Chapter 266: He chases, he escapes, thats probably it

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After receiving the news that Nurmengard was attacked, Grindelwald felt a little bad inside.

After a powerful magic wave appeared from the horizon and offset the fire magic that he had released with all his strength.

This evil seed quickly took root and sprouted, and penetrated deeply into my heart.

He quickly tried to apparate away from here.

Unfortunately, something happened that disappointed him.

When he tried to communicate with the magic network to obtain the coordinates of the Apparition, because the other party also had his own domain, and the realm of the other party's domain was no less than his own. The domains of both sides collided with each other, making his perception of the coordinates intermittent.

Obviously, Grindelwald didn't want to bet on whether he could successfully disapparate.

"Who are you?"

Grindelwald spoke calmly and calmly, looking relaxed and carefree.

But in his heart, he silently continued to communicate with the magic network with a heavy heart. As long as the coordinates were clear for a moment, as long as there was a chance to squeeze out of the battlefield where the two secretly exchanged words.

Then Grindelwald will choose to disapparate without hesitation.

Compared with trying to defeat a wizard who is almost at the same level as himself to gain a higher reputation, the safety of Nurmengard is the top priority under his own life.

If the other party does not use a forbidden technique and temporarily bursts out this kind of power, then you have to keep enough distance from the visitor to avoid collisions in the field, so that you can use phantom to leave safely under the calm natural magic.

"We met once last year." Xifa did not answer directly, but used an ambiguous attitude.

Naturally, Grindelwald's heart will not be easily shaken by other people's words.

What really surprised him was that he found no traces of magic from taking Polyjuice Potion! He also didn't believe that Albus could find such an outstanding heir!


With Merlin's help, Xifa stood in the sky. Unfortunately, at this time, he was in no mood to celebrate that he had discovered another way of flying - letting the natural magic power lift him in the air.

On the surface, Xifa was smiling and pretending to be an expert. In his heart, Xifa's self-consciousness was already quarreling with Merlin.

In Xifa's mind, the Thought Palace can simulate scenes that are so complex that they are close to reality.

It is very easy to plan a vast silver-white spatial Gong Merlin and materialize one's own consciousness.

Originally, when they were on the road, the two of them were walking shoulder to shoulder like brothers, but now, Xifa's eyes widened with anger, as if Merlin was his enemy.

"Merlin! What do you mean by asking me to fight Grindelwald myself? How could I possibly defeat him?" Xifa rarely lost his composure and spoke in a sharp tone.

"Calm down! Young man! I'm going to help you now!" Merlin replied with a smile.

"What did you do to help me? Come to Grindelwald and make provocations and create hatred?" Xifa continued to growl through gritted teeth.

"Nonsense! Young man, where you can't see, I'm helping you fight against Grindelwald's territory!" Merlin's tone sounded a little guilty.

"Then what? Even if we are all on the first level, how can I..." Xifa suddenly stopped talking, he was thoughtful, and then waited expectantly for Merlin to explain the tactics.

As long as Merlin said that his Horcrux Scepter only needed to inject a large amount of magic power and then release a super powerful magic, then he would be reluctant to forgive Merlin.

However, the reality was not what he imagined later, and his idea was right from the beginning.

"Yes! You can! Young man!" Merlin straightened his face and replied seriously, "I didn't expect Grindelwald's domain will to be so strong. Now I am only in the state of a soul fragment and a Horcrux. I can't do it.

Fight him while resisting his territory."

"So, the best way at the moment is for me to suppress and disrupt his domain with all my strength. From now on, neither of you can use natural magic, and neither of you can use those super complex magics... you can only rely on your own strength.


"Although your experience is incomparable with Grindelwald, you should have an advantage over him. You have a perfect source of magic power reserve. Grindelwald, even if he desperately activates the second source of magic power, there is still me!"

After Merlin finished talking about his tactics... Xifa remained silent for a long time.

"What's wrong?" Merlin asked a little guilty, "Young man, why don't you speak?"

After saying that, Merlin calculated in his mind for a while, no problem, with Xifa's strength, Grindelwald will not be able to kill him for a while, not to mention that Xifa is still Dumbledore's disciple. Let him entangle Grindelwald

Returning to Nurmengard is simply the perfect choice.

"Have you ever considered that I can withstand even one of Grindelwald's moves, as well as his continuous attacks? Before Grindelwald's magic power is exhausted, I'm afraid I will have been beaten to death by him!"

"Even if Grindelwald and I are on the first level, can the skill gap between him and me be bridged by a protracted battle?!"

After listening to this for a long time, Xifa realized that it was like this... He still wanted to fight Grindelwald himself! He couldn't help but accuse loudly!

That's it? Do you still want me to believe you? If Grindelwald hadn't been standing in front of him, he would have used Occlumency to drive Merlin out of his mind.

"Young man! Calm down!" Merlin looked directly at Xifa with a solemn expression.

"Now Grindelwald is still a human being! Rather than looking at the unreachable sky, the most terrifying thing is losing the courage to look up!"

Merlin encouraged himself with his strange words about life. Although Xifa felt a little warm after a long time, he remained unmoved.

"Well, the most important thing is that someone has disturbed Grindelwald's foundation, and now he is in no mood to tangle with us."

After Grindelwald's reminder, Xifa looked carefully and found nothing suspicious about Grindelwald.

But Merlin chuckled softly, waved his hand, and displayed the scene of his confrontation with Grindelwald's realm in red and blue.

Xifa understood that he did not need to defeat Grindelwald, nor did he need to escape from Grindelwald's pursuit.

He only needs to be near Grindelwald and interfere with his apparation.

It’s quite a long distance to fly back to Nurmengard in Austria from France!

So many things happened in Xifa's heart, but in the outside world, the passage of time was just a blink.


The simplest magic means the fastest spell casting and the highest magic conversion rate.

Facing this magic, if Grindelwald did not want to lose the Elder Wand, then he should either use his flexible skills to avoid the spell, or he should hold up an iron armor spell.

But who is Grindelwald? He is recognized as the strongest dark wizard!

Xifa chanted the simplest disarming curse, while Grindelwald chanted the more complicated fire curse.

When Xifa's spell reached a few meters in front of him, blue flames spurted out.

Xifa's curse was instantly burned away, and he quickly lost his ability to stand in the air and quickly fell to the ground.

With Merlin reminding him that Grindelwald would not tangle with him, Xifa decisively took out his jumping broom from his pocket.

What happened after that was not unexpected.

One after another, two figures, one large and one small, were flying in the air on broomsticks.

Whistling over this city filled with gunpowder smoke and blood!

The fierce fire fell on the surrounding buildings...

The building was swallowed up layer by layer. When it reached the ground, the fire finally went out...

This chapter has been completed!
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