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Chapter 220: Fight

"Hmph, I hope you can use these grasses to make a dueling platform that will allow you to stand firm!"

After Tom finished speaking, he raised his hand and waved his yew wand.

I have to say, Tom's appearance is really good.

He raised his hands high and waved, like a conductor directing a large band performance.

As he waved his wand, the grass blades lengthened and intertwined with each other.

Soon it became bricks of grass blades like mats.

After the grass blade bricks were formed, they flew into the air.

In the air, the material changed again and became smooth stone bricks.

Then they landed in front of Tom at random intervals.

Tom's complex application of multiple transformations made the little wizards present widen their eyes and open their mouths.

"Oh my gosh! Riddle still seems to be at ease now. His magic level is definitely no less than that of the assistant coach last year!"

A young Hufflepuff wizard put peanuts in his mouth. Seeing this scene, he took out the peanuts and shouted loudly.

No one refuted him. Changes in form and material still provided control in many aspects.

Last year, if Tom had been at this level last year, he would definitely be a strong contender for the number one transfiguration skill among students.

Xifa was also a little surprised. Tom was indeed the Dark Lord who would influence the situation in the magic world decades later.

It's a pity that this magic qualification is no longer on the right path.

Tom started laying the dueling ground from the end point between the two of them. Naturally, he meant that one person would lay half of the floor, and each would lay his or her own.

Seeing that Tom had almost finished laying the paving, Xifa raised her hand that was not holding the wand.

He lightly snapped his fingers.

With Western France as the center, an invisible wave of fluctuations swept through Western France's half.

The sound reached the ears of the onlookers, and the leaves on the grass began to melt.

Not just the leaves, but everything on the grass began to melt.

Xifa is clearly stepping on blades of grass, but it actually gives people the feeling that Xifa is standing on the water.

When Tom finally finished setting up the venue, Xifa finally snapped his fingers for the second time.

The shape of this stone suddenly appeared on the rippling grass.

The voice fell, and the mirror field exactly like Tom's was connected to Tom's duel stage.


The cute new elementary school girl swallowed a mouthful of saliva and pulled the senior sister beside her who was no longer elegant.

"Senior! When we release magic, don't we need to shout the spell loudly? Professor Crouch told us that the louder the voice is shouted and the more standard the pronunciation and pronunciation are, the more magic can be released!"

The inner world of the little witch has been reshaped today.

From what she has seen and heard in the past six months, isn't it true that wizards recite spells one after another and then release magic spells one after another?

She had never seen this kind of scene where multiple magics were released in one go!

Leslie's professor is not bad, but her class is Herbology, which has little to do with magic.

The level of Casper Crouch is unknown, but he is a pureblood from the old school. How could he teach everyone sincerely?

This is an eye-opener for first-year students, and there are countless scenes where they ask their seniors for advice.

But they couldn't affect Xifa and Tom in the center of the field at all.

They are now standing in the center of the dueling platform they built, with their wands pointed low at the ground.

"How to start? Count down to three, two, one or something?"

Xifa said to Tom with a calm expression.

But Tom felt a little panic inside.

If only Xifa was the same as me, or could successfully build it faster than me.

That was all within my expectations.

After all, what he is best at is not transformation.

However, with just two snaps of his fingers, Xifa achieved the results he had spent so much effort on.

Tom couldn't help but look slightly sad.

And Western France was able to do this thanks to its research on the Imperius Curse and the Cruciatus Curse.

This allowed him to omit the energy of communicating with the deformed objects and directly give rough orders and plunder.

Fortunately, the shape-shifting creatures are not conscious and they will not clamor for human rights.

Tom realized that Xifa's progress might be no less than his own.

He put away the pride he had accumulated during his vacation in a pure-blood family.

He began to face up to the fact that he was not as good as Xifa, but if he said that he did not have the means to win, he could only reply, it is impossible!


Tom snorted coldly and used a flying spell to summon the floor tile farthest away from him to his side.

Turn it into a big piece of glass.

"When this piece of glass falls to the ground and breaks, our duel will officially begin!"

"Please! I have no objection."

Xifa shrugged his shoulders with a nonchalant expression, but his eyes began to be locked on Tom, observing his every move.

Now that Xifa nodded, Tom threw the glass into the sky.

Sure enough, Tom's physique had changed. Tom could easily throw such a large piece of glass high into the sky without the help of magic.

As the glass reaches its highest point it begins to fall.

Tom's eyes gradually turned red. I don't know if it was a psychological effect, but I always felt that Tom was beginning to smile like a sick man.

But what does this mean?

The Dark Lord who has not grown up cannot put too much pressure on himself.

After all, he had come into contact with Grindelwald from afar in Atlantis.

Grindelwald's magical pressure made him feel depressed inside even though he was several kilometers away.

Tom now is just like himself before he mastered the Animagus.

With his own wizard magic source and the black dragon's magic source, even ten Toms can't catch up with him.

However, the battle between wizards also involves a competition in magic skills.

Sometimes a cunning and inconspicuous magic will make you helpless and defeated miserably in a duel.


Glass shards flew in all directions.

Everyone in the audience cheered up, and Tom and Xifa in the audience also started running in response.

"Black snakes are out", "flames are blazing" and "crackling explosions"

Tom cast three magic spells in a row.

A black shadow clings to the ground and strikes quickly. Fireballs spurt out from the tip of the staff. With the help of the Explosion Curse, they turn into small fireballs. The small fireballs also contain the magic power of the Explosion Curse. As long as they come into contact, they will emit a powerful explosion.

A small fireball the size of a quail egg flew towards Xifa without any trace in the air.

Even if Dragon Eye is not turned on.

The black afterimage seen in ordinary people's eyes is clearly visible in Xifa's eyes.

"Relax your strength!"

The spell hit the black snake quickly and accurately, causing it to lose its strength and lie on the ground like a rope.

"Ice-breaking flying blade!"

When ice and fire meet, Xifa, who has stronger magic power, obviously has the upper hand.

It also benefits from the blasting spell in Tom's little fireball.

Otherwise, Xifa's ice blade could fly to Tom.

While the water mist filled the air, Xifa summoned a floor tile and made it spin at high speed towards Tom.

It's disrespectful to come back and not reciprocate. You released three spells on me, and I released three spells on you.

Obviously, the last magic was just a matter of making up the numbers. The high-speed rotating stone slabs can be heard without the use of eyes.

Tom easily cast a blasting spell and resolved the crisis.

At this point, the trial between the two ended.

This chapter has been completed!
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