Chapter 75 The combination of Occlumency and Legilimency

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 Monday, Transfiguration Classroom.

"I, Albus Dumbledore, announce that Sypha Corwin will be the teaching assistant for Transfiguration!"

When Dumbledore finished speaking, thunderous applause erupted in the classroom.

Although Xifa currently seems to be in poor health, his outstanding performance since the beginning of school has impressed most of the young wizards in this class.

Very smoothly, Xifa successfully gained the recognition of the castle. Although he did not enjoy the rights granted by the castle as a professor, he was no longer restricted by students. For example, the effectiveness of magic in the corridors decreased, and it was difficult to cast spells on the castle's buildings.


There is only one Transfiguration class in the morning.

After class, when the rest of the little wizards left the professor, Xifa walked up to Dumbledore and asked if there was a dictionary of ancient Chinese. The answer was of course yes, it was a thick one!

I had lunch with the two girls and spent the afternoon in spells and herbal medicine classes.

In the evening, the three returned to Xifa's dormitory again.

Xifa sat on the bedside and pulled over the desk, took out the dictionary, put it down and opened it.

At the first glance, Xifa almost collapsed. This is a Chinese-English dictionary of feelings, but, in short, is not the exchange of traditional and simplified Chinese that Xifa wants.

Also, there are no simplified characters in this era... Xifa wailed in his heart. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and translate it himself. First, he looked up the ancient text and the corresponding English meaning, and then translated it into simplified characters.

The sound of flipping books and rustling notes spread throughout the dormitory.

Luna and Elise are not good at ancient Chinese. They took the meanings of ancient words recorded by Xifa and tried to organize them into a sentence.

However, no matter how the two women spliced ​​and moved the words, the sentences they formed left them confused.

Forget it, give up and let Xifa work hard...

After several hours of hard work, this short article was finally translated into simplified Chinese characters.

"Finally done!"

Xifa, who had suffered from back pain and sore wrists for such a long time, threw down his quill, turned around and fell on the thick mattress.

Elise and Luna, who were discussing potion refining and magic patterns on the other side of the bed, put down their work after hearing this.

Barefoot, he crossed Xifa from the bed and came to the desk.

"What is this!"

Elise bent down and picked up the paper after the Spanish translation, frowned and complained that she couldn't understand the ancient characters, nor the simplified characters. Although it looked simpler than the ancient characters, she still didn't understand it!<


Luna took a similar look, stretched out her foot in dissatisfaction, stepped on the butt of Xifa who was lying motionless at her feet, and shook her legs in dissatisfaction.

Xifa was so tired that he gave up struggling and let Luna step on him. Facing down, he didn't even bother to raise his head, and just answered in a muffled voice. The voice seemed to come from inside the quilt.

"This is the translated text. I tried to express it in English and use it, but it didn't work at all. I need the mysterious and mysterious feeling of the original text."

Luna was unhappy after hearing this, and she stepped more frequently and harder.

"Hey? Are you evading responsibility? Are you too lazy to explain?"

Yes, Xifa is very sensitive to magic. As long as you explain it clearly to him, there are very few magics that he cannot perform.

If Xifa had learned magic patterns like him since he was a child, I'm afraid he wouldn't be as good as Xifa now.

After Luna finished thinking about it, she found that Xifa still refused to work hard to write down the curse, and she became even more angry.

Finally, Xifa chose to compromise, because he really couldn't stand Luna's kicking her buttocks.

He turned over and sat up to face the two of them.

"Okay, okay, I really can't express it."

"For example, the name of this magic is called 'Sealing the Soul'. I translated it as a move that binds the soul... Do you think it is appropriate?"

As soon as Elise heard this, she grasped the key point.

"Say it again... I understand. This is ritual magic. The ritual is about the chanting of artistic conception and belief that are stronger than the chanting of spells, so the ritual will consist of the chanting of various strange sounds."

After listening to this, Luna, who had just blamed Xifa for not working hard, instantly understood that this was an ancient ritual magic, and Xifa now did not have enough knowledge to express it in English.

