfort Elise a little.

Xifa took a few steps forward and came to Abraxas.

Although Xifa is a head shorter than him, why do he feel like he is being targeted by the violent fire dragon?

It turned out that when Western France was moving forward.

He had already mobilized his magic power and used some tricks extended by the Imperius Curse.

There is a huge gap between the magic powers of Abraxas and Xifa, and his inner defenses are gradually broken down silently.


A drop of sweat fell from his chin.

It fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

The tension in his heart finally broke.

He forgot that he was in Hogwarts. He only felt that he was alone in the lair of the violent fire dragon.

Abraxas gritted his teeth and cast a killing curse on the fire dragon in front of him.

Just when the tip of his staff lit up.

Tom on the other side came to the opposite side of Xifa and gently put his hand on Abraxas's shoulder.


The illusion disappeared, and at the same time, the sweat that had been accumulated for a long time was secreted from the skin in an instant.

Abraxas panted heavily as if he had been fished out of water.

This chapter has been completed!
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