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Chapter 223: Obsessed?

Da da da--

What's the sound? High heels? A witch is coming?

In front of a magic seal formation that makes one's eyes dazzled just by looking at it.

Casper Crouch, who was deep in thought, suddenly raised his ears alertly.

Bernice Leslie? She sensed his plan?

No, it's impossible. If she found out, how could she come over so blatantly? Moreover, she was in the herb greenhouse every day, so why did she wear hard-soled high heels?

But whether it was Bernice Leslie or another student, he had to stop immediately.

Now is not the time to reveal your purpose.

He hurriedly patched the wall back up, then waved his wand to clean away the traces of magic.

Then he pretended to be stern, and he wanted to strike first and frighten others to cover up his guilty conscience.


The door was pushed open.

The sleeves with dark green patterns caught Casper Crouch's eyes first.

Slytherin's little wizard!

Casper Crouch's tense mind relaxed slightly.

After all, Slytherin is the base camp where pure blood gathers, and the elders of each family should tell them not to get in their way.

But then, his mind collapsed again.

It's Cassandra, this little witch that all the major pure-blood families are vying to win over, but although she is in Slytherin, she is particularly close to Sifa and others from Ravenclaw Academy.

Even as a Slytherin, she was only associated with Glinton Black's group of reformists.

He is obviously a wizard of noble blood, but he actually wants to be on an equal footing with wizards of low blood.

Unfortunately, the major families have ordered that they are not allowed to offend her at the moment...

"Cassiopeia! What are you doing here?!"

The so-called offending means not to deliberately make things difficult, such as punishing students with homework, being placed in solitary confinement, etc.

There is nothing wrong with asking questions like I am doing now.

However, his next words made him embarrassed and wanted to get into the sewer on the side.

"What am I doing here? Professor Crouch? This is the women's bathroom!"

‘Cassandra’ tilted her head, as if I haven’t asked you why you are in the women’s bathroom yet.


Although, Tom's magic on his armor spell didn't cause much trouble.

But the nature of the matter has changed.

When Xifa's indifferent words without any emotion spread throughout the stadium.

All the little wizards present were shocked.

"Are you kidding me?"

Gryffindors, who are famous for their recklessness, all took a breath, and one of them murmured in shock.

"I don't know. All they cast are silent spells, but from the light of the spell, I can't tell what kind of magic they cast."

"Senior Xifa won't lie to us, right?" The Ravenclaw junior girl pulled the senior's arm.

"I hope the assistant coach is joking, but his expression, I have rarely seen him so serious."

The senior sister also frowned and said.

"Damn! What is Riddle doing!"

Abraxas Malfoy's expression changed drastically when he heard Xifa's words.

Casting curses on classmates at Hogwarts will be dealt with seriously if caught.

If you use lethal or highly lethal magic on your classmates, you may be expelled from Hogwarts!

Abraxas Malfoy certainly didn't blame Tom for killing Sypha.

If he himself got the chance, he might use black magic on Xifa.

What he blamed was that Tom actually released destructive magic on Xifa himself in public and in full view of everyone.

If Xifa is more serious, call the professor and cast a flashback spell on Tom's wand to make sure that he has released dark magic.

A mouthful of truth serum is indispensable.

Of course, the circumstances of the duel are somewhat special. If Tom wants to avoid being held accountable, it depends on whether Xifa will relent.

The rules of dueling are just ancient traditions. In Hogwarts, the school rules are more effective than the laws of the Ministry of Magic!

Xifa actually felt a little strange inside.

He felt that the current Tom was not an easy person to get into trouble with.

The conflict between myself and Tom wouldn't make him risk being fired for offending her, right?

However, Tom really did it and even went a step further.

When the little wizards in the audience no longer marveled and admired, they turned into questioning and scolding.

After venting his anger, Tom, who was a little more sober, felt an unknown anger in his heart.

His eyes were glowing red before, but at this moment, they suddenly turned into a bottomless darkness, like a bottomless abyss.

He roared, letting out a roar that didn't sound like a human voice.

Then kneel on one knee and insert the wand into the ground with force.


Cracks like spider webs spread on the ground with Tom as the center.

The silent one?

The violent magic in the air was somewhat familiar. After feeling it, Xifa made the above judgment in his mind.

But there was still a trace of confusion in his heart. Tom never suppressed his magic power. When he discovered that he had extraordinary abilities in the orphanage, he used this power to intimidate and conquer other orphans unscrupulously.

To say that the Silent Beast was born within his body is really far-fetched.

Now is not the time to dwell on this matter, you have to stop Tom, because at this time Tom seems to have lost his mind!

Xifa took a step forward, preparing to use the high-level application of the transformation technique optimized by the Imperius Curse and the Cruciatus Curse - inorganic reincarnation, and turning inorganic land, water, and even air into whips, swords, guns, and puppets according to his own wishes.

Man - Stop Tom.

This is the most powerful move he has mastered in modern spell magic.

Xifa raised his hand and grabbed Tom who was kneeling on the ground.

The cracked duel arena instantly surged with streams of rocks.

The stone flow rotated and galloped around Tom who was wrapped in the black air flow.

After forming a tight cylindrical stone wall.

Xifa's hand squeezed hard again.

The vortex instantly collapsed toward the center, forming a stone ball several meters high.

Xifa tapped the tip of his staff again, and shot a series of solidifying spells at the stone ball.

It seemed that Tom was sealed inside.

"Friends who don't know the Iron Armor Charm should leave here quickly and go to the herb greenhouse to invite Professor Leslie."

Xifa's words were processed by the loud voice curse and spread throughout the Quidditch pitch.

After Tom was sealed, everyone's heart palpitations disappeared a little.

In the sound of Xifa's shouting, the little wizards came to their senses one after another.

They called their friends, supported and pulled each other, and jumped directly from the guardrail at the end of the Quidditch pitch.

Some seniors have turned the ground into a rubbery texture, so even if the little wizard jumps from a high place, nothing will happen if he lands on it.

Just when everyone squeezed to the edge, few people jumped down.

The stone ball in the center of the field was suddenly covered with red veins.

not good!

Xifa was shocked. It seemed that conventional magic could no longer stop Tom.

So, Xifa slowly let go of the wand in his hand and let it float beside him.

He raised his hands forward, ready to use one of his trump cards - the elf's ice magic.

This chapter has been completed!
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