Because she only knew that this kind of magic existed, and the person who had the ability to record was Elise.

And Elise is also at a loss. She doesn't understand this ancient prose, so naturally she can't find the conversion relationship and artistic conception between ancient prose and English singing. You know, there is almost a huge difference in style between poetry and ancient poetry.

If you want to express the artistic conception of this ritual magic in English, you must learn ancient Chinese... So as long as you learn ancient Chinese, or Luna learns ancient Chinese...

Luna and Elise looked at each other, and she had the same idea as Elise.

I must master such magical words.

When he heard that the two wanted to learn ancient Chinese, Xifa's head suddenly got big.

Even if you understand the meaning expressed in ancient Chinese, there is a mysterious and mysterious feeling in it. If you are not familiar with enough classic stories, how can you explain it clearly in just a few words...

The most important thing about this magic is artistic conception. How can you convey your own feelings to them?

Got it!

Xifa suddenly thought of a brilliant idea. "Elise, use Legilimency on me!"

"Ah?! Legilimency? Are you sure?" Hearing this, Elise opened her eyes wide in surprise. They were a pair of blue eyes with black stripes.

"Yes, you heard me right, I think I'm ready." Xifa replied with a smile.

I had such a plan before, and even the original intention of learning Legilimency was to quickly acquire knowledge.

However, both Elise and Luna have their own secrets, and they also have some secrets of their own.

This results in the three of them not being able to truly communicate with each other. Not taking precautions does not mean that they will not hide their secrets.

Having just read the article about sealing the soul over and over again, Xifa felt that his understanding of Occlumency had risen to another level.

Said to be Occlumency, Xifa now feels that it is more like a technique for classifying brain memory and thinking. With the assistance of soul-sealing magic, he has been able to visualize the memory in his mind.

For example, Xifa is currently turning his memories into books and placing them on different bookshelves in chronological order.

When needed, the book can be taken down to quickly check the specific details. It can be said that under certain limitations, Western France has achieved photographic memory.

Now that Xifa and the two women have overcome the dilemma of life and death together, Xifa thinks that he can completely open his heart to the two of them. After all, Luna has inherited the power of his blood, and Elise can also be said to have taken away most of his spiritual power.


My body was given to Luna, and my soul was given to Elise...

Xifa believed that the two of them were ready to completely open their hearts to him, but the girl's shyness prevented them from taking the initiative to mention it.

"Since you think it's okay..."

Xifa had said this, and Elise’s eyes became firm.

She secretly encouraged herself that she must restrain her curiosity and not take the initiative to dig up Xifa's memories.

Instead, it only 'devours' the memories and feelings shown by Xifa.

This really requires trust and restraint.

For example, just like Xifa holding a piece of tofu in his hand, Elise needs to hold the knife blindfolded. Follow Xifa's instructions, step by step, remove the tofu of appropriate size and eat it into her mouth.

A slight error or improper operation will cause unpredictable harm.

Luna also put away her smile, and she thought of more. This may be the final test of the relationship between the three of them this year or even in the future. Especially, it seems that Elise's Silent Beast is actually under control. In this case

...her agreement with case Elise suddenly wants to see who Xifa thinks is more important...

You know, Xifa's move is more sincere than the three people's previous agreement to practice Occlumency with Veritaserum.

Because Xifa will not be prepared for Elise at all. Once Elise wants to gain control of all Xifa's memories, it will be easy.

"Okay, don't put pressure on yourself, be normal, and don't format my brain by shaking your hands when you get excited."

The two girls don't understand what formatting is for the time being, but they can guess that it must be the memory of Xifa that got out of control after the curse went out of control.

"Then I'm coming!"

Elise took a deep breath, then calmly picked up the wand, and Luna also took out some bottles and jars from the small medicine bag.

"Hey, hey, don't curse me." Xifa joked. There was a brief silence, and the laughter of the three people at the same time diluted the solemn atmosphere.


Xifa felt as if his brain was being controlled by a remote control. Images of various memories kept flashing by. The violent shaking made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Maybe her expression also changed, Luna noticed her painful expression.

