Chapter 74 The ‘humble’ divination professor and private banquet invitation letter

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 Pretending that nothing happened, Xifa quickly signaled to Elise to continue playing.

When he saw Luna's quick response when she was attacked, Xifa couldn't help but praise her.

Luna, who was sitting obediently on the side, smiled and narrowed her eyes.

When seeing the scene of the centaurs interpreting the prophecy, Xifa watched it over and over again.

"Why didn't you go to our divination professor instead of the centaurs?" Xifa suddenly asked the two of them. The centaur's explanation was garbled, but it reflected his own experience. I didn't know Trelawney.

The professor explains what it will look like.

The two girls couldn't help but be startled when they heard this, yes, but...

"Ogg said we should go find the centaurs to interpret the unicorn's prophecy."

Elise frowned and said, suddenly, her expression changed, "Wait! Who is our divination professor?"

"Luna, who is our astronomy professor?"


Luna got up from Xifa with a start. She thought about it seriously and said, "She is a female professor. We still have her class every Wednesday night. What's wrong?"

"No, I mean, what's her name?" Elise said with a heavy face. "Name? Strange, I can't say it. I obviously have an impression of it."

At this point, Luna also understood that someone had used tricks on them to make them forget about the professor.

Seeing that the two of them didn't want to be pretentious and had really forgotten the professor's name, Xifa said in a solemn tone.

"Our Divination and Astronomy classes are taught by the same person, Ms. Cassandra Trelawney."

The fall of Xifa's words was like a key opening a lock, pushing open the door of Fengchen's memory for the two girls. They recalled Professor Trelawney's name and appearance.

Taking their reactions into consideration, Xifa understood clearly.

It’s obvious that Professor Trelawney knew something, whether it was for self-protection or because she was at a disadvantage during the resistance, causing her name to be ignored by everyone.

Could it be that Dumbledore hinted that the woman who gave me the compass was Professor Trelawney?

Elise is more sensitive than Luna. Could it be that the compass had an effect on her?

If you have a chance, ask Professor Dumbledore if he knows Professor Trelawney’s secret.

Xifa told the two of his plans and received strong support from them, which also made them stop their random thoughts.

Wait, after struggling for so long, where is the compass? Xifa thought about where it might be.

Suddenly, he used his mage's hand to take the waist bag on the desk far away. After a little rummaging, he found it among the few things in the bag.

Sure enough, here, Professor Dumbledore should have put it into his pocket after he fell into a coma.

"What is this?" Seeing Xifa take out the compass, Luna leaned close to Xifa's chest and looked at it carefully with big eyes.

Seeing how interested she was, Xifa casually handed the compass to Luna.

Luna took the compass from Xifa's hand, sat down again, played with it and found that it was something she had never seen before, so she asked Elise to come and take a look.

Elise, on the other hand, unceremoniously pressed against Xifa, and stood in front of Luna through Xifa. She also looked at this magical alchemy product with curiosity on her face.

Seeing that both of them looked very interested, Xifa explained to them.

"This is called a compass. Professor Dumbledore and I used it that day to discover the enemies hidden in the castle. At the same time, I also used its power to solve the problem of the Obscure Beast in Elise's body."

The two of them exclaimed "wow", while Luna kept rubbing its appearance, trying to trigger it.

"There seems to be some words written under this compass, which... I don't recognize. Where are you, Luna?" Since Elise was almost lying on the bed, her perspective was different from that of sitting Elise, so she saw the words written below.


Luna turned the compass over and looked at it for a while. She stuck out her tongue and said sheepishly.

"Is this writing? I thought it was a magic pattern used in alchemy!"

Elise has a headache. This kind of writing has never been seen before. It is different from English, French, Latin, etc...

"Words? What characters? This is ancient Chinese!"

Xifa confirmed that these ancient texts did not exist on the reverse side before, and they should have appeared after he suppressed the Silent Beast for Elise.

Seeing that Xifa might know him, Luna returned the compass to Xifa. He took the compass and looked at it carefully.

It's an ancient text, and it starts with "Sealing the Spirit"...

After Xifa read a few words, he was not sure whether he read them correctly.

It's embarrassing. I didn't use ancient writing in my previous life... In other words, I could guess pretty well, but magic can't be specious, right?

"What! You only half understand, why don't you quickly ask Professor Dumbledore!"

When Elise saw that Xifa really seemed to understand, she was furious.

"You don't know what the recorded words are and just use them randomly. Look at you, now your mental power is being controlled by you..."

Xifa quickly explained to her that these words appeared later and he happened to have seen some...

After a bit of fussing, the sound of flapping bird wings suddenly came from the window sill.

"Ah, Xiaobai is here!"

Xifa seemed to see the savior. He raised his hand and motioned for Xiaobai to fly to his hand.

However, he forgot that he was very weak now. The 'tonnage' Xiaobai obediently flew onto Xifa's arm, but Xifa threw it on the bed...

Finally, Elise took action to calm Xiao Bai down.

Elise: "There is a letter!"

Hearing this, Xifa took a closer look, and sure enough, there was a thick white letter tied to Xiaobai's leg, which looked very similar to Xiaobai's fur. He didn't notice it in his haste.

I took off the letter and opened it. I found three gleaming invitations written by Professor Slughorn.

It says that Xifa, Luna and Elise are invited to attend his private banquet on Christmas Day in his office.

Why is it his private banquet? Because there are so many things happening in the school, the professor is too busy to organize a school-wide banquet. That is why Professor Slughorn squeezes out time to hold a banquet for the sake of face and connections.<


Xifa expressed that he was looking forward to it. He had never attended such a 'high-class' style banquet.

After feeding Xiaobai a few nuts, Xiaobai spread his wings and flew away with satisfaction. After eating and drinking, he was anxious to go on a date.

In fact, it almost broke the promise. It was its 'incompetence' that saved it.

Xifa originally wanted Xiaobai to hand a letter to Dumbledore for him, asking if there were any dictionaries or information related to ancient Chinese. If so, he would ask Xiaobai to bring the book back overnight.

However, the confidentiality of the owl was really worrying. As soon as he raised his hand, Xifa gave up the idea.

Then look at the memory screen, we will talk about the compass tomorrow...

***The author has something to say***

Please recommend monthly tickets for Zhuidu~

This chapter has been completed!
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