Vaguely, Xifa heard Luna encouraging Elise to relax.

Soon, the screen beat slower and slower, Xifa breathed a sigh of relief, the most difficult threshold was passed.

I couldn't resist the previous situation, otherwise, it would have the effect of a counter-spell, that is, the door to Elise's memory would be opened to me.

Then the original intention of letting Elise use Legilimency on him is lost. Moreover, if Elise subconsciously resists again and is caught off guard, she will be completely lost and only her instinct will be left.

This becomes an endless loop, and the curse cannot be lifted until one party can no longer support it. It is conceivable that the consequences will be extremely terrifying.

Fortunately, it was successful.

"Can you understand what I mean?" Xifa's heart moved and he expressed his thoughts in his heart.

"Well, it's okay!" Elise's voice suddenly appeared in Xifa's mind.

Xifa: "Success!"

Elise: "What succeeded?"

"You can understand what I mean, but what I have in mind is not English." Elise could feel Xifa's secret joy.

"Well, you mean, what I read is your thoughts, not the language you express?" Elise is very smart, and she finally understands why Xifa insisted on letting the three of them try to practice Occlumency and Legilimency.<


Although I said it before, I didn't take it seriously, but I never thought that I could actually share the magic I knew. What's even more outrageous is that it seems that I can also share ritual magic that requires state of mind and understanding.

Unfortunately, in her excitement, Elise interrupted the magic.

The two recovered from their stiff state.

Luna quickly asked the two of them if they were feeling unwell and if they wanted to drink some medicine.

"It's okay, Luna, my guess was successful." Xifa waved his hand to signal her not to worry. As he progressed, he invited Luna to come.

Elise has successfully verified Xifa's idea. Then she should not fail! Luna silently cheered herself up.


As soon as she said it, Luna raised her wand and cast a spell on Xifa.

"Luna should not make any mistakes. The next step is how to connect the minds of the three people."

There was no movement for a long time, Xifa waited quietly, and involuntarily thought about what to do next in his mind.

"I will never make a mistake!"

Seemingly hearing Xifa's compliment, Luna couldn't hold back and sent her thoughts into Xifa's mind.

"Haha, Luna, your state of mind can be so calm. If you hadn't taken the initiative to speak out, I wouldn't have noticed that you had successfully cast the spell."

Xifa's surprise was completely revealed in Luna's feelings.

In reality, she narrowed her crescent-shaped eyes, like a cat master enjoying the service of her slave.

However, the thoughts in her heart were completely different in Xifa's heart.

"Don't praise me. I have been brewing potions since I was a child, so I am naturally calm. Elise is only too nervous because she is doing a magic experiment on you for the first time."

Xifa sighed: "You are really excellent. In this case, I will pass on the ritual magic to you first."

Luna accepted Xifa's idea of ​​passing on knowledge, and she was prepared for the impact of the torrent of memories. If she couldn't hold on, she would faint here.

You know, in the family, how can you spend time boringly memorizing the ingredients of potions? Of course, there is a heritage stone tablet built by the ancestors with a lot of money. It is to imprint the potion information collected by the family in your mind, what a feeling

It’s very uncomfortable.

At that time, I was still young and had to fall into coma several times before I succeeded. Now...

Luna originally thought that Xifa would pass on all his memories of the ancient text to her, and then slowly digest it by herself, but she didn't expect that it turned out to be an enigmatic passage.

The most important thing is that you can clearly understand what it is.

But I have never studied ancient Chinese!

Luna was in a daze and couldn't believe that a ritual spell had been transmitted to her mind.

Xifa: "Wake up, Luna, go and try to see if you can drive the compass."

Xifa: "Elise, it's your turn."

***The author has something to say***

Pursuing reading is very important. If you don’t have this, you won’t be able to advance to the next level. There is a high probability that you will be cut off~!!!!!

There are too many words, so I wrote them in a hurry. If there are any bad things, please leave a message and I will correct them when I have time

This chapter has been completed!
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